SPARK 2021: Register Today
Oct. 12-14
Registration Now Open! Early Bird Discount Available Until Sept. 13.
Designed by the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities and Council on Accreditation (Alliance-COA), SPARK 2021 is a three-day virtual learning experience that will activate the power of the social sector. It also signals an exciting new era for us and the sector, as we will be launching our new organization during the opening session.
Join us for this three-day, virtual learning experience, to convene leaders from across the human services ecosystem to create a unified, intrepid, just, and purposeful network so that all people can thrive.
Fueled by a commitment to advance equity and improve the well-being of all people, we will elevate important conversations around some of today’s most vexing challenges and inspire participants to implement innovative practice, policy, and research.

Dr. Ibram X. Kendi
Bestselling Author
How to Be an Antiracist
Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities
Boston University

Heather McGhee
Bestselling author
The Sum of Us