Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Intercultural Development Inventory® (IDI®)

To be equipped to advance equity within your organization, community, and beyond, it also is essential to understand and advance your personal equity journey. Administered by Social Current, the Intercultural Development Inventory® (IDI®) provides valuable and actionable information about your own mindset and skillset around cultural difference and commonality. The IDI®, a 50-item online questionnaire, has been developed and tested using rigorous cross-culturally validated psychometric protocols with over 220,000 respondents from a wide range of cultural groups and countries.

After taking the assessment, participants receive practical and in-depth individualized feedback regarding cross-cultural strengths and opportunities for growth. This includes a customized IDI® Individual Profile Report, confidential 60-minute one-on-one debrief session, and a follow-up session three months post-assessment. During the debrief meeting, one of Social Current’s qualified administrators reviews your results and works with you to develop a plan to meet your personal intercultural development goals.

The IDI® is ideal for executives, directors, and supervisors, as well as those who lead equity, diversity, and inclusion efforts.

Assessment Takeaways

  • Understand the relationship between your personal beliefs and skills and cultural difference and commonality
  • Gain a customized EDI plan based on your assessment report that recognizes your strengths and identifies opportunities for growth

Maximize the IDI® Experience

Purchase the IDI® online now to get started, or contact us through the form below to learn more.

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