Child, Family, and Community Well-Being

New Toolkit Based on Latest in Family Strengthening

Jody Levison-Johnson Jody Levison-Johnson
President and CEO of Social Current
September 17, 2024

When the Commission to Eliminate Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities released its groundbreaking report in 2016, much of the focus was on identifying risk factors. Since that time, however, through national initiatives such as Child Safety Forward and the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve learned that a preventive, public health approach requires an emphasis on protective factors and family strengthening policies.

With these strategies in mind, the Within Our Reach team at Social Current has developed a new Policy, Education, and Communications Toolkit that offers the latest research, resources, learnings, and tools for building a 21st-Century Child and Family Well-Being System that is based on identifying protective factors and strengthening families.

Download the toolkit for:

  • The latest insight on family strengthening policies
  • How to use framing science to effectively communicate about child welfare
  • Recommendations for parents, stakeholders, and child protective services agencies
  • Tips for advocacy efforts
  • Tips, tools, and templates for engaging media

This toolkit was created with support from Casey Family Programs and with input from a Parent Steering Committee including parents with lived experience. We invite you to share this with your constituencies and to utilize it in support of messaging and policies that will help a broad range of stakeholders continue to strengthen families through a public health response to child and family well-being.

Please download the toolkit online.

Jody Levison-Johnson

About Jody Levison-Johnson

Jody Levison-Johnson is a licensed clinical social worker and the president and CEO of Social Current. She has worked in a variety of private and public sector settings. Levison-Johnson has extensive knowledge in (and passion for) best practice in human and social service environments, system and program reform, public sector behavioral health, child welfare, and managed care implementation and operations. She holds a Master of Social Work degree from Syracuse University and a Master of Arts and PhD in Leadership and Change from Antioch University.