Last Wednesday, Social Current held its first-ever Hill Day in Washington, D.C., as part of our larger SPARK 2023 conference. During this event, 40 participants from dozens of our network organizations participated in over 50 meetings with members of Congress and staff to build support for the bipartisan Streamlining Federal Grants Act. Each of our advocates crisscrossed Capitol Hill throughout the day, speaking with numerous offices on both sides of the aisle about the necessity to pass this crucial legislation, which would simplify the grant application process so that all nonprofits, large and small, can access federal grants.

Based on initial reports from the participants, our delegation was received warmly with curiosity and growing support.

Hill Day teams met with multiple offices across Congress. The offices pictured above include Sens. John Cornyn (R-TX), John Kennedy (R-LA), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Alex Padilla (D-CA), and Tammy Baldwin (D-WI).

Prior to Hill Day, participants joined the Igniting Advocacy Training at SPARK 2023 to prepare for their conversations ahead. Led by Social Current’s Senior Director of Government Relations Blair Abelle-Kiser, the training covered the fundamentals of Congress, details on the Streamlining Federal Grants Act, and ways to effectively tell your organization’s story and build a compelling message. Participants left the trainings confident and prepared to advocate to their senators and representatives on behalf of their organizations and local communities.

Participants during the Igniting Advocacy Trainings at SPARK 2023

All in all, the advocacy training and Hill Day was a success. Social Current plans to host future advocacy days in Washington, D.C., as we, in concert with our network, flex our advocacy muscles to amplify the power of the social sector!

And save the date for SPARK 2024, Oct. 21-22, in Denver, Colorado.

Subscribe to the Policy and Advocacy Radar to receive our biweekly policy roundup, which includes commentary on issues in Social Current’s federal policy agenda, opportunities to take action, and curated news and opportunities.

The Biden-Harris Administration has proposed significant changes to the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) Uniform Grants Guidance aiming to benefit nonprofit organizations, particularly addressing concerns related to indirect costs. These reforms are set to streamline service delivery, enhance equity, and improve the administration of federal financial assistance. Key provisions include bolstering federal reimbursement for nonprofits’ indirect costs, simplifying the federal grant process, and advancing equity.

Bolstering Federal Reimbursement for Nonprofits’ Indirect Costs

The proposed OMB Uniform Grants Guidance seeks to increase reimbursement rates for indirect costs carried by nonprofit organizations, currently set at ten percent. The new plan raises the de minimis rate to 15 percent, providing better recovery of indirect costs, especially for newer organizations without formal rate negotiation capabilities.

Making the Federal Grant Process Simpler and More Equitable

The OMB Grant Guidance proposes several changes to simplify and make the federal financial assistance management process more transparent and equitable:

Advancing Equity and Overcoming Barriers

The proposed revisions aim to reduce complexity and lower barriers for recipients of federal financial assistance, particularly those in underserved communities:

Additional Significant Reforms

In addition to the above, the proposed reforms include:

These proposed reforms represent a significant shift towards a more accessible, equitable, and efficient federal grant process, mainly supporting nonprofit organizations and addressing longstanding concerns related to indirect costs. Public comments on these reforms are invited until Dec. 4, 2023, offering an opportunity for further input and refinement.


HHS Announces Major Step Forward for Kinship Caregivers

The Department of Health and Human Services released a new rule to help relatives become licensed or approved foster caregivers. Research has clearly demonstrated children are served better by living with kinship caregivers. Kinship families, however, have faced unnecessary barriers to becoming licensed, including requirements to participate in trainings that are geared toward non-relative foster parents. Under the new rule, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other kin will have more expedient access to licensing or approval. They will also receive services and foster care maintenance payments equal to other foster families. The rule includes provisions to address other unique aspects of kinship caregiving, such as raising the age limit for kinship foster care providers and allowing foster children to share sleeping spaces with kin. HHS has pledged to work closely with states, tribes, community-based organizations, and families as they integrate these new policies.

HHS Introduces New Initiatives on Maternal Health Day of Action

On Sept. 27, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Maternal Health Day of Action, Secretary Xavier Becerra announced $103 million in awards to address gaps in maternal health across the nation, as well as a new task force on the issue and a new national public education campaign called “Talking Postpartum Depression.” To combat the maternal mortality crisis, the secretary said at the announcement ceremony, “HHS is taking action to improve maternal care, help new moms, and ensure their children have the healthiest start in life.” The Human Resources and Services Administration will disperse the vast majority of the funds to efforts such as expanding the perinatal workforce, increasing access to maternal health in underprivileged and rural communities, funding wrap around services like OB/GYNs and midwives, and developing maternal health research. A newly announced task force on maternal mental health will convene experts and those with lived experience to identify best practices and evidence-based interventions to improve health equity and incorporate trauma-informed practices. Finally, the “Talking Postpartum Depression” campaign will exhibit personal stories from women who have experienced postpartum depression and increase awareness of symptoms and resources.

The House of Representatives Loses Its Speaker

Last week, for the first time in the country’s history, the Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), was toppled, leaving the House of Representatives without a leader and the federal budget negotiations in turmoil. McCarthy joined with moderate Republicans and the Democrats the week before to pass a continuing resolution, which would fund the government at current levels for forty-five days, buying more time for Congress to negotiate the budget. This caused backlash from far-right members of the GOP caucus, led by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fl.), who initiated a motion to vacate the Speakership, ultimately overthrowing McCarthy.

It is unclear where the House goes from here. The first step is for the GOP to elect a new Speaker. So far, two members, Reps. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Steve Scalise (R-La.), have thrown their hats in the ring of what will undoubtedly be a tendentious fight for leadership. The new Speaker, whoever it may be, will have to steer a challenging negotiation in the House over the federal budget, with two issues taking center stage: border security and Ukraine aid.

Subscribe to the Policy and Advocacy Radar to receive our biweekly policy roundup, which includes commentary on issues in Social Current’s federal policy agenda, opportunities to take action, and curated news and opportunities.

Social Current has always emphasized that together, we can create a greater impact. By working across systems, community-based organizations can establish a web of services that maximize their strengths and address their needs to better serve their staff and communities.

At Social Current, we provide multiple pathways toward purposeful partnership. From Strategic Industry Partners to Network Champions to Corporations and Philanthropy, we bolster our network’s impact by sharing their business solutions and opportunities.

Our President and CEO Jody Levison-Johnson would like to introduce our Gold Strategic Industry Partners in this video. These four partners offer specialized products and services that benefit the sector:

Meet Social Current’s Gold Strategic Industry Partners

CCNY, Inc: There’s always a human side to analytics, and that’s where CCNY comes in. With consultative services that encompass data collection, evaluation, analytics, predictive modeling, and quality improvement, it’s their job to facilitate data-driven decisionmaking for those who work in health and human services.

DCM Associates (DCM): DCM’s nationally recognized and experienced leadership search consultants and coaches provide affordable expertise to help CEOs and leadership teams perform better as well as provide education, assessments, and surveys to help the entire organization, board, and leadership team develop best practices.

DCM offers a special executive search rate for Social Current’s COA-accredited organizations or Engagement Package holders year-round. They also invite you to participate in this nationwide CEO and Board Chair survey through Oct. 23.

Mutual of America Financial Group: Mutual of America offers a wide variety of pension and savings retirement plans for organizations of all sizes. They provide full services for 401(k), 403(b), Profit-Sharing, and 457 Deferred Comp plans and deliver the cost-efficiency of a full-service provider. Mutual of America can help you meet your investment, communication, and administrative responsibilities. No brokers, third-party administrators, firms, or individuals in the middle to drive up costs and delay plan-related services. They work directly with their clients.

Your Part-Time Controller (YPTC): For over 30 years, YPTC has helped to build stronger nonprofits. With over 1,400 nonprofit clients from coast to coast, YPTC assists with their financial management needs. These services include:

Learn more about YPTC in this Partner Highlight.

Our Strategic Industry Partners support our annual SPARK Conference. Register today for SPARK 2023, Oct. 16-17 in Bethesda, Maryland.

Interested in partnering with Social Current? Contact Marisa Collins, director of strategic partnerships and partner communications, or visit our partnerships page online.

Through COA Accreditation, a service of Social Current, we seek to empower organizations to implement best practice standards to improve service delivery and achieve better outcomes for individuals and communities. COA Accreditation provides a framework to help organizations manage resources, incorporate best practices, and strive for continuous improvement.

We believe there is rich expertise in our field, so we ground the COA Accreditation process in our human and social services community. Our volunteer peer reviewers conduct our site visits and finalize accreditation decisions.

We are proud to spotlight the latest Volunteer of the Quarter: Shelley Huseman.

About Shelley Huseman

Shelley Huseman began her social service career in juvenile probation and corrections. After a difficult internship, however, she realized her calling was not with the probation department, but rather working with children and families. After the internship concluded, she accepted a position supervising visitation between parents and their children who were living in foster care.

While this work was more fulfilling to her, Shelley wanted more influence over outcomes. She became a child welfare specialist with a large agency and worked for several years assisting children, parents, and foster parents. Reunification was always desired when safe, and she worked diligently with parents to achieve this goal. Shortly after, Shelley was offered a supervisory position to assist other child welfare specialists in attaining reunification when possible.

Although graduate school was not on her radar, a degree was required for this supervisory role. As a new mother and full-time employee, Shelley went back to school to achieve her master’s in human services. She reflects on this time in her life saying, “while this was the most difficult time in my career, I would not change it.”

During this challenging time, Shelley attended a Family Focused Treatment Association (FFTA) Conference in Orlando, Fla., and it was there she became acquainted with COA Accreditation. She was inspired by the message and vision of COA Accreditation and knew she wanted to be a part of it.

After obtaining her master’s degree, she applied to become a peer reviewer and attended the training. She completed as many site visits as she could while working full time and became familiar with the standards for the social sector. Later, she was asked to become a team leader and commissioner and says, “it was an easy decision.”

She worked as a regional director with a state-wide agency until 2022, and she now serves as a public service administrator for the State of Illinois.


What are your strongest beliefs about the value of COA Accreditation?

Every social service agency should be accredited with the highest possible standards, within a process that assists the agency and staff in becoming the best possible resource they can be.

What advice would you give someone interested in being a COA Accreditation volunteer?

Make sure you have the desire and ability to work with other professionals who are doing things differently than you. Remain open to learning different ways of addressing social services and embrace those differences. This is not an adversarial process and should never be entered into as one. We are here to assist agencies in providing the best possible services and it is our duty to provide the framework for them. Being a COA Accreditation peer reviewer is a very rewarding experience that allows the reviewer to learn and grow while providing a critical service to other professionals.

Share a memorable place, person, or experience from a site visit.

My most memorable experience on a site visit was when I got to meet and work with Social Current’s Director of Volunteer Engagement, Darrell Woodliff, for the first time. This experience even overshadows my visit to Hawaii, if you can believe that. I was instantly drawn to his kindness, knowledge, intensity, and humor. He gave me the standard of reviewer that I wanted to someday become, and I am still working on it 14 years later. I have had the pleasure of working with him since then and reach out to him often; he has never let me down.

What excites, surprises, and/or challenges you the most about the work you do as a COA Accreditation volunteer?

I love working with professionals from other agencies and states. I learn so much from each visit and utilize much of what I learn in my own management. I have also made many friends within the COA Accreditation peer team. I find it challenging when an agency does not agree with the standards. While this has only occurred on a few occasions, I believe in the standards COA Accreditation has established and know they assure the best possible practice from accredited agencies.

Learn more about how to become a peer review volunteer and apply online.

Reports highlight findings in multi-year effort to develop strategies to reduce child abuse and neglect.

WASHINGTON, DCChild Safety Forward (CSF) today released the final evaluation report of its four-year demonstration initiative funded by the Department of Justice (DOJ) with technical assistance led by Social Current. CSF, which was launched in October 2019 by the DOJ’s Office for Victims of Crime, engaged five sites across the U.S. in the demonstration initiative, which included research, planning and implementation around strategies aimed at reducing child injury and fatality from abuse and neglect.

The CSF demonstration sites include: The Indiana Department of Health; St. Francis Hospital in Hartford, Connecticut; Cook County Health in Illinois; the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services; and the Sacramento County Child Abuse Prevention Council. Final reports from the sites are available here.

Through CSF, the five demonstration sites received technical assistance from a team of national experts to help plan and implement an all-systems approach to respond to and reduce child maltreatment fatalities and child crime victimization. Technical assistance focused on collecting and analyzing data using a safety science approach; developing strong community collaboratives; engaging persons with lived experience; developing and implementing a communications strategy; addressing systemic bias, racism, and issues of power; and using a developmental evaluation approach.

“Each of the strategies identified and implemented by the five sites were unique and specific to their communities,” commented Amy Templeman, director of Within Our Reach and senior director of child and family well-being at Social Current. “However, they all shared a common trait – they all pivoted away from an approach that only took into account risk factors and broadened their focus to protective factors, which is ultimately at the heart of a public health approach that engages voices of those with lived experience as experts in finding the solutions that will make all lives better.”

Demonstration sites conducted retrospective reviews of child fatality data and/or collected additional community-level and system-level data to inform their implementation plans. The following summarizes the key strategies and learnings from each site:

Some of the key lessons learned and takeaways from the initiative include:

Parent engagement strategies often end up being transactional and unidirectional. To address this, we must unlearn, test new infrastructures and ways to building partnerships with parents, and relearn as a system how to effectively address the existing power imbalance that makes it difficult for the system and parents to be united in their commitment to keeping children safe and at home.

“Child Safety Forward’s ability to evolve over time is one of the keys to its success,” noted Stacy Phillips, Victim Justice Program Specialist with the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) within the U.S. Department of Justice. “The technical assistance team worked to create a culture of learning around the many strategies developed by the sites and were able to support sites in building flexibility into their approach. OVC was proud to support this work and contribute toward an extensive community of learning across the field with regard to reducing child maltreatment and fatalities.”

About the Within Our Reach Office 

Within Our Reach is an office established within Social Current to further the recommendations of the federal Commission to Eliminate Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities. The goal of Within Our Reach is to equip policymakers, practitioners, and advocates with the tools they need to fundamentally reform child welfare. Based on the commission’s national strategy, desired reform includes a proactive public health approach—a shared family and community responsibility to keep children safe. Within Our Reach is made possible through collaboration with Casey Family Programs, whose mission is to provide, improve, and prevent the need for foster care.   

Disclaimer: This product was supported by cooperative agreement number 2019-V3-GX-K005, awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this product are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice. 

On Thursday, the House of Representatives went on recess without passing a single funding bill—just 10 days before the federal government is scheduled to run out of money. Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) tried and failed twice last week to pass a defense spending bill, all with the hope of building momentum in the chamber to pass a short-term continuing resolution that would fund the entire government. His latest overture to the hard-right members of his caucus included an 8% reduction in domestic spending, more stringent immigration laws, and establishment of a fiscal commission to recommend changes to entitlement spending. His proposed spending level was $1.526 trillion, $64 billion less than what he agreed to with President Joe Biden earlier this year and a non-starter in the Democratic-controlled Senate.

Despite these concessions, members of the far-right scuttled the defense spending bill, sending the entire process into chaos. With time ticking toward the Sept. 30 deadline, it is unclear how Speaker McCarthy intends to pick up the pieces and avoid a disastrous government shutdown that, by some estimates, would cut GDP by 0.2 percentage points for each week in duration and could force the economy into a recession.

Democrats Introduce Bill to Save Child Care

On Sept. 13, leading Democrats in the Senate and House of Representatives introduced the Child Care Stabilization Act, which would fend off an impending catastrophe in the child care sector by funneling money to providers. The bill, co-sponsored by Sens. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Representative Kathryn Clark (D-Mass.), would dedicate $16 billion per year in mandatory funding for the next five years to child care providers, keeping the sector afloat after a series of tumultuous years during and after the pandemic. On Sept. 30, $24 billion in stabilization assistance, which has been a lifeline to the sector, is set to expire.
According to one analysis from The Century Foundation, if no additional funding is found, 70,000 child care programs would shutter, 3.2 million children would lose care, 232,000 workers would be out of jobs, and states would lose $10.6 billion in tax and business revenue. The Child Care Stabilization Act would continue this much-needed funding stream and ensure child care centers can provide high-quality and affordable child care.

HUD Announces New Awards to Tackle Youth Homelessness

On Sept. 20, The Department of Housing and Urban Development announced $60.3 million in awards for efforts to end youth homelessness in 16 communities. The program, called the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program, funds a variety of services depending on local needs, including rapid rehousing, host homes, and transitional housing. During the awards process, HUD engaged youth who had experienced homelessness, eliciting their feedback on applications.

Award recipients will use the funds to tackle their communities’ unique challenges, with a special focus on equitable approaches to disproportionately affected groups, including BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and differently abled youth. Each community is required to create Youth Action Boards, which are led by youth with lived experience and strive to design and improve programs. In total, 110 communities have received $440 million through the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program. In preparing this round of recipients, HUD worked closely with the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Education, and the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness to support development of the program. YHDP is part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s All In initiative, which seeks to reduce homelessness by 25% by 2025.

New Initiative Focuses on TANF and Child Welfare Collaboration on Prevention

The Office of Family Assistance and the Children’s Bureau, within the Administration for Children and Families, announced a joint initiative called Families Are Stronger Together (FAST), which will create a new Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) learning community built around collaboration between TANF and child welfare agencies, with a special focus on prevention. Because one of TANF’s goals is to ensure children are supported in their own home or in the home of relatives, TANF has a large role to play in providing economic assistance to struggling families. The learning community will develop new strategies for coordination between TANF and child welfare agencies that support families and prevent poor outcomes for children. Over the 12-month initiative, 10 teams made up of TANF and child welfare agencies from different states will work with coaches, attend in-person gatherings, and receive technical assistance.

Subscribe to the Policy and Advocacy Radar to receive our biweekly policy roundup, which includes commentary on issues in Social Current’s federal policy agenda, opportunities to take action, and curated news and opportunities.

On Aug. 30, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) proposed a new rule that will directly impact overtime pay policies in the social sector. The social sector must have a seat at the table as the Department considers implementing its changes.

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) mandates minimum wage and overtime pay for eligible employees. An exemption known as the “white-collar,” or executive, administrative, or professional (EAP) exemption exists for certain employees, which is subject to specific criteria set by the DOL.

The proposed changes to the EAP exemption include:

The proposed changes aim to better define who qualifies for the EAP exemption by aligning salary levels with contemporary wage data. These updates are based on the DOL’s commitment to regularly review and adjust salary thresholds to keep pace with changing wages.

The Department estimates these changes could affect 3.4 million employees who would gain overtime protection and 248,900 employees affected by the HCE total annual compensation increase. The estimated direct employer costs over the first ten years would be $664 million, with $1.3 billion in annualized income transfers from employers to employees.

The proposed adjustments to the EAP exemption aim to ensure it remains relevant and effective in distinguishing between exempt and nonexempt employees while considering economic impacts on employers and employees.

Here are relevant resources to better understand the new rule:

Please read these resources and learn how it would impact your organization.

The DOL has opened the new rule to public comment for 60 days. Social Current is seeking feedback from the network to inform our response, which we will submit to the DOL by the deadline on Halloween. We also encourage network organizations to submit their own comments.

Please get in touch with our Government Relations Team at and with questions or feedback on the rule.

You can also submit feedback through this form.

New Nonprofit Workforce Shortage Crisis Report from NCN

The National Council of Nonprofits recently released its annual report 2023 Nonprofit Workforce Survey Results: Communities Suffer as Nonprofit Workforce Shortage Crisis Continues. The report, based on 1,600 survey responses from all 50 states and the District of Columbia in April, paints a stark picture of the social sector struggling to recover from the pandemic. Nearly three quarters of respondents reported job vacancies in their organizations, with 75 percent of respondents citing vacancies in program and service delivery positions, and 41 percent in entry-level positions. Almost 52 percent said they have more vacancies than before the pandemic, and 28 percent said they have longer waiting lists for services. The main staffing challenges are related to salary competition and budget constraints. 72 percent of respondents cited competition with other sectors as a barrier to recruitment and retention, and two-thirds referred to budget constraints/insufficient funds as a significant issue. About half of respondents named stress and burnout as an obstacle. Ominously, over 70 percent of nonprofits expect less or the same level of charitable giving in 2023.

The survey also asked respondents to mention solutions to the staffing difficulties they are facing. Four policy solutions topped the list, including reform of government grants and contracts, implementation of charitable giving incentives, support for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program, and funding for child care.

Possible Government Shutdown

With the deadline to pass the federal budget by Sept. 30 rapidly approaching, lawmakers in Congress are desperately trying to cobble together a continuing resolution that would avoid a debilitating government shutdown. Only three out of the twelve bills that constitute the federal budget are even close to passage in the Senate, and the House is nowhere near passing a single bill. Leaders on both sides of the aisle have agreed that a continuing resolution, which would fund the government at current levels for a short period of time, is necessary to buy time to reach a deal on the FY 2024 budget.

However, stark disagreements have emerged over supplemental funding for Ukraine and disaster aid many wish to see attached to the continuing resolution. The Senate supports President Joe Biden’s request for $24 billion in aid to Ukraine, but members of the House GOP are pressuring House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R- Calif.) to drop it. In response, McCarthy is considering exchanging Ukraine aid for stricter border policies on immigration and asylum that the Freedom Caucus supports. Theoretically, McCarthy has enough votes from House Democrats and moderate Republicans to pass a clean resolution; however, he has felt intense pressure from far-right caucus members to give in to their demands.

Ultimately, a government shutdown would be disastrous for the country, as job growth slows, interest rates rise, and policymakers work to avoid a recession.

HHS Proposes New Rule to Bolster Anti-Discrimination on the Basis of Disability

On Thursday, the Department of Health and Human Services proposed a rule that would strengthen anti-discrimination provisions for people with disabilities. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in access to health and human service programs that receive federal assistance. The rule would update and clarify Section 504 in light of the changing legal landscape of disability discrimination. It would prohibit medical professionals from using stereotypes and biases about individuals with disabilities, as well as judgments about their value and burden on others, as bases for making medical decisions. The proposal would also create enforceable standards for accessible medical equipment and require access to integrated, community-based settings when appropriate for people with disabilities. Finally, the rule clarifies non-discrimination provisions in the child welfare space, when it comes to areas, such as parent-child visitation, child removals and placements, as well as foster and adoptive parent assessment. The public has 60 days to register comments on the rule.

Subscribe to the Policy and Advocacy Radar to receive our biweekly policy roundup, which includes commentary on issues in Social Current’s federal policy agenda, opportunities to take action, and curated news and opportunities.

A recent study from Deloitte Research Center revealed workforce well-being has continued to decline since last year, leaving more employees feeling exhausted (52%), stressed (49%), and overwhelmed (43%). In fact, a significant percentage of employees say their job has negatively impacted their physical (33%), mental (40%), and social (21%) well-being.

“Executives have an opportunity to rewrite this story—for their employees, for their managers, and also for themselves. Work shouldn’t be the reason people feel exhausted, stressed, and isolated from friends and family,” notes this article about the study. “Employees should feel that they’re able to take time off and disconnect, and managers should feel capable of providing the support their team members need.”

Despite these alarming trends, the study also identifies solutions for supporting a healthy, thriving workforce:

“Human sustainability” is defined by the study as the “creation of value for current and future workers and, more broadly, human beings and society.” According to Deloitte, 82% of employees report they would be more likely to take a job that is advancing human sustainability.

Though working in human services can be particularly challenging, organizations can tap into people’s desire to be connected to a greater societal purpose by keeping them connected with and engaged in their mission and impact.

How Social Current’s Work Aligns with Findings

Social Current’s workforce resilience approach is based on four core learning concepts that are deeply rooted in equity and brain science for long-term organizational impact. This approach works to enhance and embed human sustainability at the individual, organizational, and collective levels by:

Advancing Brain Science and Regulation

Deloitte’s study revealed a lack of capacity for workers, managers, and executives to accomplish their workloads while remaining accountable for their personal and organizational well-being. Social Current’s approach to workforce resilience uses brain science to offer tangible tools for increasing regulation, allowing for increased connection, accountability, and trust.

Building Psychological Safety

The practice of psychological safety is built into the workforce culture over time and requires leaders to respond to staff challenges by modeling authenticity, accountability, and compassion, creating space for sharing and listening. Deloitte’s study, however, revealed that although most managers (73%) believe they should be modeling healthy behavior, they do not feel empowered to do so (42%). Social Current’s experts provide guidance to empower organizational leaders to embrace and embody these concepts.

Prioritizing Positive Workplace Culture

This year, 60% of employees and 75% of executives were considering quitting their current jobs in search of better well-being outcomes. Resilience at work is highly dependent on a positive culture that reflects the organization’s stated values and beliefs. Social Current’s approach makes culture a priority to prevent and mitigate workforce concerns such as secondary traumatic stress and burnout.

Increasing Connection

Nearly a third of employees reported feeling like their manager did not care about their well-being in Deloitte’s study, and only 35% of managers reported being open about their well-being with their employees. We are hardwired for connection, and an organization is more likely to thrive when employees feel connected. Social Current’s approach models practices, such as frequent check-ins, peer mentors, normalizing discussions around mental health and EDI, and finding shared purpose to build meaningful connection.

If you are ready to take accountability for your organization’s workforce well-being, contact us to learn more about next steps, or register for our upcoming four-part “Building a Resilient Workforce” webinar series.

On Tuesday, the Biden administration began accepting applications for a new student debt program called SAVE (Saving on a Valuable Education). This income-driven repayment plan will determine monthly payments based on income and family size, rather than loan balance. The administration says that many eligible borrowers will pay nothing in monthly payments, while others will save about $1,000 per year. These individuals will pay about 5% of their discretionary income, down from 10% previously. This low-income repayment plan comes after numerous recent setbacks for the administration in their work on student debt relief. As part of the budget deal with House Republicans earlier this year, the administration agreed to end the pandemic-era pause on student loan payments by Oct. 1. Furthermore, the Supreme Court shot down the administration’s far-ranging student debt relief plan earlier this summer. The SAVE program is another attempt by the Biden administration to help borrowers in need. According to the administration, it has cancelled $116 billion in student loan debt held by 3.4 million Americans.

Federal Budget Negotiations Roll On

This week, Speaker Kevin McCarthy told House Republicans that Congress will likely need to pass a stopgap bill, also known as a continuing resolution. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer confirmed Wednesday that he and McCarthy had recently agreed to pursue the resolution, a short-term government funding bill that could help Congress avoid a shutdown. When members of Congress return in September from their month-long August recess, there will be just a few weeks left to decide on spending bills if no resolution is passed. The continuing resolution would keep the government funded past the Sept. 30 deadline, giving the Democrat-led Senate and the Republican-led House more time to decide on the 12 spending bills that constitute the federal budget.

Congress must resort to a continuing resolution even though President Biden and Speaker McCarthy agreed earlier this year to a budget deal that would fund the government for an entire fiscal year. Since then, House Republicans proposed a budget that is $100 billion less than the brokered deal, while the Senate proposed spending $13 billion more. Leaders of both parties are urging their caucuses to drop unrealistic provisions and come to a compromise. Congress will hopefully overcome this impasse by the expiration of the continuing resolution, perhaps around Christmas. Social Current will continue to monitor the negotiation process and advocate for appropriations that are of vital interest to the social sector.

HHS Announces New Funding for Mental Health

On Aug. 23, the Department of Health and Human Services dispersed over $64 million in funding to help communities deal with the national mental health crisis. $59.4 million was made available as part of the $250 million for FY 2022-2025 in the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, which Congress and President Biden signed into law last year. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra said, “With these critical investments, states and territories will be able to continue to serve as an invaluable safety net for mental health services for some of the nation’s most vulnerable populations, including those impacted by gun violence, disasters, and other emergencies.” The remaining $5 million in awards will support Mental Health Awareness Training grants, which provides training for individuals and communities in responding appropriately to people with mental health challenges. These grants will help first responders, teachers, and others care for people with mental health or substance use challenges and refer them to appropriate service providers.

HHS Reports Inflation Reduction Act Reduces Health Care Costs

The Department of Health and Human Services announced that, with the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) on Aug. 16, 2022, millions of consumers are already spending less on health care. The IRA extended subsidies for health insurance purchased on and state-based marketplaces, which led to a record enrollment of 16.4 million people during the 2023 open enrollment period. Of all signups, 90% are receiving subsidies toward their monthly premiums. The IRA also made significant changes to Medicare. Monthly insulin payments are capped at $35, saving 1.5 million seniors an average of $500 per year compared to costs in 2020. Also, more vaccines are available cost-free, including shingles, and hepatitis A and B. Finally, the IRA will implement a new out-of-pocket cap on prescription drugs in 2024, which will drop to $2,000 annually in 2025, saving almost $400 per year for more than 18.7 enrollees in Medicare Part D.

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Social Current announced today that Arabella Pérez, DSW, MSW has joined the organization as Chief Operating Officer. Social Current is a network of more than 1,800 human/social service organizations and partners that work to support, elevate, and expand the work of the social sector through collaboration, innovation, policy, and practice excellence.

Dr. Pérez is a licensed clinical social worker of 30 years and former board member of Social Current and the Council on Accreditation (COA). Prior to joining Social Current, Dr. Pérez was the vice president of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) for the National Association of Social Work and a social work professor at the University of New England. From 2005-2015, she served as a system of care director, leading three grant projects for the state of Maine funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA). She is the founder and former chief executive officer of THRIVE, a nonprofit, technical assistance center for trauma- and culturally informed care. Additionally, she is a graduate of the Hanley Leadership Program and was named a teaching scholar on justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion for the Maine Educational System.

Dr. Pérez is a certified cultural competency educator and has consulted with states and communities on the development of behavioral health systems through federal site monitoring and coaching for SAMHSA. Her private consultation practice has focused on leadership and trauma-informed organizational change management in the private and not for profit sectors. She is a sought-out presenter and has published on the topic of trauma-informed care and culturally empowering education. She received her MSW and DSW from Tulane University.

“Dr. Pérez brings a passion for our mission and a demonstrated track record of social sector excellence to her work at Social Current as our inaugural COO,” commented Jody Levison-Johnson, president and CEO of Social Current. “Her efforts to promote systemic change and experience providing technical assistance in equity, diversity, and inclusion and trauma-informed care aligns perfectly with our mission and vision to ignite change for an equitable society where all people can thrive.” “I am excited to join an organization of people who are committed to making positive and lasting impacts in our communities,” commented Dr. Pérez. “I look forward to working together with the staff and management team at Social Current to tackle major social issues and to work collaboratively across the social sector with our many partners and colleagues.”