On June 12, the Senate Committee on Finance held a hearing to address concerns regarding the treatment of children in some Youth Residential Treatment Facilities (YRTFs), focusing on instances of abuse, unsafe conditions, and inadequate care. This hearing followed a report detailing such harms. However, it is essential to note that most of these facilities operate safely and are standards-based, providing critical care to children with complex needs.

Chairman Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) emphasized the trauma that children can endure in certain facilities and criticized profit-driven motives leading to falsification of records and understaffing. He vowed to end the abuse cycle and praised survivors for their courage. Wyden stated, “The experiences and trauma these kids are left with read like something out of a horror novel” and called for bold actions to improve oversight and standards for YRTFs.

Ranking Member Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) highlighted the need for oversight and patient-centered, best-practice-informed care, emphasizing that residential facilities should be a last resort. He stressed the importance of integrating patients into the community as soon as possible and ensuring that facilities provide high-quality, medically necessary treatment in safe, therapeutic environments.

Reagan Stanford, an abuse and neglect managing attorney for Disability Rights Arkansas, described widespread abuse, neglect, unsafe conditions, and lack of therapy and educational services in some Arkansas facilities. She recounted numerous incidents of violence and neglect, illustrating the need for significant reforms. Stanford recommended investing in community-based services, discontinuing funding for inadequate models, and improving oversight and data transparency.

Elizabeth Manley from the University of Connecticut identified challenges like insufficient infrastructure and misaligned funding incentives in certain facilities. She emphasized the importance of accessible, community-based, trauma-responsive care. She highlighted the success of New Jersey’s model, which has resulted in low rates of group care utilization and youth suicide. Manley underscored the necessity of technical assistance and comprehensive care systems to effectively support children and their families.

Kathryn A. Larin from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) echoed prior GAO reports on the misuse of psychotropic medications and restraints and the need for better staff training, a single state agency for abuse cases, and information sharing on best practices. Larin’s testimony highlighted the challenges of monitoring out-of-state placements and ensuring the appropriate use of medications and restraints. She stressed the importance of federal and state oversight in safeguarding the well-being of youth in residential facilities.

Throughout the hearing, senators and witnesses stressed the importance of providing high-quality in-home and community-based services and the potential of allowing Medicare to incentivize such services. They highlighted the need for oversight of specialized treatment, aligning funding with effective, patient-centered care models, strengthening staff training and penalties for abuse, and improving data transparency and research to validate effective therapies.

While significant issues were highlighted during the hearing, it is crucial to recognize that not all YRTFs experience these problems. Many facilities strive to provide safe, supportive, and effective care for children in need. The majority of YRTFs operate with a commitment to high standards, offering essential services to children who cannot be adequately cared for in family or community settings due to the complexity of their needs.

Examining the Impact of Abortion Bans on Women’s Health and Equity: A Senate Hearing Recap

On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions held a hearing titled “The Assault on Women’s Freedoms: How Abortion Bans Have Created a Health Care Nightmare Across America.” The hearing marked nearly two years since the Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, which granted states the authority to determine the legality of abortion. The focus was on the severe impact of abortion bans on women’s health care, particularly for those in marginalized communities, and how these bans intersect with broader issues of health equity within the current federal policy agenda.

Although Senator Bernie Sanders (D-Vt.) is the chairman of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, he asked Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash.) to chair the hearing. In his opening statement, Sanders detailed the historical struggle for women’s rights and the ongoing lack of representation in the Senate, emphasizing the importance of this hearing in addressing these critical issues.

Senator Murray shared poignant stories about the daily struggles women and families face when forced to carry pregnancies against their will and the challenges in accessing reproductive care. She highlighted the threats physicians face, including the risk of incarceration and the loss of medical licenses for providing reproductive health services.

Ranking member of the committee, Dr. Bill Cassidy (R-La.), acknowledged the diverse political views on abortion and encouraged continued dialogue. He emphasized the importance of supporting women throughout pregnancy and postpartum to ensure their health and wellness while underscoring the value of a child’s life before birth.

Madysyn Anderson, a college senior from the University of Houston, shared her personal experience with pregnancy just two weeks after Texas’s S.B. 8 law went into effect, banning abortion after six weeks. She recounted the difficulty of finding a clinic that would provide an abortion, eventually traveling to Mississippi at great financial and emotional cost. Her story highlighted the significant barriers and stress women face under restrictive abortion laws.

Dr. Nisha Verma, a board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist, spoke about the severe impact of abortion bans in Georgia, where she practices. She described the challenges her patients face, including increased economic hardship, staying with violent partners, and serious health issues due to the lack of access to abortion care. Dr. Verma emphasized the broader implications of abortion bans on women’s overall health, including mental health conditions like postpartum depression, which is a leading cause of pregnancy-related deaths in the U.S.

Destiny Lopez, acting co-CEO of the Guttmacher Institute, discussed the profound impact of abortion bans on people of color, those already parenting, and individuals with limited financial resources. She noted that the number of abortions provided by clinics increased by 10% from 2020, a testament to the resilience and determination of those seeking care despite the barriers. Lopez called for evidence-based policies that ensure all people have access to high-quality, affordable abortion care where they live.

Dr. Allison Linton, a complex family planning specialist, detailed the complexities of determining when an abortion is necessary to preserve a mother’s life under Wisconsin’s restrictive laws. She described the fear and confusion among physicians and patients alike, leading to delays in care and increased risks to women’s health. Dr. Linton stressed the need for clear guidelines and protections to allow healthcare providers to offer necessary care without the threat of legal repercussions.

Dr. Christina Francis, an OB/GYN hospitalist, presented the risks associated with abortions, including preterm birth and mental health issues. She highlighted the importance of in-person consultations to ensure fully informed consent and screen for coercion, intimate partner violence, and trafficking. Dr. Francis emphasized that while some view abortion as a necessary service, it carries significant health risks that must be carefully considered.

Melissa Ohden, founder of the Abortion Survivors Network, spoke about the experiences of individuals who survive abortion attempts and the need for comprehensive support beyond pregnancy termination. She stressed the importance of providing emotional, medical, and financial assistance to those affected by failed abortion attempts.

The hearing underscored how abortion bans disproportionately affect marginalized communities, exacerbating existing health disparities. Social Current, in its 2022-2024 federal policy agenda, considers abortion and other reproductive healthcare as critical health equity issues. The organization emphasizes the importance of advancing equity, ensuring equitable access to resources, and responding effectively to behavioral health needs. The testimonies highlighted the need for a holistic approach to health care that includes reproductive rights as a fundamental aspect of women’s health and well-being. Ensuring access to abortion care is essential for achieving health equity and supporting the broader goals of federal policy initiatives aimed at improving health outcomes for all communities.

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On May 22, over a dozen business organizations filed a lawsuit to block the Overtime Final Rule from going into effect. Filed in Plano, Texas, the same federal district court that struck down the Obama-era overtime rule, the business groups seek to vacate and enjoin the rule, declaring it beyond the Labor Department’s authority. They aim to block the salary threshold increases set for July 1, 2024 and Jan. 1, 2025 as well as the Department of Labor’s (DOL) plan to index the thresholds for inflation every three years.

The core argument is that the 2024 Rule raises the minimum salary threshold to a level the business groups believe is no longer a plausible proxy for the categories exempted from the overtime requirement by Congress. For over 80 years, salaried workers earning below a certain threshold have been entitled to time-and-a-half pay when working more than 40 hours per week. The threshold, however, has increased far slower than wage growth, excluding many lower-paid salaried workers from overtime protections.

The DOL’s rule will raise the minimum salary threshold for the overtime exemption for executive, administrative, and professional employees in two stages, additionally providing increases every three years to keep up with wage growth. This change will extend overtime protections to nearly one million workers, with an initial salary increase to $43,888 on July 1, up from $35,568. It will extend protections to about three million more workers on Jan. 1, 2025, with a second increase to $58,656 annually.

The plaintiffs argue the new rule will drastically increase labor costs and complicate employee relations, particularly for small businesses and non-profits. They claim the rule will require the reclassification of millions of employees from salaried to hourly workers, resulting in restricted work hours, reduced opportunities for advancement, and hindered job performance. The automatic indexing provision for salary thresholds is also seen as problematic, adding to potential operational costs and economic strain.

In the complaint, the plaintiffs argue the 2024 Rule will impermissibly deprive millions of employees of their exempt status, making their duties, functions, or tasks irrelevant if their salary falls below the new minimum. They claim the rule contradicts congressional intent and the statutory limits of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The business groups are seeking expedited consideration of their complaint to avoid the impending changes set to take effect in July 2024 and January 2025.

The outcome of this legal challenge will have significant implications for employers and employees across various industries, particularly in how businesses manage and compensate their workforce under the revised overtime regulations.

Senate Finance Committee Reviews Progress and Challenges of the Family First Prevention Services Act

On May 22, during Foster Care Awareness Month, the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing titled “The Family First Prevention Services Act: Successes, Roadblocks, and Opportunities for Improvement.” The session gathered experts, policymakers, and stakeholders to discuss the progress and challenges of the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) since its 2018 enactment.

Sen. Mike Crapo highlighted the bipartisan nature of FFPSA, focusing on transforming child welfare to prioritize prevention and family preservation. He emphasized the importance of mental health and substance use disorder treatments in keeping families intact and reducing reliance on foster care. Crapo noted recent regulations to reduce bureaucratic barriers for family members to become licensed foster parents, which support children living with trusted caregivers. Chairman Ron Wyden stressed the necessity of federal funding to empower kinship caregivers and the importance of prevention services to address mental health and substance use disorders. He called for removing bureaucratic barriers that prevent states from fully utilizing available prevention funds and urged better allocation of resources towards prevention services.

JooYeun Chang from the Doris Duke Foundation discussed the impact of FFPSA in shifting the child welfare paradigm toward prevention. She noted barriers to accessing necessary services and recommended structural changes to broaden eligibility for prevention services, including support for domestic violence and economic hardships. Chang emphasized community-based support systems and data-driven approaches to serve at-risk populations effectively. David Reed from the Indiana Department of Child Services highlighted Indiana’s success in reducing the number of children in foster care by over 50%. He emphasized the importance of flexible, comprehensive service models like Indiana’s Family Preservation Services, which address various family needs. Reed shared examples of targeted interventions, such as providing transportation support, which have kept families together and reduced racial disparities in child removals.

Rebecca Jones Gaston from the Administration for Children and Families discussed the broader implementation of FFPSA across states and tribes, emphasizing cultural responsiveness in prevention programs and regulatory actions to strengthen kinship care. She pointed out workforce shortages as well as the need for better collaboration across service systems. Gaston stressed the role of federal support in overcoming these challenges and the importance of continuous evaluation to measure prevention program effectiveness. The hearing underscored the commitment to improving child welfare through FFPSA. Significant progress has been made, but challenges remain. Continued collaboration between federal and state agencies and community partners is essential to refine and expand prevention services, ensuring all children can grow up in safe, stable, and loving environments.

Senate Committee Examines Reauthorization and Impact of the Older Americans Act

On Thursday, May 23, the United States Senate Special Committee on Aging held a hearing to discuss the impact of the Older Americans Act and its upcoming reauthorization. May is recognized as Older Americans Month, celebrating the contributions of older persons to our nation and highlighting the need for resources and services to support the aging process. Chairman Bob Casey (D-Pa.) spoke of the Act’s success in helping countless older adults access nutrition services, legal support, and social networking, among other services. He emphasized critical priorities for the reauthorization, including the Strategic Plan for Aging Act to improve public-private partnerships and the importance of Long-Term Care Ombudsmen in monitoring nursing home safety.

Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.) highlighted older Americans’ economic challenges, especially amidst unprecedented inflation. He emphasized the importance of innovation and flexible spending to meet individual needs. He addressed the administrative burdens and changing definitions of “Greatest Social Need” that impact access to nutrition programs. Braun advocated for transparency and increased oversight, requiring the Administration to summarize state ombudsman long-term care annual reports and publish a list of funded resource centers.

Janet Billott, a former nursing aide and recipient of Meals on Wheels, testified about the immense impact of the service during her illness, noting the connection she built with Fred, her delivery person. She also praised the Area Agency on Aging for providing transportation to medical appointments and vouchers for a local farmers market, advocating for the program’s expansion.

Laura Holscher, executive director of Generations Area Agency on Aging, discussed the funding provided through Title III B of the Older Americans Act, which enables critical interventions such as in-home services, senior transportation, home modifications, and legal services. She highlighted the flexibility of OAA Title III B in meeting community needs and recommended additional flexibility for Title III D funds to support evidence-informed programs.

Leslie Grenfell, executive director of Southwestern Pennsylvania Area Agency on Aging, detailed challenges her agency faces, including transportation, recruitment and retention of direct care workers, and increased reimbursement. She advocated for increased funding to meet the needs of a growing older adult population, noting the vital support provided by the American Rescue Plan Act.

Connecticut State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Mairead Painter emphasized ensuring residents’ rights in care facilities. She spoke about the challenges of insufficient and unstable funding, which hinder the Ombudsman’s ability to respond to complaints and monitor facilities effectively. Painter called for increased funding and refilling the national director position for the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program to address these issues.

The hearing underscored the need for increased transparency in long-term care funding, flexible funding to serve diverse communities, and enhanced connectivity to combat the lasting effects of loneliness exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Older Americans Act is essential in helping older adults age healthily by increasing access to nutrition, healthcare, and transportation. Providing support before individuals reach higher levels of need can improve quality of life and generate significant cost savings. However, a rapidly growing aging population and workforce shortages have hindered service provision. Increased flexible funding that accounts for unique community needs is essential to maintaining the progress and value of the Older Americans Act.

Senate Finance Committee Addresses Comprehensive Strategies to Combat Fentanyl Crisis

On May 23, the Senate Finance Committee held a crucial hearing titled “Front Lines of the Fentanyl Crisis: Supporting Communities and Combating Addiction through Prevention and Treatment.” The hearing underscored the severity of the fentanyl crisis and brought together experts and policymakers to discuss strategies for combating this epidemic, which has wreaked havoc across the United States.

Sen. Mike Crapo emphasized the devastating impact of fentanyl on communities, particularly highlighting a nearly fourteen-fold increase in overdose deaths involving fentanyl in Idaho from 2017 to 2022. He called for a comprehensive approach that addresses both the supply chain of fentanyl and the need for expanded access to mental health and substance use disorder treatments. Crapo also stressed the importance of bipartisan efforts to develop treatment options and reduce barriers to care.

Chairman Ron Wyden focused on integrating healthcare services into the fight against fentanyl. He criticized the high rates of prior authorization required by big health insurers, which delay access to life-saving medication-assisted treatment (MAT). Wyden advocated for better support for individuals reentering society from incarceration and stressed the need for innovative pain management therapies to prevent opioid addiction from developing in the first place.

Dr. Caleb Banta-Green from the University of Washington highlighted the persistent treatment gap in opioid use disorder care. Despite the effectiveness of medications like methadone and buprenorphine, many individuals remain unable to access these treatments. Banta-Green called for a new model of care that combines low-barrier clinical models with community-based access points and team-based care to improve engagement and outcomes for people with opioid use disorder.

Dr. Jeanmarie Perrone from the University of Pennsylvania emphasized the role of emergency departments as critical touchpoints for initiating treatment. She detailed a successful program in Philadelphia where emergency physicians provide immediate access to MAT, supported by peer-led models that help patients navigate their recovery journey. Perrone highlighted the need for telehealth services to continue offering a vital safety net, particularly for individuals reentering the community from incarceration.

Dr. Abigail J. Herron from the Institute for Family Health discussed the importance of integrated, whole-person care models that provide primary care, behavioral health care, and addiction treatment in a single setting. She stressed the need for better reimbursement for case management and preventive mental health services and advocated for maintaining telehealth flexibilities to ensure continued access to care.

Tony Vezina, a person in long-term recovery and Executive Director of 4D Recovery shared his journey and the importance of youth-focused interventions. He highlighted the need for increased investment in prevention, treatment, and recovery support services, particularly for adolescents and young adults. Vezina called for the expansion of recovery centers and recovery residences, as well as greater access to medications for opioid use disorders in various settings, including jails and via telehealth. The hearing underscored the multifaceted approach needed to address the fentanyl crisis, combining supply chain interventions with robust treatment and prevention strategies. Continued collaboration and investment in evidence-based practices are essential to combat this epidemic, and support affected communities nationwide.

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On May 22, 2024, the Senate Finance Committee convened the hearing, “The Family First Prevention Services Act: Successes, Roadblocks, and Opportunities for Improvement.” This session was part of Foster Care Awareness Month, reflecting the ongoing commitment to enhancing child welfare in the U.S. The hearing brought together experts, policymakers, and stakeholders to discuss the progress and challenges of the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) since its enactment in 2018. The discussions highlighted both the successes achieved under the act and the obstacles that continue to impede its full implementation.

Social Current submitted this written testimony, which incorporates feedback from our network.

Key Statements

Senator Mike Crapo’s Opening Remarks
Senator Crapo, the committee’s ranking member, emphasized the bipartisan nature of FFPSA and its role in transforming the child welfare system to prioritize prevention and family preservation. He highlighted the importance of front-end interventions, such as mental health and substance use disorder treatment, to keep families intact and reduce reliance on foster care. Crapo also noted the recent regulation to reduce bureaucratic barriers for family members to become licensed foster parents, which he believes will further support children living with trusted caregivers.

Chairman Ron Wyden’s Remarks
Chairman Wyden underlined the necessity of federal funding to empower kinship caregivers and the importance of prevention services to address issues like mental health and substance use disorders. He called for removing bureaucratic barriers that prevent states from fully utilizing available prevention funds and stressed the need for more comprehensive support systems to keep families together. Wyden also expressed concern over the government’s disproportionate spending on traditional foster care compared to prevention services, urging for better allocation of resources.

Expert Testimonies

JooYeun Chang, Doris Duke Foundation
Chang highlighted the significant impact of FFPSA in shifting the child welfare paradigm toward prevention. Despite its promise, she noted that many families still face barriers to accessing the necessary services. Chang recommended structural changes to broaden eligibility for prevention services and include support for addressing domestic violence and economic hardships. She emphasized the importance of community-based support systems and the need for data-driven approaches to effectively identify and serve at-risk populations.

David Reed, Indiana Department of Child Services
Reed provided insights into Indiana’s implementation of FFPSA, showcasing the state’s success in reducing the number of children in foster care by over 50%. He emphasized the importance of flexible, comprehensive service models like Indiana’s Family Preservation Services, which address various family needs, including economic support to prevent unnecessary foster care placements. Reed shared specific examples of how targeted interventions, such as providing concrete support like transportation, have kept families together and reduced racial disparities in child removals.

Rebecca Jones Gaston, Administration for Children and Families
Commissioner Gaston discussed the broader implementation of FFPSA across various states and tribes. She underscored the importance of cultural responsiveness in prevention programs and highlighted regulatory actions to strengthen kinship care and provide legal representation for families in the child welfare system. Gaston also pointed out the challenges of workforce shortages and the need for better collaboration across service systems. She emphasized the role of federal support in overcoming these challenges and the importance of continuous evaluation and data collection to measure the effectiveness of prevention programs.

Key Takeaways


The hearing underscored the ongoing commitment to improving child welfare through the FFPSA. While significant progress has been made, roadblocks remain to be addressed. Policymakers, advocates, and stakeholders must continue working together to refine and expand the reach of prevention services, ensuring that all children can grow up in safe, stable, and loving environments. The continued collaboration between federal and state agencies and community partners is essential to realize the full potential of the FFPSA and create a child welfare system that genuinely supports and strengthens families.

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In a significant shift in policy, House Republicans have announced changes to the annual process for funding community projects, excluding nonprofits from eligibility for Community Project Funding (CPF) through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Economic Development Initiative (EDI) account. This decision, part of broader modifications to align projects with federal community development goals, has sparked concern and opposition within the nonprofit sector.

The House Appropriations Committee, led by Chairman Tom Cole (R-Okla.), emphasized the need for changes to avoid political conflicts related to earmarks, especially concerning contentious issues like abortion and LGBTQ services. “I shouldn’t have to have a political problem in my district because I voted for a bill that had your earmarks in it,” Cole explained, highlighting the bipartisan frustration with some earmark requests.

However, Democrats, including House Appropriations Committee Ranking Member Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), argue that these changes unfairly target nonprofits, which play a crucial role in community development. DeLauro pointed out that nearly half of the 2024 House-funded EDI projects were directed to nonprofit recipients, including organizations like YMCAs and Boys & Girls Clubs.

“Deeming nonprofits ineligible for Community Project Funding in the Economic Development Initiative (EDI) account is a seismic shift,” DeLauro stated. “The restrictions House Republicans started last Congress were misguided. The changes to eligibility announced today are even worse. When House Democrats are in control next Congress, we will reverse these decisions.”
The nonprofit community, represented by leaders from major organizations, has expressed deep concern over the ramifications of this policy change. In a letter addressed to House leaders, including Speaker Mike Johnson and Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, nonprofit CEOs outlined the negative impact this decision will have on their ability to serve millions of Americans.
“Nonprofits count on this funding to support and expand access to essential services,” the letter stated, listing programs such as child care, mental health services, affordable housing, and support for survivors of domestic violence. The exclusion from CPF grants will significantly limit the ability of nonprofits to provide these critical services, affecting the most vulnerable communities.

The controversy over nonprofit earmarks is part of a broader debate about the role of federal funding in community development. As the nonprofit sector grapples with increasing demands and decreasing charitable donations, the loss of CPF eligibility through T-HUD and other key appropriations bills poses a significant challenge.

Nonprofit leaders call on Congress to restore eligibility and explore alternative ways to support their organizations and critical services. The sector’s ability to meet the growing needs of communities, especially in the aftermath of the pandemic, depends on continued access to federal funding.

As the debate unfolds, Social Current remains committed to working with lawmakers to find solutions that ensure the continued provision of essential services to millions of people in the U.S.

House Ways and Means Committee Passes Bills Impacting Nonprofits and Human Service Organizations

On May 15, the House Ways and Means Committee held a markup session and approved several bills that could have significant implications for nonprofits and human service organizations. The following summarizes the critical pieces of legislation and their potential impacts:

H.R. 8314 – No Foreign Election Interference Act
This bill, which passed with a vote of 25-15, amends the Internal Revenue Code to impose penalties on tax-exempt organizations that receive contributions from foreign nationals and then contribute to political committees. Nonprofits inadvertently violating these provisions could face severe financial penalties, undermining their operational capacities.

H.R. 8293 – American Donor Privacy and Foreign Funding Transparency Act
Passed by a vote of 23-17, this legislation requires tax-exempt organizations to report detailed information about contributions from foreign sources publicly. While aimed at increasing transparency, this bill could burden nonprofits with additional reporting requirements, potentially deterring foreign donations and straining administrative resources.

H.R. 8292 – Taxpayer Data Protection Act
Approved with a vote of 27-13, this bill increases penalties for unauthorized disclosure of taxpayer information. Although primarily targeted at government employees, the increased scrutiny and penalties could indirectly affect nonprofit organizations that handle sensitive donor information, necessitating enhanced data security measures.

H.R. 8291 – End Zuckerbucks Act
This bill passed with a vote of 22-18 and aims to prohibit specific tax-exempt organizations from providing funding for election administration. This restriction could limit the ability of nonprofits to support election-related activities, potentially affecting voter turnout initiatives and civic engagement efforts.

H.R. 8290 – Foreign Grant Reporting Act
This act, which passed with a vote of 24-16, mandates public disclosure of grants made by tax-exempt organizations to foreign entities. While transparency is crucial, the additional reporting could complicate the international grantmaking process for nonprofits, affecting their ability to provide timely support to foreign partners.

Next Steps and Potential Impacts
These bills must now pass the full House of Representatives and be considered in the Senate. While the chance of these bills becoming law is low, their passage in the House Ways and Means Committee reflects a shifting attitude among House Republicans regarding nonprofits and human services organizations.

The proposed legislation could impose significant administrative burdens on nonprofits, diverting resources from programmatic activities to compliance and reporting efforts. The penalties and reporting requirements associated with foreign contributions and grants could deter international collaborations and impact the funding landscape. Moreover, restrictions on election-related funding could hamper civic engagement and voter participation efforts, particularly those aimed at underrepresented communities.

Social Current’s Engagement and Advocacy
Social Current is actively engaging with legislators to voice the concerns of nonprofits and human service organizations. We will continue to track these and other developments closely, providing updates and advocating for policies that support the vital work of our sector. Nonprofits and human service organizations must stay informed about these legislative developments and consider engaging in advocacy to address their concerns.

President Biden Announces New Actions to Advance Racial and Educational Equity

On May 17, 2024, the 70th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education decision, President Biden announced new measures to promote racial and educational equity, ensuring all students have access to high-quality education. These actions are particularly relevant for nonprofit and human service organizations supporting underserved communities.

One key initiative is the allocation of $20 million in new Magnet School Grants to help create programs in seven states designed to attract a diverse student body and reduce segregation. Additionally, the Department of Education is establishing a new technical assistance center on fiscal equity to support states and school districts in developing equitable resource allocation strategies, enhancing fiscal data transparency, and prioritizing support for high-need communities.

To address ongoing racial inequities, the Department of Education will release a report highlighting access to math, science, and computer science courses, providing data to inform advocacy and program development. Furthermore, an interagency effort will focus on preserving historic sites, literature, and educational resources related to African American history, ensuring these integral parts of American history are accessible.

Significant investments are also being made in underserved schools. The American Rescue Plan allocated $130 billion to schools, focusing on underserved areas. At the same time, additional Title I funding and increased support for Full-Service Community Schools aim to close resource gaps and provide essential services like healthcare, housing, and childcare.

The administration is prioritizing efforts to increase teacher diversity, awarding nearly $450 million to programs to improve teacher preparation and retention. Over $23 million has been allocated to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs), and Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs) to prepare diverse educators.
Finally, to improve school diversity, the Department of Education is investing over $300 million to enhance diversity through magnet programs and new initiatives to increase socioeconomic diversity. Increased funding for Head Start and the Child Care & Development Block Grant program will help close the readiness gap for Black children and improve long-term educational outcomes.

These initiatives support nonprofit and human service organizations in their mission to foster equitable, high-quality education for all students, building on the legacy of Brown v. Board of Education.

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The U.S. Department of Labor has announced pivotal updates to the Fair Labor Standards Act regulations, marking a substantial shift in federal overtime pay requirements for salaried employees classified under executive, administrative, and professional (EAP) exemptions. Scheduled to take effect on July 1, these revisions aim to extend overtime protections by raising the salary thresholds necessary to classify workers as exempt from overtime.

The newly established regulations will initially increase the standard salary level to $43,888 annually, an adjustment based on the previous methodology from the 2019 update. This threshold is set to rise to $58,656 beginning Jan. 1, 2025. These changes reflect the department’s commitment to ensuring the salary level continues to serve its function of effectively differentiating between exempt and nonexempt employees. Moreover, the rule introduces adjustments to the compensation threshold for highly compensated employees, with scheduled updates occurring every three years starting July 1, 2027, to respond to ongoing changes in wage data.

Acting Secretary Julie Su emphasized the rule’s intent to uphold the principle that employees who work 40 hours per week should receive appropriate compensation for overtime. The adjustments seek to correct imbalances in which lower-paid salaried workers performing similar tasks to their hourly counterparts receive no additional pay for extra work hours.

This revision came after extensive consultations with various stakeholders, including employers, unions, and workers, and considered over 33,000 public comments. The updates aim to provide better pay equity and more quality time with families for those affected.

Wage and Hour Administrator Jessica Looman highlighted the rule’s benefits, stating it will bring more predictability and economic security to millions working long hours without corresponding overtime pay. By clearly defining EAP employees, the department ensures those deserving of overtime receive it, while others gain more time with their families.

The Department of Labor projects these updates will initially enhance the livelihoods of approximately one million employees, with millions more benefiting from the full implementation of the new salary thresholds. This regulatory change underscores a significant advancement in labor standards, aiming to reinforce numerous American workers’ earning potential and work-life balance.

Biden-Harris Administration Allocates $3 Billion to Eradicate Toxic Lead Pipes

In a significant move to secure clean drinking water for all Americans, President Joe Biden’s Investing in America agenda is dedicating $3 billion to replace toxic lead pipes nationwide. Announced in North Carolina, this funding is part of the president’s broader commitment, per his Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal, to eliminate all lead pipes in the U.S. within the next decade.

Lead exposure, known for its severe impact on health—particularly in children, where it can damage brain development—is prevalent in over nine million homes, schools, and other establishments that still rely on lead piping. This issue disproportionately affects low-income and minority communities, compounded by historic underinvestment in infrastructure.

The $3 billion investment is administered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as part of an unprecedented $15 billion explicitly allocated for lead pipe replacement. The initiative aims to rectify legacy health hazards and generate numerous high-quality jobs, many of which are unionized positions. This initiative aligns with the Justice40 Initiative, ensuring that 40% of the benefits from such federal investments are directed towards disadvantaged communities.

Furthermore, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is bolstering these efforts with nearly $90 million to mitigate health hazards in public housing, encompassing threats from lead-based paint and other environmental risks.

The funding has spurred action across the states, with North Carolina alone investing nearly $2 billion in over 800 water-related projects. Additionally, significant funds are being used to test for and eliminate lead hazards in schools and child care centers throughout the state, setting a precedent for nationwide educational safety standards.

This comprehensive approach not only addresses immediate health concerns but contributes to the workforce development in the water infrastructure sector. Unions like the Laborers’ International Union of North America and the United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters are actively training workers to replace lead pipes, highlighting the administration’s dual focus on public health and economic growth.

By fostering collaboration among federal, state, and local entities and directly engaging with communities most affected by lead exposure, the Biden-Harris administration is making a historic push toward a safer, healthier future for all Americans. This initiative promises to dramatically accelerate efforts to replace hazardous lead pipes, ensuring cleaner water and healthier communities nationwide.

Senate Finance Committee Hearing Addresses the Fallout of the Change Healthcare Cyberattack

On May 1, the U.S. Senate Finance Committee convened a crucial hearing titled “Hacking America’s Health Care: Assessing the Change Healthcare Cyber Attack and What’s Next,” with testimony from key stakeholders, including Andrew Witty, CEO of UnitedHealth Group, which owns Change Healthcare. This hearing aimed to dissect the impacts and future implications of the February cyberattack on Change Healthcare—a significant incident that starkly compromised the U.S. health care system.

Overview of the Cyberattack Impact
The cyberattack, identified as a nation-state-associated threat, led Change Healthcare to disconnect its systems to thwart further data breaches. This move, however, severely disrupted health care operations across the country. Providers could not process insurance verifications, claims, or payments, significantly straining the health care delivery system. According to an American Hospital Association survey, over 90% of hospitals reported financial repercussions, with more than 70% noting direct impacts on patient care.

Statements from Senate Members
Senator Mike Crapo emphasized the extensive disruption caused by the attack, highlighting the federal government’s delayed response, which exacerbated the situation. He stressed the importance of learning from this incident to bolster cybersecurity measures across the health care sector.

Senator Ron Wyden criticized UnitedHealth Group for its inadequate cybersecurity measures as well as the lack of transparency and accountability in the aftermath of the attack. He pointed out the broader implications of such cybersecurity vulnerabilities, emphasizing the necessity for stringent cybersecurity standards and enforcement within the health care industry.

Testimony from UnitedHealth Group’s CEO
Andrew Witty expressed profound regret over the incident, detailing UnitedHealth’s immediate and extensive measures to mitigate the impact, including severing connections to affected systems and collaborating with law enforcement. Witty outlined the proactive steps taken to secure systems, ensure continuity of care, and support financial operations within the health care sector. He acknowledged the ongoing challenges but reassured the committee of the company’s commitment to restoring trust and security in its operations.

Committee’s Response and Future Directions
The hearing underscored the critical need for enhanced cybersecurity protocols and preparedness across the health care sector to prevent future incidents. Discussions focused on establishing mandatory security standards and the potential for more rigorous federal oversight and support for cybersecurity in health care.

The Senate Finance Committee’s hearing marks a pivotal moment in addressing cybersecurity in health care, highlighting the urgent need for comprehensive strategies to safeguard patient information and ensure the resilience of health systems against cyber threats. The testimonies and discussions from this hearing will likely influence future legislative and regulatory actions to strengthen the nation’s defense against cyberattacks in health care.

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The Biden-Harris administration announced significant updates to the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) Guidance for Federal Financial Assistance. This pivotal move will make over $1.2 trillion in federal funds more accessible for families, communities, and small businesses. These modifications, representing the most substantial changes to the federal grants process since the Uniform Grants Guidance was instituted 10 years ago, are designed to streamline and clarify the requirements associated with federal funding.

The revised Uniform Grants Guidance focuses on reducing unnecessary compliance costs and administrative burdens. The goal is to make it easier for recipients, particularly those in underserved communities, to access essential funding without getting bogged down by bureaucratic complexities. The guidance notably emphasizes the importance of data and evaluation in program development and implementation, ensuring that federal funds are used effectively to achieve meaningful outcomes.

One of the fundamental changes includes the simplification of the Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs). By rewriting NOFOs in plain language and including an executive summary, they look to help non-experts and smaller organizations more clearly understand program objectives and application requirements. Furthermore, the guidance promotes equity by removing the requirement to use English in notices, applications, and reporting. The updates also stress the need for federal agencies to engage with affected communities actively. This involves consultations with nonprofits, labor unions, and Tribal governments, as well as the use of responsible contractors.

Accompanying the guidance revisions, the OMB has issued an implementation memorandum that directs federal agencies to adopt these changes by Oct. 1. This directive includes additional tools to strengthen the administration of federal financial assistance, ensuring that agencies and recipients can focus more on delivering impactful results, rather than navigating the complexities of administrative requirements.

This overhaul of the grants guidance was informed by a comprehensive review process involving over 50 federal agencies and considering more than 3,200 public comments, reflecting a broad spectrum of stakeholder insights. By making these adjustments, the Biden-Harris administration aims to foster a more supportive and transparent environment for federal grant recipients.

Senate Hearing Focuses on Solutions for the Long-Term Care Workforce Crisis

On April 16, the Senate Special Committee on Aging convened the hearing, “The Long-Term Care Workforce: Addressing Shortages and Improving the Profession,” chaired by Sen. Bob Casey. The hearing assembled a diverse group of stakeholders to discuss pressing issues facing the long-term care workforce and explore potential legislative and practical solutions.

In his opening statement, Sen. Casey underscored the dire situation in long-term care settings, where staffing shortages have become increasingly prevalent, significantly affecting the quality of care. He highlighted the introduction of the Long-Term Care Workforce Support Act, a legislative effort aiming to provide comprehensive support for the workforce, including improved compensation, respect, and a safe working environment.

Ranking member Sen. Mike Braun emphasized the importance of state-led initiatives and flexibility, critiquing a one-size-fits-all approach. He advocated for innovative local solutions to bolster the workforce without imposing burdensome federal regulations.

Testimonies from frontline workers and educators provided a personal touch to statistics. Brooke Vogleman, a licensed practical nurse, shared her journey and the ongoing challenges in the profession, including the reliance on temporary staffing agencies due to chronic understaffing and burnout exacerbated by the pandemic. Additionally, Nicholas Smith, a direct support professional, detailed his role’s physical and emotional toll, illustrating the critical need for better compensation and support systems to prevent burnout and ensure a sustainable workforce.

Dr. Matthew Connell from Ivy Tech Community College highlighted Indiana’s educational initiatives that address workforce shortages through targeted training programs, demonstrating the potential impact of academic and professional development opportunities. Assistant Professor Jasmine Travers from New York University provided an academic perspective, noting the severe impact of staffing shortages on patient care and calling for systemic changes to improve working conditions and compensation.

The hearing vividly depicted the challenges and opportunities within the long-term care sector. It called for a unified approach where federal and state governments, educational institutions, and health care providers enact meaningful reforms that ensure quality care for the aging population and respect and support those who provide this indispensable service. The testimonies and discussions from the hearing underscored a commitment to transforming the long-term care workforce into a more sustainable, respected, and professionally rewarding field.

Exploring the Biden-Harris Administration’s Vision for America’s Future

As the Biden-Harris administration forges ahead into the second half of its term, recent White House briefings offered a window into the diverse strategies that aim to reshape America’s economic and social fabric. These briefings, covering a broad spectrum of initiatives, underscored a commitment to steering the nation through pressing challenges while laying a foundation for sustainable growth. Each briefing articulated distinct yet interconnected objectives, reflecting the administration’s intentions to actively balance immediate needs with long-term goals.

Highlights from the FY2025 Budget Briefing
In a comprehensive briefing on the FY2025 budget, Shalanda Young, director of the OMB, outlined the administration’s strategic fiscal objectives aimed at fortifying the economic landscape of the U.S. Central to the budget are measures to reduce living costs, spur economic growth, decrease the federal deficit and safeguard entitlement programs, such as Social Security and Medicare.

Key initiatives include continuing efforts to lower drug prices, exemplified by the imposition of a $35 cap on insulin and enhanced Medicare negotiations. The briefing also detailed fiscal supports for housing, with notable proposals like a $10,000 credit for first-time homebuyers and equivalent incentives for existing homeowners facing higher mortgages. Additionally, the budget advocates for expanded child care subsidies and a significant $150 billion allocation towards Medicaid home-based services. The economic growth strategy hinges on investments in manufacturing, clean energy, and healthcare, complemented by tax reforms favoring lower and middle-income families and robust measures against tax fraud.

The Biden-Harris Agenda for Bipartisan Collaboration

Emmy Ruiz, assistant to the president and political director, also introduced a session emphasizing bipartisan cooperation under the Biden-Harris administration’s Unity Agenda. Key areas of focus include tackling the opioid crisis, enhancing mental health services, supporting veterans, regulating big tech, and combatting cancer.

Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra elaborated on initiatives like the significant expansion of the 988 behavioral health crisis line and targets set by the cancer moonshot initiative to halve cancer fatalities within 25 years. Contributions from Dr. Rahul Gupta and other officials highlighted ongoing efforts to curb the opioid epidemic. They underscored the administration’s commitment to broad health care improvements, including increased drug affordability and enhanced treatment options for addiction.

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Last week, Congress passed the second and final package of bills that make up the federal budget. President Joe Biden signed it over the weekend. This marks the end of a drawn-out period characterized by months of continuing resolutions to bide time for negotiations. The Labor, Health and Human Services, Education bill included $225.4 billion, a $200 million reduction compared with FY2023. The bill includes a $1 billion increase for childcare and early learning programs within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Head Start will receive $12 billion and the Child Care and Development Block Grant will receive almost $9 billion, a 9% increase over last year.

Other highlights include an $18 million increase for the 988 Suicide Prevention Lifeline and $4.6 billion for substance use prevention and treatment programs. Title I-A grants and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) programs saw $20 million increases and school districts will receive $160 million to fund school-based mental health professionals. Finally, 12,000 Afghans will receive Special Immigrant Visas. With the two packages combined, defense spending equaled $886 billion, a 3% increase from FY2023, and nondefense spending totaled $773 billion, which is even with last year.

Sources: NPR and Senate Appropriations Committee

Administration Bolsters Patient-Focused Primary Care Model

The Biden-Harris administration has launched a new initiative to enhance investments in patient-focused primary care. Through the Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Primary Care (PC) Flex Model, primary care providers within eligible ACOs will deliver innovative, team-based care to Medicare beneficiaries. This model, administered by HHS and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), provides ACOs with a one-time advanced shared-savings payment as well as monthly prospective primary care payments. By equipping ACOs with resources and flexibility, it aims to cover formation and administrative costs to ensure optimal care provision. This initiative reflects the CMS commitment to fortifying the primary care system and promoting competition in healthcare.

By incorporating health equity considerations and incentivizing team-based care, the new model strives to address disparities. Implemented within the Medicare Shared Savings Program, it focuses on low revenue ACOs, aiming to improve efficiency and quality. The ACO PC Flex Model, a five-year voluntary initiative, will commence Jan. 1, 2025, with about 130 ACOs planned for participation.

New Executive Order on Women’s Health Research

President Joe Biden has issued an executive order aimed at bolstering women’s health research. This initiative, as part of a broader effort to address longstanding disparities, emphasizes the administration’s commitment to economic empowerment for women. Key provisions of the order include directing federal agencies like the National Science Foundation and HHS to explore the use of artificial intelligence in advancing women’s health research. It also mandates the expansion of data collection on women’s midlife health and prioritizes investments in menopause-related research.

Historically, women’s health research has faced disparities in funding and representation in clinical trials. To address this, the White House has proposed a $12 billion research fund for women’s health at the National Institute of Health as well as the establishment of a national network of women’s research centers. The order also focuses on menopause research, instructing the Defense and Veterans Affairs departments to study and improve treatment for women in the military and veterans. This initiative underscores the administration’s commitment to addressing all diseases affecting women and aims to provide comprehensive support for women’s health and well-being.

Hearing on the Social Security Administration

The Senate Special Committee on Aging hosted a hearing titled “Keeping Our Promise to Older Adults and People with Disabilities: The Status of Social Security Today,” featuring Martin O’Malley, the Commissioner of the Social Security Administration (SSA). O’Malley opened by saying the SSA faces significant challenges due to increased demand for services coupled with decreased staffing levels. After a FY 2018-2021 budget freeze, a $785 million funding increase in FY 2023 helped rebuild staff levels. However, due to a continuing resolution in FY 2024, hiring stopped, leading to a staffing decline and potential all-time low of around 55,000 staff.

Despite the lack of sufficient funding, O’Malley said the SSA has prioritized addressing challenges in service delivery. Through extensive engagement with employees and stakeholders nationwide via town halls and field visits, they gathered insights and ideas. By implementing quick fixes and long-term strategies such as technology upgrades and streamlined processes, SSA aims to improve both employee and customer experiences through reduced wait times and enhanced efficiency. Additionally, plans for increased onsite presence and automated data exchange demonstrate a commitment to innovation and responsiveness to feedback, ultimately enhancing the agency’s ability to serve the public effectively.

O’Malley emphasized that President Biden’s FY 2025 Budget proposal for SSA highlights the urgent need for increased funding to address staffing shortages and improve customer service. With a requested budget of $15.4 billion, the agency aims to restore staffing levels, reduce wait times for services such as the National 800 Number, and process more disability claims promptly. Approval of the budget would enable significant improvements in staffing, service delivery, and backlog reduction efforts, ultimately benefiting millions of beneficiaries.

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In a fiery State of the Union speech on Thursday night, President Joe Biden defended his record and laid out his vision for the future. While he tackled major issues in the news, such as immigration, foreign policy, and crime, he also dedicated substantial time to issues like health care, education, and housing.

President Biden highlighted progress in implementing Medicare drug price negotiations, fulfilling a longstanding Democratic ambition enshrined in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). With ongoing negotiations for 10 drugs, Biden emphasized potential cost reductions for seniors and positive impacts on the federal budget. He called for an ambitious expansion to 500 drug price negotiations over the next decade. He praised other provisions in the IRA like capping insulin prices at $35 as well as limiting Medicare out-of-pocket drug expenses to $2,000, and he urged Congress to extend these measures.

President Biden also outlined his administration’s education priorities, focusing on raising teacher pay, bolstering early childhood education, and expanding tutoring and career readiness programs. The agenda aims to address chronic absenteeism, promote universal pre-kindergarten, and alleviate student debt through initiatives such as the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program. According to the administration, in the last three years, 800,000 people qualified for the PSLF program.

In the speech, President Biden revealed new housing policy initiatives, proposing tax credits to support first-time homebuyers and incentivize home sellers. The plan includes a $5,000 per year credit for middle-class first-time buyers for two years, effectively reducing mortgage rates by over 1.5 percentage points. Additionally, the president proposed a one-year credit of up to $10,000 for selling starter homes below the county median price to stimulate activity in the sluggish housing market.

Sources: KFF Health News, Washington Post, and Education Week.

Administration Proposes New Rule on Child Care Subsidies

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has introduced a new rule aimed at lowering child care costs and enhancing options for families receiving subsidies. This rule, which is in line with President Biden’s April 2023 executive order on increasing access to high-quality care and supporting caregivers, makes crucial updates to the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF), the nation’s primary funding source for child care affordability and quality improvement. Key provisions of the rule include capping family child care payments at 7% of household income, expanding child care choices, ensuring timely payments to providers, and simplifying application processes for families. By implementing these changes, HHS estimates around 100,000 children will benefit from reduced child care expenses. In separate statements, Vice President Kamala Harris and HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra emphasized the administration’s commitment to affordable child care, highlighting the importance of these measures in supporting working families and child care providers alike.

WIC Gets More Funding, Child Tax Credit Expansion Still in Limbo

On March 6, aiming to prevent a government shutdown before the Friday deadline, the House of Representatives passed a $460 billion spending package to fund half of federal agencies. Due to opposition from some House Republicans, Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) had to use an unusual process which required a two thirds majority to pass the bill. The package passed 339-85. The Senate also passed the bill and President Biden signed it into law on Saturday. The bill incorporated key Democratic priorities, including a $1 billion increase to the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), additionally staving off attempts to limit the purchase of certain items within the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

This agreement averts an immediate shutdown and ensures government operations continue. However, the new deadline is March 22 and challenges remain in reconciling differences over contentious issues within remaining spending bills. For example, Sen. Mike Crapo has expressed strong opposition to a $78 billion tax bill that would expand the child tax credit. Crapo criticized proposed changes to the Child Tax Credit, expressing concerns over potential implications for workforce participation and describing the bill as a shift from family tax relief to government subsidy. Amidst these debates, the path forward in the Senate remains uncertain, highlighting ongoing challenges in reaching bipartisan consensus on critical fiscal matters.

McConnell To Step Down as Senate Leader

Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), the longest-serving Senate leader, announced his plans to leave the position in November, marking the end of an era in American politics. McConnell, age 82, revealed his decision in the Senate chamber, reflecting on his journey from obscurity to leadership. His resignation marks a significant ideological shift within the Republican Party, transitioning from traditional conservatism in the style of Ronald Reagan to the populism of Donald Trump.

McConnell emphasized he plans to complete his Senate term, which extends until January 2027. His decision came amid mounting pressure from within his party, particularly from the faction aligned with Trump.

Notably, McConnell’s relationship with Trump soured after the 2020 election, culminating in McConnell’s blame of Trump for the Capitol riot. Despite criticism from within his party, McConnell remained steadfast in his convictions.

Throughout his tenure, McConnell wielded considerable influence, reshaping the federal judiciary and championing conservative policies. Despite his polarizing reputation, McConnell leaves a lasting legacy in the Senate, characterized by his strategic acumen and dedication to his party.

Looking ahead, McConnell acknowledged the need for new leadership in the Senate, signaling a generational shift. While his departure is the end of an era, McConnell remains dedicated to his role.

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Social Current, a leading advocate for the social sector, has announced the release of its 2024 Policy Priorities, which represent key areas of focus from the 2022-2024 Federal Public Policy Agenda for the year. This document provides a strategic roadmap aimed at enhancing the effectiveness, resilience, and impact of human and social service organizations across the U.S.

As the social sector faces evolving challenges and opportunities, Social Current’s priorities for the year hone in on government contracting reform, government grantmaking reform, and bolstering the overall health of the social sector.

2024 Policy Priorities Highlights

“This year marks a pivotal moment for our organization as we intensify our advocacy and strategic efforts,” stated Blair Abelle-Kiser, senior director of government affairs. “Through championing significant legislative reforms and advocating for systemic improvements, we are committed to fostering a more supportive, innovative, and resilient environment for human and social service organizations. Our collective endeavors will strengthen the operational capacities of these organizations and magnify their impact on communities nationwide.”

“While representing our key areas of focus, Social Current will continue to advance and collaborate on advocacy efforts that support the organizations in our network and the sector,” said Jody Levison-Johnson, president and CEO.

The 2024 Policy Priorities document is a testament to Social Current’s commitment to leading the charge for meaningful change in the social sector. By addressing these key areas, Social Current aims to ensure that human and social service organizations continue to be powerful forces for positive change in society.

Advocacy Amplified Training and Hill Day
Build your skills and confidence to advocate for your organization and communities by participating in Social Current’s upcoming public policy and advocacy training and Hill Day, June 11-13 in Washington, D.C. The two-day training will culminate in the Hill Day event, where participants will meet with their legislators. New and seasoned advocates are encouraged to participate. Social Current will handle all the meeting logistics, so you can focus on connecting with your elected officials.

Lawmakers are on the verge of finalizing a significant deal to break the funding gridlock in Congress before a partial government shutdown on March 2. Discussions center around a potential arrangement in which a pilot program narrowing food options for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) beneficiaries would be launched in return for increased funding for other nutritional programs, such as the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). Championed by Chair of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture Andy Harris (R-Md.), the proposed pact includes the SNAP-choice pilot program within the Agriculture-Food and Drug Administration spending bill. The bill bolsters WIC, which faces an imminent funding shortfall.

The pilot initiative, designed to encourage healthier dietary decisions, has ignited controversy within nutrition advocacy circles as well as the food industry. Despite these ongoing disputes and reservations, the increased funding allocations for a range of nutritional programs signals a comprehensive endeavor to tackle funding challenges and strengthen food assistance initiatives. There is opposition from some House Democrats who advocate for disentangling the SNAP-choice initiative from bipartisan WIC funding endeavors; however, the deal has already been elevated to congressional leaders who, reportedly, will finalize it within days.

New HHS Study Highlights Positive Fiscal Impact of Refugees and Asylees

A recent comprehensive study conducted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) reveals the substantial positive fiscal impact of refugees and asylees on the American economy from 2005 to 2019. HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra said, “This historic federal study is important data-driven evidence demonstrating that over time, refugees, asylees, and their immediate families have made significant positive fiscal contributions to our country.”

The study underscores the notable contributions made by refugees and asylees to both the U.S. government and society. Key findings indicate, during the 15-year period, refugees and asylees had a positive net fiscal impact of nearly $124 billion, with substantial contributions to government revenue totaling $581 billion. While the study acknowledges the initial costs associated with governmental expenditures on refugees and asylees, it emphasizes the long-term positive cumulative effects on government budgets. According to ASPE, the report helps the public to understand the positive financial return on assistance to refugees and asylees.

HUD Releases Update to Equity Action Plan

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) unveiled the 2023 update to its Equity Action Plan, in line with the Biden-Harris Administration’s overarching equity agenda. In a statement, Secretary Marcia L. Fudge emphasized HUD’s dedication to rectifying historical disparities, particularly affecting marginalized groups like Black, Brown, and low-income individuals. HUD’s Equity Action Plan aims to embed equity into all facets of its operations, echoing the administration’s directive to prioritize racial equity.

Since its initial release in 2022, HUD has facilitated homeownership for approximately a quarter of a million Black individuals through Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgages. Additionally, HUD has advanced initiatives such as finalizing rules on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) to address housing inequality as well as reinstating the Discriminatory Effects Rule to combat systemic housing discrimination. The agency has also expanded access to housing counseling and provided $10 million to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) for housing and community development research. Moreover, HUD allocated $30 million to fair housing organizations and implemented measures to provide second chances for individuals with criminal records in public housing.

Senate HELP Committee Holds Hearing on Drug Prices

On Feb. 8, the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions hosted a hearing entitled, “Why Does the United States Pay, by Far, the Highest Prices in the World for Prescription Drugs?” The first panel was made up of CEOs from three major pharmaceutical companies: Johnson & Johnson, Merck, and Bristol Myers Squibb. The CEOs highlighted their companies’ contributions to healthcare innovation and pressed lawmakers to support policies that encourage innovation, price transparency, and health equity while avoiding policies like drug price controls.

The second panel of experts began with Peter Maybarduk of Public Citizen, who underscored the financial obstacles to medication access, particularly for vulnerable populations, and criticized pharmaceutical companies for exploiting their market power through patent abuse. He acknowledged recent efforts by the Biden administration but urged further reforms to alleviate the crisis, such as targeting practices of specific companies.

Tahir Amin from Initiative for Medicines, Access & Knowledge argued the rampant use of patent thickets to extend market monopolies in the pharmaceutical industry is a widespread issue. He suggested Congress redefine what qualifies as a patent-worthy invention, as many patents are granted for trivial modifications rather than truly innovative breakthroughs. Darius Lakdawalla of the University of Southern California Schaeffer Center emphasized the need to balance medical innovation with affordability, cautioning against blunt price controls and advocating for policies that align drug prices with their value to stimulate beneficial innovation. He suggested legislation promoting transparency and affordable insurance coverage can help address accessibility issues for American families.

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