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Brain-Friendly Practices and Boundaries: Keys to Empathy and Staying Well in Disruptive Times

April 10 @ 1:00 pm 2:00 pm EDT

We are living in challenging times, and many are feeling increased frustration and exhaustion in our daily work. What’s a first step we can take to decrease this tension? Use brain-aware strategies to build healthy and realistic boundaries. Join this session to discuss concrete approaches to reduce toxic stress, prevent burnout, boost productivity, and enhance teamwork.

Discussion topics include:

  • What boundaries are and how they allow us to say “yes” to the things that really matter
  • Why setting realistic and healthy boundaries requires us to regulate, so we can be in our “thinking brains”
  • How ealthy and realistic boundaries lead to increased empathy and resilience at work


  • The three steps in the sequence of engagement – regulate, relate, reason
  • The basic components of healthy and realistic expectations
  • Bundaries that are critical for a healthy workplace culture
  • Critical steps for setting healthy and realistic boundaries
  • Practice setting healthy and realistic boundaries
Karen Johnson

Karen Johnson

Senior Director of Change in Mind
Social Current