This session has sold out. Visit our COA Accreditation Trainings page to view and register for future sessions.
The Intensive Accreditation Training (IAT) is designed to prepare organizations to get the most out of their COA Accreditation experience. Topics discussed in this training include:
- An in-depth overview of the COA Accreditation process, including key milestones
- An overview of accreditation standards and the relationship between standards, evidence, and the rating indicators
- How ratings are assigned by the volunteer review team and insight on the accreditation decision-making process
- Tips on how to get organized and manage the work
- How to prepare for the site visit
COA Accreditation is offered as a service of Social Current. Learn more about COA Accreditation and how to get started online.
Who Should Participate
- Organization primary contacts
- Senior leaders at organizations seeking COA Accreditation
- Other staff involved in an organization’s accreditation process