E4: Our People Matter: The Power of Employee Engagement

Area of Focus: Brain Science and Trauma-Informed Approaches
Content Level: Doer

This session will offer successful retention strategies, which are grounded in the power of employee engagement, to combat the growing issue of staff shortages. Presenters will focus on the research-based patterns and trends regarding workforce challenges that lead employees to leave an organization and offer strategies for leadership to embrace change, build in opportunities for growth, and make employees feel seen and heard. By engaging our employees in their work and driving our mission further, we can reduce workplace stress and burnout, while increasing job satisfaction. “Our People Matter” is not just an organizational tenet; our backgrounds and experiences directly influence the unique value we bring to our work and the communities we serve. It is crucial to create a safe space that allows us to learn about and celebrate our differences. Workshop participants will leave with a toolkit of takeaways that they can immediately apply to their role and their organization.

Learning Objectives

  • How to embrace culture transformation and change practices to ensure employees feel valued
  • Successful listening practices for amplifying staff voices, including but not limited to research-based energy checks and programmatic listening tours
  • The importance of growth opportunities for promoting employee engagement and retention
  • The significance of adapting listening practices due to the constantly changing work environment


Jenny Livelli
President & CEO
The Children’s Guild

Elizabeth Garcia
Chief People Officer
The Children’s Guild

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