Taking Back Your Narrative: Advocacy 101 for the Social Sector

This webinar, the first in the series, will offer novice and seasoned policy and change advocates the chance to learn and grow in their advocacy skills. The first half of the session will include an overview of the U.S. Congress, the Social Current Public Policy and Government Relations Office, and Social Current’s 2022-2024 federal policy agenda. The second half of the presentation will feature a hands-on workshop to help participants turn expertise, lived experience, and passions into a novel and dynamic communication and advocacy strategy that can be applied in a variety of settings.


Maximize Your Social Current Engagement: Learning and Professional Development

Join this session to learn how you can support your staff’s professional development through Social Current—our online learning platform contains more than 100 courses in a variety of formats. Our offerings are aligned in key areas for advancing the impact of the social sector, such as equity, diversity, and inclusion; performance and quality improvement; COA Accreditation preparation; and more.


Taking Back Your Narrative: About the New Congress

This webinar, the second in the series, will offer novice and seasoned policy and change advocates a concise and practical overview of the 118th U.S. Congress, including tips and tricks to advocate and educate members of Congress effectively.


Building a “How Might We?” Culture: Using Human-Centered Design to Strengthen Performance and Quality Management

This webinar will highlight several elements of Congreso de Latinos Unidos' homegrown design toolkit to demonstrate how they overlay client and staff experience in programs with data for progression towards outcomes.  Congreso’s unique strategy couples design and experimentation to identify and test program and operational enhancements to increase performance. 


Advancing EDI for a More Perfect Union (May Session)

May Session: May 4, 11, and 18

During this three-part virtual workshop, participants will explore their relationships with equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in a safe environment and make progress on developing an EDI action plan for their organizations.


Exploring the Benefits of a Social Current Engagement Package: Knowledge and Insights Center

Experienced librarians and other Social Current staff and partners with subject matter expertise provide professionals in the nonprofit social services sector with timely and useful information solutions. This includes on-demand, 24/7 access to thousands of online knowledge and resource assets, full-text articles, journals and publications, and real-world policies and procedures from social services organizations. Join the Knowledge and Insights Center team for this session. They’ll provide an overview of services, instructions for using the online resources portal, and tips and tricks that make information searches and usage easier.
