Exploring the Benefits of a Social Current Engagement Package: SPARK Exchanges

Join us to learn how your organization’s team can benefit from a Social Current engagement package. This session will showcase SPARK Exchanges, which unite social sector professionals around functional roles and key issue areas to collaborate, share and/or access resources and solutions, discuss emerging trends, and receive policy updates and action opportunities.


Exploring the Benefits of a Social Current Engagement Package: Workforce Resilience Consulting

Social Current’s approach to workforce well-being and resilience is laser focused on partnering with staff and leaders to address these needs. Join this webinar to learn how we partner with organizations to build individual employee insights and skills and organization-wide strategies that shape a compassionate, healthy, and resilient organization.


Budgeting for Impact: Nonprofit Budget Essentials

This session provides an overview of the nonprofit budget process as well as basic steps to develop, implement, and monitor the annual budget. We will also share short-term budget strategies nonprofits can use to help build long-term financial sustainability. Whether involved in financial management, decision-making, or planning, this presentation will provide attendees with the necessary foundation to navigate the budget season. 


Exploring the Benefits of a Social Current Engagement Package: Knowledge and Insights Center

Join us to learn how your organization’s team can benefit from a Social Current engagement package and the exciting opportunities that connect you with colleagues across the network. All staff at any organization interested in learning more about the benefits of a Social Current engagement package are encouraged to participate in this webinar.

Event Series Building a Resilient Workforce

Building a Resilient Workforce: Embed Brain Science

This webinar, the first session in the Workforce Well-Being and Resilience learning series, focuses on the importance of embracing brain science awareness in our work settings. We explore the neurobiology of stress, distress and trauma, the arousal continuum, and strategies for practicing daily regulation activities at work and building a brain friendly culture that leads to resilience and success.

$50 – $65

Lessons from the Field in Reducing Child Abuse through Community-Based Collaboration

Learn about what it takes to address child abuse fatalities through a collaborative, community-based approach. For nearly four years, five different sites located across the country have been working to advance child and family well-being systems and shared responsibility in their communities. They will share a new model for doing things differently to better support families, keep children safe in their homes, and implement a public health approach that is proactive rather than reactive.
