Impact Areas

Brain Science and Trauma-Informed Approaches

We work to accelerate positive childhood experiences, nurturing relationships, and increased resilience. Our focus is on workforce well-being and resilience, the intersection of brain science and race equity, and trauma-informed approaches.

Child, Family, and Community Well-Being

We seek to reduce child abuse and neglect, foster protective factors, build trust between systems and communities, and increase public will to invest in keeping families strong and together. Our approach is grounded in data, equity, and lived experience.

COA Accreditation

We work closely with organizations to help them enhance and align their operations with best practice standards. Our process builds staff knowledge and skills to engage in continuous improvement, adopt best practices, and achieve organizational excellence.

Government Affairs and Advocacy

We activate the power of the social sector to influence public policy by mobilizing on key issues and building organizations’ advocacy muscles. Our focus is on policies that support positive social change, promote equity, and facilitate the work of the social sector.

Leadership and Organizational Development

We equip leaders with the skills to address adaptive challenges, lead systems change, and create lasting impact. Social Current’s approach to leadership and organizational development uses an equity lens, is grounded in mission-aligned values, and values lived experience.