Highlights of your ROI include:


Influence and Innovation

The opportunity to shape, contribute to, and develop innovative assets that will challenge existing perceptions, redefine the nonprofit sector, and establish new approaches to solve social problems which can then be scaled across the US and Canada. Your team will serve as co-designers and refiners of practical tools and resources that move our sector forward and address the primary needs and realities of your community.


Initial Access and Utilization

You will be the first to test and leverage new resources, setting a benchmark for others and elevating your prominence and leadership within your community.


Strategic Marketing and Narrative Shaping

You will serve as a critical contributor to the initial marketing campaign assets with direct access to both the Social Current and communications firm teams to shape their development and use them freely to drive necessary narrative changes. This will establish you and your community as pioneers in redefining the sector.


Media Recognition and Expertise

Your community will be prominently featured, enhancing your reputation and establishing you as a thought leader in the sector. You will gain recognition as an expert through press interviews and can benefit from being featured in a TV series and other high-profile media opportunities.  This visibility will highlight your community’s achievements and amplify your impact on at a national level.


Dedicated Support from and Exclusive Access to the Social Impact Team

Receive collaborative support from Social Current, including infrastructure, coordination, and strategic guidance, and access to the UnCharitable film team, offering the opportunity to showcase your community’s initiatives, successes, and stories in a dynamic and compelling manner. Be a part of facilitated cross-community collaboration and learning that allows your newly developed approaches to addressing social problems to be scaled nationally and contribute to broader system change.


Policy and Advocacy Advancement

You will receive the support and resources that empower your community to advocate for local and state policy changes that reflect your unique needs and aspirations, while gaining the opportunity to engage in policy and advocacy work at the federal level positioning you as a key player in shaping future legislation.