Generic Service Summary Supplement Definition
The Generic Service Summary Supplement validates strong processes, procedures, and structures for programs that are not being reviewed under a specific COA service section.
This supplement should be completed when the organization has opted to include a program in its accreditation review that does not fit under a specific COA service section. When multiple programs are being reviewed using this supplement, each piece of submitted evidence must be combined into one document for upload or one narrative. Speak with your COA Coordinator prior to completing this supplement to determine its applicability to your organization.
Every program should be guided by a program logic model, or equivalent framework, that describes a logical approach for how resources and program activities will support the achievement of positive outcomes, and includes:- needs the program will address;
- available human, financial, organizational, and community resources (i.e. inputs);
- program activities intended to bring about desired results;
- program outputs (i.e. the size and scope of services delivered);
- desired outcomes (i.e. the changes you expect to see in service recipients); and
- expected long-term impact on the organization, community, and/or system.
Administration and Management Standards
For-Profit Administration and Financial Management (CA-AFM)
- CA-AFM - Introduction
- CA-AFM 1 - Purpose
- CA-AFM 2 - Strategic and Annual Planning
- CA-AFM 3 - Community Involvement and Advocacy
- CA-AFM 4 - Administrative Oversight
- CA-AFM 5 - Conflict of Interest
- CA-AFM 6 - Protection of Reporters of Suspected Misconduct
- CA-AFM 7 - Internal Control Environment
- CA-AFM 8 - Revenue and Investments
- CA-AFM 9 - Financial Planning
- CA-AFM 10 - Financial Accountability
- CA-AFM 11 - Financial Management
- CA-AFM 12 - Fundraising
- Financial Management (CA-FIN)
Governance (CA-GOV)
- CA-GOV - Introduction
- CA-GOV 1 - Mission
- CA-GOV 2 - Strategic and Annual Planning
- CA-GOV 3 - Community Involvement and Advocacy
- CA-GOV 4 - Organization of the Governing Body
- CA-GOV 5 - Governing Body Responsibilities
- CA-GOV 6 - Organization Leadership
- CA-GOV 7 - Conflict of Interest
- CA-GOV 8 - Protection of Reporters of Suspected Misconduct
- Human Resources (CA-HR)
- Performance and Quality Improvement (CA-PQI)
Risk Prevention and Management (CA-RPM)
- CA-RPM - Introduction
- CA-RPM 1 - Legal and Regulatory Compliance
- CA-RPM 2 - Risk Prevention and Management
- CA-RPM 3 - Insurance Protection
- CA-RPM 4 - Technology and Information Management
- CA-RPM 5 - Security of Information
- CA-RPM 6 - Contracts and Service Agreements
- CA-RPM 7 - Quality Monitoring of Contracted Social and Human Services
Administration and Management (CP-AM)
- CP-AM - Introduction
- CP-AM 1 - Mission
- CP-AM 2 - Implementing Public Authority/Agency-Wide Change
- CP-AM 3 - Authority/Agency Leadership
- CP-AM 4 - Community and Provider Engagement
- CP-AM 5 - Service Array and Resource Development
- CP-AM 6 - Conflict of Interest
- CP-AM 7 - Protection of Reporters of Suspected Misconduct
- Financial Management (CP-FIN)
For-Profit Administration and Financial Management (CA-AFM)
Service Delivery Administration Standards
- Administrative and Service Environment (CA-ASE)
Behaviour Support and Management (CA-BSM)
- CA-BSM - Introduction
- CA-BSM 1 - Oversight of Restrictive Behaviour Management Interventions
- CA-BSM 2 - Behaviour Support and Management Practices
- CA-BSM 3 - Restrictive Behaviour Management Intervention Training
- CA-BSM 4 - Restrictive Behaviour Management Interventions
- CA-BSM 5 - Documentation and Debriefing
- Client Rights (CA-CR)
Program Administration (CA-PRG)
- CA-PRG - Introduction
- CA-PRG 1 - Case Records
- CA-PRG 2 - Access to Case Records
- CA-PRG 3 - Medication Control and Administration
- CA-PRG 4 - Technology-based Service Delivery
- CA-PRG 5 - Services for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
- CA-PRG 6 - Personnel Training for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
- Training and Supervision (CA-TS)
Service Standards
- Adult Day Services (CA-AD)
Adult Foster Care (CA-AFC)
- CA-AFC - Definition
- CA-AFC 1 - Person-Centered Logic Model
- CA-AFC 2 - Personnel
- CA-AFC 3 - Intake and Assessment
- CA-AFC 4 - Caregiver Recruitment and Assessment
- CA-AFC 5 - Home Assessment
- CA-AFC 6 - Placement Planning
- CA-AFC 7 - Caregiver Training and Support
- CA-AFC 8 - Placement Monitoring and Reassessment
- CA-AFC 9 - Case Closing and Aftercare
Adoption Services (CA-AS)
- CA-AS - Definition
- CA-AS 1 - Person-Centered Logic Model
- CA-AS 2 - Personnel
- CA-AS 3 - Recruitment and Orientation
- CA-AS 4 - Service and Permanency Planning and Adoption Service Contracts
- CA-AS 5 - Birth Parent Assessments and Child Background Studies
- CA-AS 6 - Home Study Practice
- CA-AS 7 - Training for Prospective Adoptive Parents
- CA-AS 8 - Consents, Matching, Referral, and Placement
- CA-AS 9 - Preparation and Support for Placement
- CA-AS 10 - Temporary Care for Children Awaiting Placement
- CA-AS 11 - Post-Placement and Post-Adoption Support and Family Preservation
- CA-AS 12 - Adoption Program Administration
Child and Family Development and Support Services (CA-CFD)
- CA-CFD - Definition
- CA-CFD 1 - Person-Centered Logic Model
- CA-CFD 2 - Personnel
- CA-CFD 3 - Intake and Assessment
- CA-CFD 4 - Service Planning and Monitoring
- CA-CFD 5 - Family-Focused Approach to Service
- CA-CFD 6 - Parent Education Services
- CA-CFD 7 - Family Support Services
- CA-CFD 8 - Health Services
- CA-CFD 9 - Early Intervention Services
- CA-CFD 10 - Case Closing and Aftercare
- Case Management (CA-CM)
Crisis Response and Information Services (CA-CRI)
- CA-CRI - Definition
- CA-CRI 1 - Person-Centered Logic Model
- CA-CRI 2 - Personnel
- CA-CRI 3 - Intake and Assessment
- CA-CRI 4 - Crisis Intervention Service Elements
- CA-CRI 5 - Crisis Call Services
- CA-CRI 6 - Mobile Crisis Response Services
- CA-CRI 7 - Crisis Receiving and Stabilization Services
- CA-CRI 8 - Crisis Receiving and Stabilization Facilities
- CA-CRI 9 - Community Connections and Coordination
- Coaching, Support, and Education Services (CA-CSE)
Day Treatment Services (CA-DTX)
- CA-DTX - Definition
- CA-DTX 1 - Person-Centered Logic Model
- CA-DTX 2 - Personnel
- CA-DTX 3 - Intake and Assessment
- CA-DTX 4 - Service Planning and Monitoring
- CA-DTX 5 - Interdisciplinary Program
- CA-DTX 6 - Services for Families
- CA-DTX 7 - Education Services
- CA-DTX 8 - Substance Use Services
- CA-DTX 9 - Care and Supervision
- CA-DTX 10 - Case Closing and Aftercare
Domestic Violence Services (CA-DV)
- CA-DV - Definition
- CA-DV 1 - Person-Centered Logic Model
- CA-DV 2 - Personnel
- CA-DV 3 - Intake and Assessment
- CA-DV 4 - Safety Planning
- CA-DV 5 - Service Planning and Monitoring
- CA-DV 6 - Advocacy and Support Services
- CA-DV 7 - Promoting the Well-Being of Children and Youth
- CA-DV 8 - Crisis Hotline
- CA-DV 9 - Rights of Shelter and Safe Home Residents
- CA-DV 10 - Shelter and Safe Home Facilities
- CA-DV 11 - Case Closing and Aftercare
Employee Assistance Program Services (CA-EAP)
- CA-EAP - Definition
- CA-EAP 1 - Person-Centered Logic Model
- CA-EAP 2 - Personnel
- CA-EAP 3 - Access to Service
- CA-EAP 4 - Internal EAP/Parent Company Relations
- CA-EAP 5 - Program Implementation and Contract Management
- CA-EAP 6 - Contractor Accountability
- CA-EAP 7 - Record-Keeping
- CA-EAP 8 - Assessment and Action Planning
- CA-EAP 9 - Service Elements
- CA-EAP 10 - Work-Life Services
- CA-EAP 11 - Case Closing
Early Childhood Education (CA-ECE)
- CA-ECE - Definition
- CA-ECE 1 - Person-Centered Logic Model
- CA-ECE 2 - Personnel
- CA-ECE 3 - Enrollment
- CA-ECE 4 - Parental Involvement and Support
- CA-ECE 5 - Health and Safety
- CA-ECE 6 - Classroom Environment
- CA-ECE 7 - Promoting Quality Relationships with Teaching Staff and Peers
- CA-ECE 8 - Developmental and Educational Activities
- CA-ECE 9 - Caring for Children with Special Needs
- CA-ECE 10 - Child Supervision
- CA-ECE 11 - Transition
- CA-ECE 12 - Oversight of Family Child Care Homes
- Experiential Education Supplement (CA-EES)
Financial Education and Counselling Services (CA-FEC)
- CA-FEC - Definition
- CA-FEC 1 - Person-Centered Logic Model
- CA-FEC 2 - Personnel
- CA-FEC 3 - Service Initiation
- CA-FEC 4 - Development of an Action Plan
- CA-FEC 5 - Financial Education and Counselling Services
- CA-FEC 6 - Housing Counselling and Education Services
- CA-FEC 7 - Debt Management Plans
- CA-FEC 8 - Administration of the Debt Management Plan
- CA-FEC 9 - Creditor Relations
- CA-FEC 10 - Referrals and System Collaborations
- CA-FEC 11 - Client File Review
- CA-FEC 12 - Business Ethics
Family Foster Care and Kinship Care (CA-FKC)
- CA-FKC - Definition
- CA-FKC 1 - Person-Centered Logic Model
- CA-FKC 2 - Personnel
- CA-FKC 3 - Initial Assessment
- CA-FKC 4 - Comprehensive Assessment
- CA-FKC 5 - Service Planning
- CA-FKC 6 - Child Permanency
- CA-FKC 7 - Child Placement
- CA-FKC 8 - Developing and Maintaining Connections
- CA-FKC 9 - Services for Parents
- CA-FKC 10 - Services for Children and Youth
- CA-FKC 11 - Physical and Mental Healthcare
- CA-FKC 12 - Supports and Services for Expectant and Parenting Youth
- CA-FKC 13 - Treatment Foster Care
- CA-FKC 14 - Worker Contact and Monitoring
- CA-FKC 15 - Transition to Adulthood
- CA-FKC 16 - Family Reunification
- CA-FKC 17 - Resource Family Recruitment
- CA-FKC 18 - Resource Family Assessment and Approval
- CA-FKC 19 - Resource Family Training and Preparation
- CA-FKC 20 - Resource Family Use of Physical Interventions
- CA-FKC 21 - Resource Family Development, Support, and Retention
- CA-FKC 22 - Respite Care
- CA-FKC 23 - Case Closing and Aftercare
Family Preservation and Stabilization Services (CA-FPS)
- CA-FPS - Definition
- CA-FPS 1 - Person-Centered Logic Model
- CA-FPS 2 - Personnel
- CA-FPS 3 - Intake and Assessment
- CA-FPS 4 - Service Planning and Monitoring
- CA-FPS 5 - Family-Focused Approach to Service Delivery
- CA-FPS 6 - Family Supports, Services, and Interventions
- CA-FPS 7 - Case Closing and Aftercare
Group Living Services (CA-GLS)
- CA-GLS - Definition
- CA-GLS 1 - Person-Centered Logic Model
- CA-GLS 2 - Personnel
- CA-GLS 3 - Access to Service
- CA-GLS 4 - Intake and Assessment
- CA-GLS 5 - Family Involvement
- CA-GLS 6 - Service Planning and Monitoring
- CA-GLS 7 - Child Permanency
- CA-GLS 8 - Group Living Program
- CA-GLS 9 - Healthcare Services
- CA-GLS 10 - Education Services
- CA-GLS 11 - Community and Social Connections
- CA-GLS 12 - Services for Pregnant and Parenting Residents
- CA-GLS 13 - Substance Use Services
- CA-GLS 14 - Residential Facilities
- CA-GLS 15 - Recovery Homes
- CA-GLS 16 - Privacy Provisions
- CA-GLS 17 - Care and Supervision
- CA-GLS 18 - Transition from the Service System
- CA-GLS 19 - Case Closing and Aftercare
- Generic Service Summary Supplement (CA-GSS)
Home Care and Support Services (CA-HCS)
- CA-HCS - Definition
- CA-HCS 1 - Person-Centered Logic Model
- CA-HCS 2 - Personnel
- CA-HCS 3 - Requirements for Personnel Providing Services to Individuals with Special Needs
- CA-HCS 4 - Access to Services
- CA-HCS 5 - Intake
- CA-HCS 6 - Assessment-Based Care Planning and Coordination
- CA-HCS 7 - Care Monitoring
- CA-HCS 8 - Coordinated Home Management, Activities of Daily Living, and Health Services
- CA-HCS 9 - Case Closing and Aftercare
Housing Stabilization and Community Living Services (CA-HSCL)
- CA-HSCL - Definition
- CA-HSCL 1 - Person-Centered Logic Model
- CA-HSCL 2 - Personnel
- CA-HSCL 3 - Intake and Assessment
- CA-HSCL 4 - Service Planning and Monitoring
- CA-HSCL 5 - Service Components
- CA-HSCL 6 - Services for Pregnant and Parenting Families
- CA-HSCL 7 - The Rights of Persons Served
- CA-HSCL 8 - Recovery Homes
- CA-HSCL 9 - Case Closing and Aftercare
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services (CA-IDDS)
- CA-IDDS - Definition
- CA-IDDS 1 - Person-Centered Logic Model
- CA-IDDS 2 - Personnel
- CA-IDDS 3 - Intake and Assessment
- CA-IDDS 4 - Service Planning and Monitoring
- CA-IDDS 5 - Therapeutic Services
- CA-IDDS 6 - Community and Social Connections
- CA-IDDS 7 - Assistive Technology
- CA-IDDS 8 - Support Services for Family and Caregivers
- CA-IDDS 9 - Case Closing and Aftercare
Mental Health and/or Substance Use Services (CA-MHSU)
- CA-MHSU - Definition
- CA-MHSU 1 - Person-Centered Logic Model
- CA-MHSU 2 - Personnel
- CA-MHSU 3 - Intake and Assessment
- CA-MHSU 4 - Service Planning and Monitoring
- CA-MHSU 5 - Clinical Counselling
- CA-MHSU 6 - Therapeutic Services
- CA-MHSU 7 - Medical Care and Clinical Support Team
- CA-MHSU 8 - Outpatient Withdrawal Management
- CA-MHSU 9 - Care Coordination
- CA-MHSU 10 - Support Services
- CA-MHSU 11 - Case Closing and Aftercare
- Mentoring Services (CA-MS)
- Outreach Services (CA-OS)
Out-of-School Time Services (CA-OST)
- CA-OST - Definition
- CA-OST 1 - Person-Centered Logic Model
- CA-OST 2 - Personnel
- CA-OST 3 - Access and Enrollment
- CA-OST 4 - Building Supportive Relationships Between Program Participants and Adults
- CA-OST 5 - Promoting Positive Behaviours and Healthy Peer Relationships
- CA-OST 6 - Positive Approaches to Guiding Behaviour
- CA-OST 7 - Family Connections
- CA-OST 8 - Community Relationships and Partnerships
- CA-OST 9 - Programming and Activities
- CA-OST 10 - Programming and Activities: Arts Education and Enrichment
- CA-OST 11 - Programming and Activities: Health and Wellness
- CA-OST 12 - Programming and Activities: Academic Enrichment and Skill Development
- CA-OST 13 - Programming and Activities: Homework Help and/or Tutoring
- CA-OST 14 - Programming and Activities: College and Career Readiness
- CA-OST 15 - Programming and Activities: Mentoring
- CA-OST 16 - Indoor Environment and Materials
- CA-OST 17 - Outdoor Environment and Materials
- CA-OST 18 - Health and Safety
- CA-OST 19 - Supervision
Pregnancy Support Services (CA-PS)
- CA-PS - Definition
- CA-PS 1 - Person-Centered Logic Model
- CA-PS 2 - Personnel
- CA-PS 3 - Intake and Assessment
- CA-PS 4 - Service Planning and Monitoring
- CA-PS 5 - Pregnancy Options Counselling/Birth Options Counselling
- CA-PS 6 - Health Services
- CA-PS 7 - Education Services
- CA-PS 8 - Support Services
- CA-PS 9 - Case Closing and Aftercare
- Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services (CA-PSR)
Respite Care (CA-RC)
- CA-RC - Definition
- CA-RC 1 - Person-Centered Logic Model
- CA-RC 2 - Personnel
- CA-RC 3 - Intake and Assessment
- CA-RC 4 - Service Planning and Monitoring
- CA-RC 5 - Care and Supervision
- CA-RC 6 - Service Environment
- CA-RC 7 - Short-Term Residential Respite and Crisis Nursery Services
- CA-RC 8 - Case Closing
Refugee Resettlement Services (CA-RRS)
- CA-RRS - Definition
- CA-RRS 1 - Person-Centered Logic Model
- CA-RRS 2 - Personnel
- CA-RRS 3 - Outreach
- CA-RRS 4 - Intake and Assessment
- CA-RRS 5 - Service Planning and Monitoring
- CA-RRS 6 - Resettlement Services
- CA-RRS 7 - Services for Separated Refugee Minor Children
- CA-RRS 8 - Case Closing and Aftercare
Residential Treatment Services (CA-RTX)
- CA-RTX - Definition
- CA-RTX 1 - Person-Centered Logic Model
- CA-RTX 2 - Personnel
- CA-RTX 3 - Admission
- CA-RTX 4 - Assessment
- CA-RTX 5 - Service Planning and Monitoring
- CA-RTX 6 - Family Connections and Involvement
- CA-RTX 7 - Child Permanency
- CA-RTX 8 - Service Culture
- CA-RTX 9 - Therapeutic and Skill-Building Services
- CA-RTX 10 - Healthcare Services
- CA-RTX 11 - Education Services
- CA-RTX 12 - Community and Social Connections
- CA-RTX 13 - Crisis Stabilization
- CA-RTX 14 - Services for Pregnant and Parenting Individuals
- CA-RTX 15 - Substance Use Services
- CA-RTX 16 - Residential Facilities
- CA-RTX 17 - Privacy Provisions
- CA-RTX 18 - Care and Supervision
- CA-RTX 19 - Planning for Transition
- CA-RTX 20 - Case Closing and Aftercare
Shelter Services (CA-SH)
- CA-SH - Definition
- CA-SH 1 - Person-Centered Logic Model
- CA-SH 2 - Personnel
- CA-SH 3 - Intake and Assessment
- CA-SH 4 - Service Planning and Monitoring
- CA-SH 5 - The Rights of Service Recipients
- CA-SH 6 - Program Facilities
- CA-SH 7 - Service Components
- CA-SH 8 - Supportive Services
- CA-SH 9 - Youth Shelter Services
- CA-SH 10 - Case Closing and Aftercare
Supervised Visitation and Exchange Services (CA-SVE)
- CA-SVE - Definition
- CA-SVE 1 - Person-Centered Logic Model
- CA-SVE 2 - Personnel
- CA-SVE 3 - Referral and Screening
- CA-SVE 4 - Intake and Orientation
- CA-SVE 5 - Service Environment
- CA-SVE 6 - Off-Site Supervision
- CA-SVE 7 - Visit and Exchange Management
- CA-SVE 8 - Therapeutic Supervised Visitation
- CA-SVE 9 - Case Documentation, Review, and Reporting
- CA-SVE 10 - Case Closing
Vocational Rehabilitation Services (CA-VOC)
- CA-VOC - Definition
- CA-VOC 1 - Person-Centered Logic Model
- CA-VOC 2 - Personnel
- CA-VOC 3 - Intake and Assessment
- CA-VOC 4 - Vocational Planning and Monitoring
- CA-VOC 5 - Skill-Development Training
- CA-VOC 6 - Vocational Evaluation Services
- CA-VOC 7 - Work Adjustment Services
- CA-VOC 8 - Job Development Placement Services
- CA-VOC 9 - Supported Employment Services
- CA-VOC 10 - Work Services
- CA-VOC 11 - Case Closing and Aftercare
Workforce Development and Support Services (CA-WDS)
- CA-WDS - Definition
- CA-WDS 1 - Person-Centered Logic Model
- CA-WDS 2 - Personnel
- CA-WDS 3 - Community Partnerships
- CA-WDS 4 - Assessment-Based Employment Planning and Monitoring
- CA-WDS 5 - Training and Personal Development Services
- CA-WDS 6 - Job Development and Placement Services
- CA-WDS 7 - Financial Literacy
- CA-WDS 8 - Financial Asset Building Services
Youth Custody Services (CA-YCS)
- CA-YCS - Definition
- CA-YCS 1 - Person-Centered Logic Model
- CA-YCS 2 - Personnel
- CA-YCS 3 - Intake and Assessment
- CA-YCS 4 - Service Planning and Monitoring
- CA-YCS 5 - Family Connections and Involvement
- CA-YCS 6 - Service Culture
- CA-YCS 7 - Health Services
- CA-YCS 8 - Mental Health Services
- CA-YCS 9 - Services for Substance Use Conditions
- CA-YCS 10 - Education Services
- CA-YCS 11 - Development of Social and Independent Living Skills
- CA-YCS 12 - Workforce Development Services
- CA-YCS 13 - Living and Service Environment
- CA-YCS 14 - Maintaining Safety and Security
- CA-YCS 15 - Planning for Reentry and Aftercare
- CA-YCS 16 - Case Closing and Aftercare
Youth Independent Living Services (CA-YIL)
- CA-YIL - Definition
- CA-YIL 1 - Person-Centered Logic Model
- CA-YIL 2 - Personnel
- CA-YIL 3 - Intake and Assessment
- CA-YIL 4 - Service Planning and Monitoring
- CA-YIL 5 - Service Coordination for Youth with Special Needs
- CA-YIL 6 - Supportive Housing for Youth in Transition
- CA-YIL 7 - Family, Community, and Workplace Connections
- CA-YIL 8 - Transition from the Service System
- CA-YIL 9 - Case Closing and Aftercare
Youth Psychosocial Services (CA-YPS)
- CA-YPS - Definition
- CA-YPS 1 - Person-Centered Logic Model
- CA-YPS 2 - Personnel
- CA-YPS 3 - Rehabilitation Team
- CA-YPS 4 - Intake and Assessment
- CA-YPS 5 - Service Planning and Monitoring
- CA-YPS 6 - Psychosocial Interventions
- CA-YPS 7 - Social and Community Connections
- CA-YPS 8 - Case Closing and Aftercare
Note: The following documents must be available on-site for review:
- List of program personnel that includes:
- Title
- Name
- Employee, volunteer, or independentr contractor
- Time in current position
- Sample job descriptions from across relevant job categories
- Training curricula
- Documentation tracking staff completion of required trainings and/or competencies
Additionally, the following activities will be conducted during the site visit:
- Interview:
- program director
- relevant personnel
- persons served
- Review personnel files
- Review case records, if applicable
Note: Please see the GSS Fact Sheet - Private, Public, Canadian for more information about how programs assigned the Generic Service Summary Supplement (CA-GSS) are evaluated On-Site.