Community Change Initiatives Definition
Community Change Initiatives mobilize the community for action, strengthen the capacity of residents and organizations to effect and sustain change, build and improve neighborhoods, and lay the groundwork for future progress.Definition
- economic opportunity and security;
- physical development and infrastructure;
- safety and security;
- health and wellness;
- education;
- civic participation;
- cultural enrichment; and
- social capital.
Note:While many of COA's Service Standards, as well as its Administration and Management Standards (see GOV 3), incorporate some of the principles that underlie community building, CCI is designed for organizations that play a more active and deliberate role in facilitating community change.
If an organization primarily builds and improves the community by providing services to individuals (e.g., by providing Workforce Development Services (WDS), or Case Management Services (CM)), the organization should complete that section of standards only. Organizations that provide services to individuals and play an active role in facilitating community change should complete service sections for both activities. For example, an organization that promotes community change by both providing case management and convening community stakeholders should complete both CM and CCI.
Note:Organizations that provide technical assistance to community change initiatives have the option to complete only: CCI 1, CCI 2, CCI 3, CCI 4, and CCI 6. Several of the practice standards within those core concepts also include NAs for technical assistance providers.
Note:Please see CCI Reference List for the research that informed the development of these standards.
Note:For information about changes made in the 2020 Edition, please see the CCI Crosswalk.
Community Change Initiatives (CCI) 1: Community-Centered Logic Model
The organization implements a program logic model that describes how resources and program activities will support the achievement of positive outcomes.
Logic models have been implemented for all programs and the organization has identified at least two outcomes for all its programs.
Practices are basically sound but there is room for improvement, as noted in the ratings for the Practice Standards; e.g.,
- Logic models need improvement or clarification; or
- Logic models are still under development for some of its programs, but are completed for all high-risk programs such as protective services, foster care, residential treatment, etc.; or
- At least one outcome has been identified for all of its programs.
Practice requires significant improvement, as noted in the ratings for the Practice Standards. Service quality or program functioning may be compromised; e.g.,
- Logic models need significant improvement; or
- Logic models are still under development for a majority of programs; or
- A logic model has not been developed for one or more high-risk programs; or
- Outcomes have not been identified for one or more programs.
Implementation of the standard is minimal or there is no evidence of implementation at all, as noted in the ratings for the Practice Standards; e.g.,
- Logic models have not been developed or implemented; or
- Outcomes have not been identified for any programs.
CCI 1.01
A program logic model, or equivalent framework, identifies:
- needs the program will address;
- available human, financial, organizational, and community resources (i.e. inputs);
- program activities intended to bring about desired results;
- program outputs (i.e. the size and scope of services delivered);
- desired outcomes (i.e. the changes you expect to see in the community); and
- expected long-term impact on the organization, community, and/or system.
Examples: Please see the W.K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide and COA Accreditation’s PQI Tool Kit for more information on developing and using program logic models.
Examples: Information that may be used to inform the development of the program logic model includes, but is not limited to:
- needs assessments and periodic reassessments; and
- the best available evidence of service effectiveness.
CCI 1.02
The logic model identifies at least two outcomes appropriate to the program or service population.
Interpretation: Outcomes data should be disaggregated to identify patterns of disparity or inequity that can be masked by aggregate data reporting. See PQI 5.02 for more information on disaggregating data to track and monitor identified outcomes.
Community Change Initiatives (CCI) 2: Personnel
Interpretation: Within the context of this standard, personnel may include paid employees or volunteers.
- With some exceptions, staff (direct service providers, supervisors, and program managers) possess the required qualifications, including education, experience, training, skills, temperament, etc., but the integrity of the service is not compromised; or
- Supervisors provide additional support and oversight, as needed, to the few staff without the listed qualifications; or
- Most staff who do not meet educational requirements are seeking to obtain them; or
- With few exceptions, staff have received required training, including applicable specialized training; or
- Training curricula are not fully developed or lack depth; or
- Training documentation is consistently maintained and kept up-to-date with some exceptions; or
- A substantial number of supervisors meet the requirements of the standard, and the organization provides training and/or consultation to improve competencies when needed; or
- With few exceptions, caseload sizes are consistently maintained as required by the standards or as required by internal policy when caseload has not been set by a standard; or
- Workloads are such that staff can effectively accomplish their assigned tasks and provide quality services and are adjusted as necessary; or
- Specialized services are obtained as required by the standards.
- A significant number of staff (direct service providers, supervisors, and program managers) do not possess the required qualifications, including education, experience, training, skills, temperament, etc.; and as a result, the integrity of the service may be compromised; or
- Job descriptions typically do not reflect the requirements of the standards, and/or hiring practices do not document efforts to hire staff with required qualifications when vacancies occur; or
- Supervisors do not typically provide additional support and oversight to staff without the listed qualifications; or
- A significant number of staff have not received required training, including applicable specialized training; or
- Training documentation is poorly maintained; or
- A significant number of supervisors do not meet the requirements of the standard, and the organization makes little effort to provide training and/or consultation to improve competencies; or
- There are numerous instances where caseload sizes exceed the standards' requirements or the requirements of internal policy when a caseload size is not set by the standard; or
- Workloads are excessive, and the integrity of the service may be compromised; or
- Specialized staff are typically not retained as required and/or many do not possess the required qualifications; or
- Specialized services are infrequently obtained as required by the standards.
CCI 2.01
- engaging and building trusting relationships with community members;
- communicating effectively with relevant stakeholders;
- adapting to changing situations and environments;
- assessing community characteristics, assets, needs, and priorities;
- capitalizing on assets and strengths within a community;
- developing and monitoring implementation of results-oriented community plans;
- leading and facilitating meetings and discussions;
- managing groups and resolving conflicts;
- building coalitions among community residents, associations, and institutions;
- developing networks with groups outside the community that can advance the initiative;
- understanding and working within relevant financial and administrative infrastructures;
- understanding and implementing projects related to the focus and priorities of the initiative (e.g., improving infrastructure, preventing substance use, promoting public safety, etc.);
- engaging in community work without maintaining a high profile or dominating the initiative’s public presence; and
- promoting the sustainability of results.
CCI 2.02
- are knowledgeable about community dynamics; and
- demonstrate a long-term commitment to the community and the initiative’s goals.
CCI 2.03
- the qualifications, competencies, and experience of the worker including the level of supervision needed; and
- the work and time required to accomplish assigned tasks and job responsibilities.
Community Change Initiatives (CCI) 3: Community Engagement
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
CCI 3.01
CCI 3.02
- providing timely notification of meetings;
- documenting all important decisions in writing;
- developing procedures for communicating with community stakeholders about the initiative and its activities;
- regularly reporting to the community on the initiative’s status, progress, and outcomes; and
- developing procedures for community stakeholders to provide regular feedback about the initiative and the organization’s role in the initiative.
CCI 3.03
- bringing community stakeholders together as peers and equals;
- ensuring that no stakeholder, including the organization itself, dominates the initiative;
- demonstrating tolerance, understanding, and respect for both stakeholders and the community as a whole;
- facilitating the development of trust and respect among community stakeholders;
- following fair and clearly-understood procedures for decision-making and dispute resolution; and
- addressing and managing any conflicts that arise.
Community Change Initiatives (CCI) 4: Developing Stakeholders' Capacities and Connections
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
CCI 4.01
- develop relevant skills;
- cultivate positive connections and social networks with other community residents;
- connect with organizations and institutions in the community; and
- mobilize for action.
CCI 4.02
- their internal capacities, including their leadership and governance; and
- their networks and alliances with other community organizations and institutions.
CCI 4.03
Community Change Initiatives (CCI) 5: Community Assessment
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
CCI 5.01
- demographics and characteristics;
- protective factors, including the assets, skills, capacities, and resources of its residents, organizations, and institutions; and
- needs, issues, and concerns.
Interpretation: COA recognizes that, in some cases, the organization might not conduct the community assessment directly and instead might utilize the results of an assessment already conducted by another party. For example, if the state department of health conducted an assessment which revealed that a certain problem existed in the community, the initiative might have been launched in response to that identified need. When this is the case, the organization is not expected to complete another community assessment. However, it should be prepared to provide evidence of the assessment it draws upon in order to demonstrate that the initiative has been built based on real data.
Regardless of who conducts the community assessment, the information should be up-to-date, ideally collected within the last three years.
Examples: Community demographics and characteristics can include things like population statistics, age, marital status, household size, racial and ethnic background, language spoken, educational levels, employment rates, income, and health statistics.
CCI 5.02
Community Change Initiatives (CCI) 6: Planning and Monitoring Progress
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
CCI 6.01
- based on the community assessment;
- results-oriented;
- tailored to local conditions and priorities; and
- respectful of diversity and difference.
CCI 6.02
- priorities and areas of focus;
- the community’s current readiness to take action on a particular issue;
- measurable goals and desired outcomes;
- strategies for achieving goals and desired outcomes;
- resources and skills needed to implement strategies and activities;
- reasonable timeframes for implementing activities and achieving goals;
- the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders;
- measures for tracking and evaluating progress; and
- strategies for promoting the long-term sustainability of the initiative and its achievements.
CCI 6.03
CCI 6.04
- address the priorities and goals specified in the plan;
- build or improve some aspect of the community; and
- allow stakeholders to collaborate in a way that builds social and human capital.
CCI 6.05
- assessing the degree to which community stakeholders have become engaged in the initiative;
- ensuring that the organization and relevant community stakeholders are fulfilling their identified responsibilities as outlined in the plan;
- responding to any issues that arise or circumstances that change during the course of the initiative;
- conducting data-driven evaluation of progress towards goals including identifying areas of success and areas in need of additional effort;
- evaluating whether the priorities and goals included in the plan are still applicable and appropriate;
- making any adjustments or modifications needed to achieve goals; and
- expanding the plan to address additional community priorities, if applicable and appropriate.
Community Change Initiatives (CCI) 7: Sustaining Progress
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
CCI 7.01
CCI 7.02
- identifying the activities that will sustain results over time and responsible parties;
- fostering continued engagement of relevant stakeholders; and
- determining its role in the future of the initiative.
CCI 7.03
- publicizing the initiative's achievements and lessons learned; and
- celebrating achievements.