Family Foster Care and Kinship Care Definition
Children in Family Foster Care and Kinship Care live in safe, stable, nurturing, and often temporary family settings that best provide the continuity of care to preserve relationships, promote well-being, and ensure permanency.Definition
Family Foster Care and Kinship Care Programs work with parents, children, and caregivers to provide children with safe, stable, nurturing, and often temporary care in family settings, that promotes well-being and ensures strong connections with family, peers, and community. When children are separated from their families due to maltreatment or other family circumstances, services and supports are provided to facilitate reunification and stability, and ensure that all children have permanent living arrangements as well as safe and nurturing relationships that will endure over time.
Family Foster Care is provided by foster parents who volunteer to bring children into their families and give them opportunities for family and community living. Foster parents are recruited, assessed, selected, credentialed, trained, and retained for this voluntary role. Foster parents always care for children in the custody of the local child welfare agency and serve as partners in child protection, well-being, and permanency.
Kinship Care is the full-time care of children by relatives, members of tribes or clans, or anyone to whom a family relationship is ascribed. Kinship caregivers may provide care through arrangements made privately or informally in the family, or through arrangements made with the involvement and oversight of the local child welfare agency. In some jurisdictions or circumstances kin may serve as foster parents. Kinship care builds on the strengths of family relationships and ensures children's continued connections to their family networks and community supports, while recognizing that the entire family (children, parents, and kinship caregivers) may need an array of services. Their natural role, the dynamics of family relationships, and the strengths and needs of kin requires that organizations form strong collaborations with kinship caregivers in order to best promote permanency and the preservation of families.
Treatment Foster Care provides a therapeutic family environment and intensive clinical services for children whose medical, developmental, or psychiatric needs cannot be met in traditional family foster care, or who may be transitioning from a more intensive care setting, such as residential treatment, the juvenile justice system, or a hospital. With the support of a multidisciplinary treatment team, specially trained resource families provide nurturing care and treatment-based interventions that promote improved functioning. In some jurisdictions, treatment foster parents may be paid professionals, or kin may serve as treatment foster parents. Children may have: severe emotional or behavioral disturbances; physical or intellectual and developmental disabilities; severe or life threatening illnesses; or conditions that require the routine use of a medical device and/or daily ongoing care or monitoring.
Transitional Foster Care programs for unaccompanied minors are short-term, licensed foster care programs housing children under the age of 18. These programs are an alternative to large shelters and services are provided until children can be reunified with their families, a sponsor is identified, or in some cases, the child is moved to traditional foster care.
Standards Assignment Criteria
The Family Foster Care and Kinship Care Standards accommodate an array of programs that support and empower families when children are in need of temporary care in a family environment, including:
- Family Foster Care Services
- Treatment Foster Care Services
- Foster to Adoption Services
- Family Foster Care Case Management Services
- Family Foster Care Home Services
- Formal and informal Kinship Care Services
- Transitional Foster Care for Unaccompanied Minors
The way in which the standards are applied and implemented will depend on the type of service and targeted service recipients, as well as the organization's role and responsibilities as defined by the local child welfare agency. Please refer to the Family Foster Care and Kinship Care (FKC) Standards Assignment Criteria Chart for a list of applicable standards by program model.
Organizations should be familiar with the relevant legal requirements of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), which govern child welfare proceedings involving American Indian and Alaska Native children in state child welfare systems. To ensure compliance with ICWA, organizations must have established procedures for determining if children are members or eligible for membership in a federally recognized-tribe, include tribal representatives throughout all aspects of service delivery in cases to which ICWA applies, and collaborate with local child welfare agencies to determine their role in the context of tribal-state child welfare agreements, ICWA, and any relevant state laws pertaining specifically to Indian child welfare.- The term "children" includes infants, toddlers, school-age children, and youth, including youth in care after age 18. The term "youth" is used only when standards refer directly to services for older children, generally 14 years old and up.
- The terms "parent" and "family" typically refer to a child's birth parents and/or family of origin, but can also refer to anyone who is the child's guardian or primary caregiver prior to child welfare involvement. For example, while core concepts addressing "Services for Parents" and "Family Reunification" are typically for birth parents, they can also be applicable to other primary caregivers from whom the child was separated due to maltreatment concerns. "Parent" and "family" are also used to refer to adoptive parents and families and legal guardians in the core concepts that refer to expectations and supports for these families. However, the term "family" is typically not intended to include "resource families," which are defined separately below, except when referencing the extended family that may include related kinship caregivers.
- The terms "resource parent" and "resource family" refer to foster parents, formal and informal kinship caregivers, and treatment foster parents. When standards address practice requirements relevant only to certain sub-groups of resource parents (e.g., kinship caregivers, or treatment foster parents), this is indicated in the language of the standard.
Note: Please see the FKC Reference List for the research that informed the development of these standards.
Note:For information about changes made in the 2020 Edition, please see the FKC Crosswalk.
Family Foster Care and Kinship Care (FKC) 1: Person-Centered Logic Model
Logic models have been implemented for all programs and the organization has identified at least two outcomes for all its programs.
Practices are basically sound but there is room for improvement, as noted in the ratings for the Practice Standards; e.g.,
- Logic models need improvement or clarification; or
- Logic models are still under development for some of its programs, but are completed for all high-risk programs such as protective services, foster care, residential treatment, etc.; or
- At least one outcome has been identified for all of its programs.
Practice requires significant improvement, as noted in the ratings for the Practice Standards. Service quality or program functioning may be compromised; e.g.,
- Logic models need significant improvement; or
- Logic models are still under development for a majority of programs; or
- A logic model has not been developed for one or more high-risk programs; or
- Outcomes have not been identified for one or more programs.
Implementation of the standard is minimal or there is no evidence of implementation at all, as noted in the ratings for the Practice Standards; e.g.,
- Logic models have not been developed or implemented; or
- Outcomes have not been identified for any programs.
FKC 1.01
A program logic model, or equivalent framework, identifies:
- needs the program will address;
- available human, financial, organizational, and community resources (i.e. inputs);
- program activities intended to bring about desired results;
- program outputs (i.e. the size and scope of services delivered);
- desired outcomes (i.e. the changes you expect to see in persons served); and
- expected long-term impact on the organization, community, and/or system.
Examples: Please see the W.K Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide and COA Accreditation’s PQI Tool Kit for more information on developing and using program logic models.
Examples: Information that may be used to inform the development of the program model includes, but is not limited to:
- needs assessments and periodic reassessments;
- risks assessments conducted for specific interventions;
- the voices of children, families, resource families, and community partners;
- the social and cultural context of the community served; and
- the best available evidence of service effectiveness.
FKC 1.02
The logic model identifies individual outcomes in at least two of the following areas:
- change in clinical status;
- change in functional status;
- health, welfare, and safety;
- permanency of life situation;
- quality of life;
- achievement of individual service goals; and
- other outcomes as appropriate to the program or service population.
Interpretation: Outcomes data should be disaggregated to identify patterns of disparity or inequity that can be masked by aggregate data reporting. See PQI 5.02 for more information on disaggregating data to track and monitor identified outcomes.
- percentage of cases in which placements remained permanent and stable;
- percentage of cases in which family relationships and connections were preserved;
- percentage of cases in which families were successfully reunified following out-of-home care;
- percentage of children who transitioned to a less restrictive setting;
- percentage of children with improved behavioral, social, cognitive, and/or physical functioning;
- attainment of educational levels or milestones;
- number of cases of recurring maltreatment;
- number of cases of maltreatment-related fatalities; and
- percentage of youth transitioning to youth with appropriate skills, permanent family resources, and support networks.
Family Foster Care and Kinship Care (FKC) 2: Personnel
- With some exceptions, staff (direct service providers, supervisors, and program managers) possess the required qualifications, including education, experience, training, skills, temperament, etc., but the integrity of the service is not compromised; or
- Supervisors provide additional support and oversight, as needed, to the few staff without the listed qualifications; or
- Most staff who do not meet educational requirements are seeking to obtain them; or
- With few exceptions, staff have received required training, including applicable specialized training; or
- Training curricula are not fully developed or lack depth; or
- Training documentation is consistently maintained and kept up-to-date with some exceptions; or
- A substantial number of supervisors meet the requirements of the standard, and the organization provides training and/or consultation to improve competencies when needed; or
- With few exceptions, caseload sizes are consistently maintained as required by the standards or as required by internal policy when caseload has not been set by a standard; or
- Workloads are such that staff can effectively accomplish their assigned tasks and provide quality services and are adjusted as necessary; or
- Specialized services are obtained as required by the standards.
- A significant number of staff (direct service providers, supervisors, and program managers) do not possess the required qualifications, including education, experience, training, skills, temperament, etc.; and as a result, the integrity of the service may be compromised; or
- Job descriptions typically do not reflect the requirements of the standards, and/or hiring practices do not document efforts to hire staff with required qualifications when vacancies occur; or
- Supervisors do not typically provide additional support and oversight to staff without the listed qualifications; or
- A significant number of staff have not received required training, including applicable specialized training; or
- Training documentation is poorly maintained; or
- A significant number of supervisors do not meet the requirements of the standard, and the organization makes little effort to provide training and/or consultation to improve competencies; or
- There are numerous instances where caseload sizes exceed the standards' requirements or the requirements of internal policy when a caseload size is not set by the standard; or
- Workloads are excessive, and the integrity of the service may be compromised; or
- Specialized staff are typically not retained as required and/or many do not possess the required qualifications; or
- Specialized services are infrequently obtained as required by the standards.
FKC 2.01
- an advanced degree in social work or a comparable human service field; or
- a bachelor’s degree in social work or a comparable human service field with two years of related experience.
FKC 2.02
FKC 2.03
Workers are trained on or demonstrate competency to:
- empower, support, and mentor parents and children;
- respond to the diverse needs and characteristics of children in care including those related to race, ethnicity, culture, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and ability;
- assess risk and safety;
- conduct comprehensive assessments of strengths, needs, and protective factors;
- collaborate with families to identify strengths and needs and develop effective service plans;
- conduct well-planned, quality home visits that focus on issues pertinent to service planning;
- understand child, adult, and family development and functioning, including child and adolescent brain development;
- collaborate with different organizations, agencies, and systems likely to serve or encounter children and families, including the mental health, health, educational, and judicial systems;
- evaluate progress on identified goals and the continued need for placement;
- facilitate permanency, family connections, and community supports; and
- follow the organization’s protocols for responding to allegations of maltreatment in resource homes.
FKC 2.04
Workers who collaborate with resource families are trained on or demonstrate competency to:
- recruit, assess, and engage with resource parents;
- help resource families to meet the needs of the children in their care and provide a physically and psychologically safe, nondiscriminatory, and nurturing environment;
- provide timely and responsive support to resource families; and
- facilitate relationships between birth parents and resource families, when appropriate
FKC 2.05
- present information in a manner that will resonate with expectant or parenting youth;
- address the dual developmental needs of adolescents and young children;
- promote youths’ transition to adulthood while parenting; and
- facilitate father involvement when appropriate and feasible.
FKC 2.06
- the importance of ICWA and special considerations for working with American Indian and Alaska Native children;
- the identification of American Indian and Alaska Native children;
- determination of jurisdiction;
- appropriate notice and collaboration with the child's tribe;
- placement preferences that support the child's connection to their native culture and heritage;
- active efforts requirements to reunify families; and
- court procedures.
NA The organization provides kinship care services only.
NA The organization provides services for foreign-born children only.
FKC 2.07
- assigning a worker at intake or early in the contact; and
- avoiding the arbitrary or indiscriminate reassignment of direct service personnel.
Organizations providing both traditional and treatment foster care can promote continuity during level of care transitions by instituting:
- blended caseloads;
- cross-training; and/or
- team lead or dyad supervision models.
FKC 2.08
- 12-15 children in foster care or kinship care, and their families; and
- 8 children in treatment foster care, and their families.
Interpretation: For programs that exclusively serve resource families, such as in foster care home services or informal kinship care, this standard will be evaluated based on whether the assigned workload is manageable for personnel, taking into account the factors cited in the standard and examples. Each organization should determine what caseload size is appropriate, and reviewers will evaluate: (1) whether the organization’s designated caseload size reflects a manageable workload, and (2) whether the organization maintains caseloads of the size it deemed appropriate.
- the qualifications, competencies, and experience of the worker, including the level of supervision needed;
- the work and time required to accomplish assigned tasks and meet practice requirements, including those associated with individual caseloads and other organizational responsibilities;
- service elements provided by other team members or collaborating providers; and
- service volume, accounting for the complexity and status of each case, including intensity of child and family needs, size of the family, and the goal of the case.
FKC 2.09
- helping personnel develop the skills and behaviors needed to manage and cope with work-related stressors;
- encouraging respectful collaboration and support among co-workers; and
- examining how the organization’s culture and policies contribute to or prevent the development of secondary traumatic stress.
FKC 2.10
- clearly defines the role and responsibilities of the mentors;
- establishes guidelines for recruitment of prospective mentors, including how much time must elapse before a former client is eligible for the role;
- carefully screens prospective mentors to ensure they are a good fit for the program;
- trains mentors to fulfill their role; and
- provides ongoing support and supervision to ensure that mentors have the skills they need, address any issues that arise, and respond to signs of trauma among peer mentors.
- setting appropriate boundaries;
- protecting confidentiality and privacy;
- managing personal triggers that may occur in the course of their role as a peer mentor; and
- recognizing and responding to a mentee's need for more intensive services, as appropriate to the role.
Family Foster Care and Kinship Care (FKC) 3: Initial Assessment
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- In a few rare instances, urgent needs were not prioritized; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Culturally responsive assessments are the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Urgent needs are often not prioritized; or
- Services are frequently not initiated in a timely manner; or
- Applicants are not receiving referrals, as appropriate; or
- Assessment and reassessment timeframes are often missed; or
- Assessments are sometimes not sufficiently individualized;
- Culturally responsive assessments are not the norm, and this is not being addressed in supervision or training; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent; or
- Intake or assessment is done by another organization or referral source and no documentation and/or summary of required information is present in case record.
- There are no written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
FKC 3.01
- steps and requirements for admission;
- prohibition of discriminatory selection processes; and
- reasons the program may decline referrals.
FKC 3.02
- give priority to urgent needs and emergency situations;
- support timely initiation of services; and
- ensure that referral sources are notified immediately if services cannot be provided or cannot be provided promptly.
FKC 3.03
- gathers information necessary to identify critical service needs and/or determine when a more intensive service is necessary; and
- conducts an assessment of children’s risk of harm to self or others that is used to inform decision-making, identify appropriate resource families, and develop safety plans with parents and resource families.
FKC 3.04
- determine jurisdiction;
- ensure compliance with the Indian Child Welfare Act;
- provide families with information regarding their rights under the Indian Child Welfare Act;
- facilitate their participation in assessment and service planning to determine the most appropriate plan for children and families; and
- maintain connections between children, their extended family, and their tribes.
NA The organization provides services for foreign-born children only.
Family Foster Care and Kinship Care (FKC) 4: Comprehensive Assessment
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- In a few rare instances, urgent needs were not prioritized; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Culturally responsive assessments are the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Urgent needs are often not prioritized; or
- Services are frequently not initiated in a timely manner; or
- Applicants are not receiving referrals, as appropriate; or
- Assessment and reassessment timeframes are often missed; or
- Assessments are sometimes not sufficiently individualized;
- Culturally responsive assessments are not the norm, and this is not being addressed in supervision or training; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent; or
- Intake or assessment is done by another organization or referral source and no documentation and/or summary of required information is present in case record.
- There are no written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
FKC 4.01
- is completed within established timeframes;
- engages all immediate family members;
- includes the child and family’s telling of their own story;
- identifies and involves extended family and other supports whenever possible; and
- explores individual and family functioning over time, including family competencies and resources and times families successfully managed challenging situations.
- Interpretation: The assessment process should be initiated through individual meetings: with children within the first 72 hours of initial placement or any subsequent placements;
- with parents within the first two weeks of placement;
- with resource parents within the first two weeks of placement;
- with children in treatment foster care as part of the admission process on the day of placement; and
- with treatment foster parents within 10 days of placement.
Interpretation: The Assessment Matrix - Private, Public, Canadian, Network determines which level of assessment is required for COA’s Service Sections. The assessment elements of the Matrix can be tailored according to the needs of specific individuals or service design.
When the organization is working with an American Indian or Alaska Native family, tribal representatives or other tribal community members must be involved in the assessment process, as determined by the tribe and the family; the process for engaging family members should be adapted to protect the safety of domestic violence victims, as needed; and if fathers are absent the agency should make a diligent attempt to locate them.
Family participation in the assessment process may not be possible when the organization is serving children with limited family involvement or unaccompanied minors.
FKC 4.02
- family relationships, dynamics, and functioning, including any history of or exposure to domestic violence or human trafficking;
- informal and social supports, including relationships with extended family and community members, as well as connections to community and cultural resources;
- trauma exposure and related symptoms;
- ability to meet basic financial needs and obtain adequate housing, food, and clothing;
- physical health, including any chronic health problems;
- substance use;
- emotional stability, including mental health, adjustment, and coping abilities;
- parenting skills; and
- disciplinary practices.
Regarding element (c), the expectation of this standard is that personnel will conduct a screening to identify trauma exposure and reactions, and arrange for a follow-up trauma-focused assessment when needed. Clinical trauma assessment must be provided by appropriately trained clinicians.
FKC 4.03
- physical health, including any chronic health problems;
- emotional stability and adjustment;
- behavior, including any risk of harm to self or others;
- education and cognitive development, including school readiness;
- family relationships, including with siblings and kin;
- informal and social supports, including relationships with adults and peers in the extended family and community, as well as connections to community and cultural resources;
- substance use;
- trauma exposure and related symptoms;
- gender identity and sexual orientation; and
- any history of or exposure to domestic violence or human trafficking.
FKC 4.04
- as part of case reviews;
- for decision making processes; and
- when children’s or families’ circumstances change.
Family Foster Care and Kinship Care (FKC) 5: Service Planning
Interpretation: When the case involves an American Indian or Alaska Native child and family, the organization must:
- give tribal or local American Indian or Alaska Native representatives an active role in all aspects of service planning, service monitoring, and service delivery, including assessment, permanency planning, transition planning, case closing, and aftercare;
- consider and prioritize culturally relevant resources available through or recommended by the tribe or local Indian organizations; and
- provide timely notification of case reviews to tribal representatives to ensure their involvement, particularly when changes are made to the plan.
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- In a few instances, client or staff signatures are missing and/or not dated; or
- With few exceptions, staff work with persons served, when appropriate, to help them receive needed support, access services, mediate barriers, etc.; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- In several instances, client or staff signatures are missing and/or not dated; or
- Quarterly reviews are not being done consistently; or
- Level of care for some clients is clearly inappropriate; or
- Service planning is often done without full client participation; or
- Appropriate family involvement is not documented; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing; or
- Individual staff members work with persons served, when appropriate, to help them receive needed support, access services, mediate barriers, etc., but this is the exception.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
FKC 5.01
- agreed upon goals, including permanancy goals, and desired outcomes;
- strategies to address needs and challenges;
- maintaining and strengthening family relationships and other informal social networks;
- opportunities for children and families to choose a family team of supportive people to participate in service planning;
- services and supports to be provided, by whom, and by when;
- timeframes for accomplishing tasks and goals, evaluating progress, and updating plans;
- the legal mandates for ensuring children’s safety, permanency, and well-being;
- procedures for expedited service planning when crisis or urgent need is identified; and
- the signatures of parents, children, and family teams, whenever possible.
- prioritizing input of the child, and child welfare and law enforcement systems, to determine appropriate level of family involvement in cases where the child is a victim of human trafficking and family members may be complicit in trafficking;
- developing procedures to promote safe and healthy participation of family members or making a determinination that meetings involving both the perpetrator and victim/survivor would pose a safety risk or be otherwise inappropriate, in cases involving domestic violence; and
- demonstrating children’s full participation in the development of their service plan when children have no family involvement.
- mechanical restraints;
- the use of drugs as a restraint or off label;
- the seclusion of a child or youth in a locked room;
- corporal punishment;
- methods that interfere with the child or youth’s right to humane care (e.g. deprivation of sleep or food); or
- physical restraint holds except for a child who is at imminent risk of harm to themselves or others, if already outlined as permissible in the organization’s policy and the service plan.
FKC 5.02
- service plan implementation;
- progress toward goals, including permanency goals;
- the continuing appropriateness of goals, including permanency goals;
- compliance with the Indian Child Welfare Act, as applicable; and
- family time plans, as applicable.
FKC 5.03
- regularly review and document progress toward the achievement of goals, including family members' perspectives on progress and concerns regarding the case; and
- sign revisions to service goals and plans.
Family Foster Care and Kinship Care (FKC) 6: Child Permanency
In addition, organizations demonstrate their role in supporting timely permanency planning through regular case record documentation and official reports provided to the local child welfare agency or the court which comment on children’s and/or families’ progress towards permanency goals.
Interpretation: The permanency planning process for American Indian and Alaska Native children and families must always involve tribal representatives and service providers to ensure compliance with the Indian Child Welfare Act’s placement preferences and support culturally responsive planning that recognizes and incorporates tribal definitions of permanency and tribal perspectives of the best interests of the child into the permanency plan. To facilitate full participation, the organization must ensure that the tribe or local Indian organization receives timely notification of court or administrative case reviews and is informed of any changes made to the permanency plan.
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
FKC 6.01
- occurs with families and the team of people that support them, including resource families, service providers, and extended family members or other supportive individuals identified by the family, as appropriate;
- is scheduled at times when appropriate parties can attend; and
- is child-driven, with children actively involved in every stage of the process as appropriate to their age and developmental level.
- conversations about what permanency means to them;
- the discovery of extended family and other significant adults; and
- the formation of a permanency team that will support their desired outcomes and have an ongoing role in their lives.
FKC 6.02
- engaging children and family members in identification;
- conducting a thorough review of the case record;
- using technological resources;
- providing notification in family members’ preferred languages; and
- providing notifications in multiple forms, including written form.
FKC 6.03
- early, preliminary, and reasoned assessment of the potential for reunification, the best interests of the child, and the need for an alternative plan;
- full disclosure to all involved parties of all permanency options, including expectations, implications, available supports, and legal timelines;
- joining a resource family that is prepared to develop a lifelong relationship with the child; and
- counseling parents about relinquishment and alternative permanency options if needed.
FKC 6.04
- permanency goals;
- why goals are in the best interest of children and their well-being;
- why other permanency options are not appropriate; and
- how service plans and identified interventions support permanency and child well-being.
FKC 6.05
- involvement in assessment, service planning, and service selection;
- diligent efforts to provide parents with needed services and supports, including both formal and informal community resources;
- ongoing, constructive, and progressive contact with their children; and
- reduction of barriers to contact and involvement in their children’s care.
FKC 6.06
Family Foster Care and Kinship Care (FKC) 7: Child Placement
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
FKC 7.01
- two children under the age of two;
- four children over the age of 13; and
- two children in treatment foster care.
When the local child welfare agency is not assuming custody of a child, the kinship caregiver’s home may be approved as a temporary placement option while the family works towards stabilization.
Interpretation: The total number of children includes all children under the age of 18 residing with the family, and includes any children residing with the family for overnight respite care. Exceptions to the maximum capacity may be made on a case-by-case basis to keep siblings together, to place children with relatives, to keep parenting youth together with their children, for other extenuating reasons that directly support plans for children to be connected to relationships that are safe, nurturing, and intended to be enduring, or when the home is licensed by the state or tribe to care for more children and demonstrates through the family assessment and home study that the needs of every child can be met.
Interpretation: When resource family homes are routinely licensed, approved, or certified according to state, tribal, or local regulation to contain a total of six children in the home they may receive a rating of 2 when they can demonstrate they are meeting the needs of every child in the home. This can be demonstrated by a combination of factors, such as:
- strong performance on safety, permanency, and well-being outcomes, for instance, low placement change rates;
- strong performance in resource family satisfaction and retention;
- manageable caseload sizes for workers;.
- ensuring space sufficient to maintain a safe and homelike environment;
- increasing the number and frequency of visits by the worker to the home;
- offering additional respite or child care opportunities to resource families; and
- maintaining a lower capacity in homes where foster children and other dependents have higher needs.
FKC 7.02
- information obtained during initial and comprehensive assessments of children and families;
- information obtained during assessments and annual reviews of resource parents;
- information obtained during ongoing assessments and case reviews; and
- the needs of any children already residing with the resource family.
Interpretation: Before placing additional children with resource families who are already providing treatment foster care, the organization should prioritize the needs of the child already in the home and consult with the resource family and members of the child’s treatment team to assess and prepare for the impact of another child joining the family. Logistical as well as clinical factors should be considered, such as the frequency and location of specialized services.
FKC 7.03
- with siblings;
- with kin; and
- with families that reside within reasonable proximity to their family and home community.
FKC 7.04
- a member of the child’s extended family;
- resource families licensed, approved, or selected by the child’s tribe;
- American Indian or Alaska Native families licensed or approved by a non-Native licensing authority; and
- an institution approved by an Indian tribe or operated by an Indian organization.
Emergency placements involving an American Indian or Alaska Native child must comply with the emergency proceeding provisions set out in the Indian Child Welfare Act. Efforts should be made to identify emergency placements that comply with the placement preferences in ICWA so as to prevent future placement changes in the event that a full child custody proceeding is initiated.
NA The organization provides services for foreign-born children only.
FKC 7.05
- ensures children, families, and resource families understand the steps involved in the process for a child joining a new family setting and receive support and information throughout;
- provides all legally permissible information about each child's characteristics, behaviors, histories, physical and behavioral health needs, and permanency goals to prospective resource families;
- ensures that resource families make an informed decision to accept children into their care;
- arranges opportunities for children and parents to meet prospective resource families when possible;
- responds proactively to challenges that arise by assessing needs and arranging necessary services, supports, or interventions to preserve the placement when in the best interests of the child;
- permits children transitioning from treatment foster care to remain in their living environment whenever possible and appropriate; and
- facilitates workers’ ability to spend more time with children, families, and/or resource parents after children first come into the home or when challenges arise.
FKC 7.06
FKC 7.07
- sufficient advanced notice provided at least 14 days prior to a placement change, when possible;
- formalized discussions of the reasons for a move or disruption, each party’s feelings about the change, and as needed, interventions to address the reasons for the change;
- identification of a resource family or other placement setting that can best promote safety, well-being, and permanency;
- providing opportunities for children and resource families to meet with the new resource family and/or visit the new placement setting, when possible; and
- referral to additional services or supports.
Family Foster Care and Kinship Care (FKC) 8: Developing and Maintaining Connections
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
FKC 8.01
- weekly between children and parents; and
- monthly between siblings.
In addition to in-person contact children can maintain contact in other ways, such as through web-based technologies and other electronic communications.
FKC 8.02
- developed in collaboration with parents, resource parents, and children;
- informed by assessment information;
- focused on relationship-building;
- determined by permanency goals modified in accordance with permanency planning; and
- in compliance with all court orders.
Interpretation: When the organization is working with American Indian or Alaska Native children and families, representatives from their tribes or local Indian organizations should be included in the development of the family time plan.
Interpretation: For organizations that operate an Unaccompanied Refugee Minor Foster Care Program, family time plans may exist for contact with siblings and are typically developed by the Office of Refugee Resettlement and applicable judicial bodies.
FKC 8.03
- start dates, frequency, time, length, and location of in-person contacts;
- participants;
- transportation arrangements;
- supervision or monitoring requirements, if any;
- developmentally-appropriate and interactive activities;
- opportunities to practice caregiving skills and activities;
- cancellation arrangements; and
- preparation and debriefing arrangements.
Examples: When children are in treatment foster care, family time can be an opportunity for birth parents and treatment parents to discuss the child's condition(s) and collaboratively develop strategies for managing the child's needs after reunification or while in out-of-home care.
FKC 8.04
- helping children, parents, and resource families prepare for and transition to and from in-person contact;
- following-up with children, parents, and resource families after in-person contact to process the experience, ascertain progress, and assess for concerns that may indicate the need to modify plans or services; and
- documenting the activities that occurred and behaviorally-specific observations that pertain to family relationships and parenting to be considered in assessing case progress.
- helping parents and children prepare for relationship-building activities related to service or family time plans;
- helping resource parents understand issues surrounding family time and their role in supporting both the child and the family time process; and
- helping all parties understand that negative responses to family time in either parents or children can be a normal response to separate-related trauma rather than an indication that the family time plan or services should be changed.
FKC 8.05
FKC 8.06
- extended family;
- peers;
- former resource families;
- other individuals with whom they had a prior relationship; and
- members of their community, ethnic group, faith group, clan, or tribe.
Family Foster Care and Kinship Care (FKC) 9: Services for Parents
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
FKC 9.01
- explaining the rights and responsibilities of resource families;
- providing clear, transparent, and comprehensible information that enables family members, according to their abilities, to understand the organization’s role, processes, concerns, and expectations, including potential ramifications of not participating in services;
- explaining how service plans will be implemented to ensure involvement and contact with their children, and communication with the organization and the resource family;
- valuing family members’ input and perspectives regarding their experiences, strengths, risks, and needs; and
- offering choices that respect the role of parents in the lives of their children and help family members retain a sense of control.
FKC 9.02
- child care;
- housing referral and assistance;
- public benefits and income support, including any assistance needed to obtain food, clothing, and utility services;
- immigration services;
- home care and support services, including household management and home health aide services;
- medical and dental care;
- respite care;
- transportation services; and
- vocational and educational assistance.
FKC 9.03
FKC 9.04
- evaluate the impact of their past experiences on current functioning and parenting practices;
- target situations that pose challenges for the family;
- develop and strengthen the skills they need to manage challenging situations;
- strengthen and repair parent-child relationships, as needed; and
- access trauma-informed services.
- express and regulate emotions;
- control impulses;
- cope with stress and adversity;
- communicate effectively;
- make decisions;
- resolve conflicts and solve problems;
- identify, seek, and access needed services and supports;
- identify, anticipate, and manage their responses to trauma reminders;
- increase awareness and mindfulness;
- engage in effective self-care; and
- manage a home and budget.
FKC 9.05
- understand the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development of children, as well as factors and conditions that can promote or impede healthy development;
- provide nurturing care that promotes secure attachment and healthy development;
- provide appropriate supervision and monitoring;
- develop appropriate expectations regarding, and techniques for managing, children’s behavior;
- maintain a safe home environment; and
- meet any special needs that children may present, including needs related to medical conditions or mental health diagnoses.
FKC 9.06
- identify current sources of support;
- develop plans for managing any negative influences in their networks; and
- explore how they might expand their social support networks, if necessary.
FKC 9.07
Interpretation: In treatment foster care, regular communication should also address the child’s treatment progress, including services received, responses to current interventions, behaviors, new information about trauma history, identified triggers, and upcoming appointments.
Family Foster Care and Kinship Care (FKC) 10: Services for Children and Youth
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
FKC 10.01
- their rights and responsibilities when they are not living with their parents or primary caregivers;
- what they need to feel safe, what to do and who to contact when they feel unsafe or their rights are violated, and the risks and alternatives to running away;
- the rules in the program and in the resource family’s home and their response to the rules; and
- their ongoing contact with their parents, siblings, extended family, friends, and community.
FKC 10.02
- a safe, pleasant, and welcoming atmosphere;
- nurturing and nonjudgmental family relationships that promote positive attachment and support emotional development and well-being;
- age- and developmentally-appropriate boundaries, supervision, and discipline;
- an orderly but flexible daily schedule that is balanced with attention to development and well-being; and
- space in their room to personalize.
FKC 10.03
In order to ensure that their personal care needs are met, children are provided with:
- a physical environment and materials that support healthy development;
- sufficient and nutritious meals and snacks;
- clothing that supports their self-expression and is clean, seasonal, age appropriate, and comfortable;
- an allowance for personal needs, as appropriate, including access to appropriate and individualized grooming and hygiene products;
- assistance in meeting personal care needs, as appropriate; and
- regular access to a telephone to contact workers, advocates, service providers, and approved family and friends.
FKC 10.04
- joining a club or sports team;
- attending a dance class;
- spending time with friends;
- having a sleepover;
- attending field trips;
- volunteering;
- dating;
- learning to drive; and
- holding a part-time job.
FKC 10.05
- resource parents’ authority to make day-to-day decisions regarding children’s participation in activities, including the specific types of activities they are permitted to authorize;
- factors to consider in determining whether an activity is safe and appropriate for a particular child; and
- the extent to which resource parents are protected from liability if a child is harmed during the course of an activity they approved.
In treatment foster care, treatment parents may consult the treatment team to identify additional factors to consider, regularly review the types of activities and level of independence that should be encouraged or limited based on treatment progress, and address promoting the child’s development of abilities necessary for safe participation in a chosen activity.
When regulation or contract requires the organization to obtain approval from the public authority prior to a resource parent approving an activity, the organization should work with the resource parents and the public authority to ensure that requests are approved efficiently and promote normalcy to the greatest extent possible.
FKC 10.06
- regulate their emotions and behavior;
- communicate effectively;
- form positive relationships with adults and peers; and
- explore and develop their personal, social, and cultural identities.
FKC 10.07
- enrollment and participation in school and other educational programs;
- services and supports that promote positive development;
- regular and ongoing communication and collaboration between workers, educators, resource families, and parents regarding children’s educational achievements and challenges, as well as any social or behavioral issues in the school setting;
- stability in their home schools, unless it is determined not to be in their best interest;
- educational assessments and an individual education plan when needed;
- tutoring; and
- advocacy.
- identifying trauma triggers and effective behavior support techniques and resources in the school setting;
- consistent communication with teachers, administrators, counselors, and other school support personnel about court dates, family time plans, medical appointments, and other external factors that may impact the child’s attendance, behavior, or academic performance; and
- negotiating flexibility around school policies that create barriers to academic and placement stability, such as exclusionary disciplinary actions or zero tolerance policies towards previous behavior.
- early childhood education programs;
- early intervention services;
- special education programs;
- accredited primary and secondary schools; and
- after-school or youth development programs.
FKC 10.08
- maximize their sense of safety;
- help them understand and process their traumatic experiences;
- facilitate the development of skills and strategies to use when confronted with reminders of trauma;
- help create and sustain positive attachments with caring adults and peers; and
- help caregivers and parents understand how children’s past experiences may impact their present behavior, and appropriately support children’s recovery.
FKC 10.09
- activities of daily living;
- practicing effective interpersonal communication and conflict resolution;
- promoting and managing health;
- obtaining housing and managing their households;
- accessing educational opportunities;
- obtaining and maintaining employment;
- money management, including budgeting, saving, investing, buying on credit, and debt counseling;
- accessing community resources; and
- navigating public assistance and other governmental programs.
Family Foster Care and Kinship Care (FKC) 11: Physical and Mental Healthcare
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
FKC 11.01
- identify health conditions that require immediate or prompt medical attention;
- identify health conditions that should be considered in making placement decisions; and
- determine the need for developmental assessment for children under six.
For a rating of a 2, appropriately qualified and trained professional staff can administer a brief screening tool to determine if more immediate medical care is needed. The organization must demonstrate that:
- the screening tool was developed in collaboration with a qualified medical practitioner;
- the tool and its administration are appropriately designed to be within the scope of the staff’s qualifications;
- staff are trained on administration of the tool and related procedures; and
- procedures outline criteria for determining the need for and accessing medical care.
Interpretation: Organizations should develop their own procedures, consistent with state or local regulation, regarding whether it is appropriate for children in the temporary legal custody of kin to receive an initial health screening.
FKC 11.02
- physical and mental health;
- family history;
- trauma history; and
- prescribed medications, including their dosages, targeted symptoms, side effects, and monitoring processes for any psychotropic medications.
FKC 11.03
- comprehensive medical examinations within 30 days of entry into foster care and according to well-child guidelines;
- dental examinations for children over age three within 30 days of entry into foster care and every 6 months thereafter, or more frequently based on clinical need;
- developmental screenings within 30 days of entry into foster care to identify the need for further assessment for children over age six;
- ongoing developmental screenings according to well-child guidelines to identify the need for further assessment,
- alcohol and drug abuse screenings within 30 days of entry into care, and when indicated to identify the need for further diagnostic assessment; and
- any services needed to address issues or conditions identified during health screenings, assessments, or examinations.
Interpretation: Regarding element (b), the organization can receive a rating of 2 if there is an annual preventive exam and evidence that recommendations from the dental care provider indicate children are not in need of more frequent care.
FKC 11.04
- mental health screenings within 30 days of entry into the child welfare system, and when indicated thereafter; and
- diagnostic mental health assessments, when indicated.
FKC 11.05
- any needed mental health services, including evidence-based psychosocial services and pharmacological treatments, as appropriate; and
- appropriate oversight of psychotropic medication use, including close supervision and monitoring of children receiving multiple medications or medications for off-label uses.
FKC 11.06
- proper nutrition and exercise;
- substance use and smoking;
- personal hygiene;
- safe and healthy relationships;
- sexual development;
- family planning and pregnancy options;
- pregnancy, prenatal care, and effective parenting;
- prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections/diseases; and
- HIV/AIDS prevention.
Family Foster Care and Kinship Care (FKC) 12: Supports and Services for Expectant and Parenting Youth
The organization promotes the safety, permanency, and well-being of children and youth who are expectant or parenting by providing, or assisting with access to, resources and supports that empower them to make informed decisions about pregnancy, experience healthy births, and develop the skills needed for personal functioning and parenthood.
Interpretation: The needs of expectant and parenting children and youth can be met through a continuum of care that includes “whole family” placements, specialized foster care, residential treatment, and supportive living arrangements. The organization should aim to meet the needs of expectant and parenting youth and their children in the most family-like setting that best meets their needs. Given that youths’ needs often go unmet, it is crucial that caseworkers provide close oversight and plan an active role in monitoring the receipt of services.
Interpretation: The term “expectant youth” refers to both expectant mothers and fathers. The term “parenting youth” refers to both custodial and non-custodial mothers and fathers. The term “pregnant youth” refers exclusively to birth mothers.
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
FKC 12.01
Pregnant youth receive access to timely, ongoing, and relevant services appropriate to their needs that address:
- pregnancy counseling;
- prenatal health care;
- diagnosis and treatment of health concerns, including sexually transmitted diseases;
- genetic risk identification;
- food and nutrition;
- mental health care;
- substance use conditions;
- medication use;
- smoking cessation; and
- labor and delivery.
Interpretation: Regarding element (h), a qualified mental health professional should re-evaluate pharmacological treatments for safety, risks, and benefits during pregnancy and make appropriate adjustments to the treatment plan, such as tapering or adjusting dosages or increasing monitoring of symptoms.
Interpretation: The organization supports the safety and well-being of pregnant youth by maintaining stable placements in family-like settings whenever possible. If placement transfer is contractually required when people become pregnant, the organization should assist with accessing prenatal education and care up until discharge.
FKC 12.02
Following childbirth, the organization promotes child and maternal well-being, and prepares parenting youth to recognize and respond to signs of problems in both themselves and their infants by ensuring they receive timely postnatal care, education, and support related to:
- postpartum health care;
- postpartum depression, including screening for and addressing changes in the new mother’s mood, emotional state, behavior, and coping strategies;
- breastfeeding education and assistance; and
- pediatric care, including well-baby visits and immunizations.
NA The organization is required by contract to transfer pregnant youth out of their care prior to childbirth.
FKC 12.03
FKC 12.04
- basic caregiving routines;
- child growth and development;
- meeting children’s social, emotional, and physical health needs;
- environmental safety and injury prevention;
- parent-child interactions and bonding;
- age-appropriate behavioral expectations and appropriate discipline;
- family planning; and
- establishing a functioning support network of family members or caring adults.
FKC 12.05
- the rights and responsibilities of the youth parents; and
- each individual’s role and expectations for supporting the youth parents to care for their children.
FKC 12.06
- public benefits such as Medicaid, WIC, SNAP, and TANF;
- transportation;
- maternal and child health programs;
- legal advocacy;
- affordable and quality child care;
- community resources, such as free clinics; and
- educational or vocational programs that support and accommodate the circumstances of expectant and parenting youth.
FKC 12.07
- indicating in the case record when youth in care become fathers;
- identifying the relationship between expectant youth parents;
- linking young fathers to services that help them understand their legal rights and responsibilities, establish legal paternity, and adjust to the parenting role; and
- assisting youth who are pregnant to notify birth fathers and engage them in service planning, when appropriate.
Family Foster Care and Kinship Care (FKC) 13: Treatment Foster Care
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
FKC 13.01
- family members;
- treatment foster parents or kinship caregivers;
- local child welfare agency workers;
- treatment foster care program personnel, including the program supervisor, case managers, and clinicians or clinical consultants;
- educators or school administrators; and
- a range of specialized providers, as appropriate to children's emotional, behavioral, medical, and/or developmental needs.
The team may also include the child's guardian ad litem or legal representative.
FKC 13.02
- diagnoses;
- strategies to ensure children’s adjustment to treatment families; and
- short-term goals for the first 30 days of out-of-home care.
FKC 13.03
- identify, incorporate, and build on the child’s strengths and assets;
- specify diagnoses and presenting problems that prompted the referral to treatment foster care or were identified during assessment;
- address needs in major developmental areas;
- specify short- and long-term therapeutic interventions;
- review any psychotropic medication use, including dosages, side effects, and contraindications;
- address stressors in the child's environment that are trauma reminders or contribute to their emotional or behavioral issues;
- establish an emergency response plan for medical emergencies or behavioral health crises related to the child's condition; and
- establish initial plans for respite care, discharge, and aftercare.
FKC 13.04
- discussed weekly by the treatment team to coordinate an effective response to current issues or behaviors;
- reviewed monthly to evaluate progress towards treatment goals; and
- officially updated every 90 days to evaluate progress and the continued need for treatment foster care.
When children transition to a lower intensity level of care, such as traditional foster care, but are able to remain in the care of the same resource family, treatment foster parents should be helped to prepare for any resulting changes in supports and services, including reduced worker contact or reimbursement rates.
Interpretation: Treatment planning and review should also address the use of restrictive interventions, when authorized, including an evaluation of the frequency of use and effectiveness of prevention strategies.
FKC 13.05
- individual, family, and/or group therapy,
- social skills groups, and
- medical treatment.
FKC 13.06
Formal agreements are established between the organization and:
- mental health facilities, medical institutions including neonatal and pediatric facilities, and other rehabilitation service providers to ensure the availability of requisite medical and mental health services; and
- a board-certified physician with experience appropriate to the level and intensity of service, and the needs of the population served, who assumes responsibility for medical elements of the program when it serves children with acute medical needs.
FKC 13.07
- an assessment of the family's capacity to provide therapeutic care for children with significant needs;
- three non-relative references; and
- attainment of at least 21 years of age.
Organizations can foster recruitment of existing resource families to become treatment families by facilitating opportunities to connect with experienced treatment parents to learn about the treatment parent experience.
FKC 13.08
- implementing in-home treatment strategies;
- assisting children to understand treatment goals and interventions;
- documenting children’s behaviors and progress in targeted areas and responses to services and interventions received; and
- acting as liaisons with clinical personnel.
FKC 13.09
- managing the needs and diagnoses specific to each child;
- crisis prevention and de-escalation;
- navigating the child welfare, behavioral health, and healthcare systems;
- educational advocacy skills and the special education system;
- incorporating other providers and medical equipment, as necessary, into the home; and
- engaging with birth families, including when appropriate, discussing and/or demonstrating interventions, advocacy skills, and other competencies related to the child’s conditions.
Depending on children’s needs, enhanced training should address:
- adjusting parenting and communication styles to the child’s emotional or developmental needs;
- teaching basic life skills;
- engagement strategies for youth;
- verbal de-escalation techniques;
- recognizing the child’s triggers, antecedents, and crisis cycle;
- strategies for preventing retraumatization, including adjusting rules or disciplinary practices that can be triggering;
- responding to aggression or assaultive behavior; and
- repairing the treatment parent-child relationship after conflict or crisis.
- maintaining relationships with teachers and administrators;
- monitoring attendance and academic performance;
- participating in collaborative planning around academic goals, behavior support, and extracurricular activities;
- advocating for additional social and educational supports;
- staying up-to-date on school policies and programs that could affect the child; and
- ensuring prompt response to harassment or discrimination.
FKC 13.10
- weekly contact by the assigned worker;
- in-person contact every two weeks and more frequently when indicated;
- on-call crisis intervention 24-hours a day, seven days a week;
- routine follow-up on training topics and competencies;
- respite care;
- resources for recognizing and coping with secondary trauma and stress; and
- the availability of additional personnel and technical assistance, as needed.
FKC 13.11
- the course of treatment and treatment recommendations;
- the transfer of records and appointment information; and
- the nature, frequency, and duration of aftercare services, when applicable.
Family Foster Care and Kinship Care (FKC) 14: Worker Contact and Monitoring
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
FKC 14.01
- occur at least once a month;
- happen on on a consistent, scheduled basis at mutually agreed upon times, whenever possible;
- take place primarily in the home (parent or resource family); and
- include time for private discussion with all parties to ensure both children and their caregivers can feel comfortable sharing information.
The first meeting with the resource parents should occur within the first two weeks of placement, consistent with the assessment timeframes outlined in FKC 4.01.
Organizations that provide only Foster Care Home Services may meet with resource families in the home less than monthly, but at a minimum on a quarterly basis.
FKC 14.02
FKC 14.03
- cultivate strong, supportive, and productive relationships;
- monitor and promote safety, permanency, and well-being; and
- share information about the children, and facilitate parental involvement in children’s care and activities.
Interpretation: Service monitoring should include confirming that services were initiated and are appropriate, and responding to complaints or problems that develop regarding service delivery.
FKC 14.04
- maintain positive relationships;
- monitor and promote safety and well-being;
- share all relevant and legally permissible information concerning the children;
- clarify their role in supporting and contributing to the service and permanency plan;
- inform them about, and encourage their participation in, upcoming team meetings and court hearings, as appropriate;
- provide ongoing feedback regarding performance that includes attention to both strengths and needs;
- assess whether additional assistance or support is needed; and
- respond to questions, concerns, and issues, as needed.
Interpretation: While support and consultation will be provided during the regularly scheduled visits described in FKC 14.01, workers must also respond to questions and requests for assistance between visits.
- reliable appointment scheduling and follow-up;
- receptiveness to feedback;
- flexibility;
- advocacy;
- open communication; and
- recognition of the resource parents' relational role.
FKC 14.05
Workers actively partner with families to ensure effective service coordination by:
- helping family members access needed services and navigate different systems;
- communicating with children, parents, and resource families to monitor service delivery, including confirming that services were initiated and are appropriate, and responding to complaints or problems;
- communicating with other workers and/or service providers in a regular and timely manner to share information and monitor service participation and progress;
- ensuring appropriate communication and coordination among the other providers serving children and families;
- facilitating timely and consistent referrals for assessments and services; and
- mediating barriers to services within the service delivery system.
FKC 14.06
FKC 14.07
- creating an environment that provides a sense of safety, support, and community;
- assessing risk of abduction or running away;
- immediately reporting missing children to the organization, law enforcement, and parents;
- working in partnership with law enforcement to find missing children, and protocols for sharing and releasing information needed to assist in a search;
- welcoming, screening, debriefing, and conducting event-based re-assessments, including re-entry examinations and clinical consultations when children return; and
- addressing issues that led to the episode or that arose while children were missing by providing needed supports and ensuring appropriate placements, including new placements when necessary.
FKC 14.08
- respect the rights and needs of children, their families, and the resource family under investigation;
- address the process for investigation, appeal, and resolution;
- address access to resources or services that can provide support throughout the investigation process; and
- are developed in collaboration with law enforcement, tribal governments, and other community agencies, and incorporate input from resource families.
FKC 14.09
NA The organization has a contract with a public authority that prohibits or does not include aftercare or follow-up upon reunification.
NA The organization provides Foster Care Home Services only.
NA The organization does not work with families who will be reunifying.
Family Foster Care and Kinship Care (FKC) 15: Transition to Adulthood
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
FKC 15.01
- ensures maximum youth participation in all aspects of exploring and planning for the future;
- includes adults and peers important to the youth; and
- involves collaboration and coordination among all service providers.
FKC 15.02
- their family relationships, including the family’s readiness for healthy participation in the youth’s life;
- relationships with supportive peers and adults, including involved adults’ commitment to the youth;
- strategies for coping with and healing from stress and trauma associated with grief and life transitions;
- the range of housing options available to them, including tribal options for American Indian and Alaska Native youth, as well as the risks and benefits of different housing options;
- their academic needs and interests and available educational paths; and
- their work interests and skill sets, as well as different interests, career paths, and employment supports.
FKC 15.03
- educational and vocational development;
- interpersonal skills;
- financial management;
- household management; and
- self-care.
FKC 15.04
- strong, consistent relationships with committed, caring adults;
- access to cultural and community supports; and
- connections to positive peer support.
FKC 15.05
- an identification card or driver's license, when the ability to drive is a goal;
- a social security or social insurance number;
- a resume describing their work experience and career development;
- an original copy of their birth certificate;
- bank account access documents;
- religious documents and information;
- documentation of immigration or refugee history and status;
- documentation of tribal eligibility or membership;
- death certificates if parents are deceased;
- a life book or a compilation of personal history and photographs;
- a list of known relatives, with relationships, addresses, telephone numbers, and permissions for contacting involved parties;
- information about places they have lived (previous placement information);
- educational records, such as high school diploma or general equivalency diploma, and a list of schools attended; and
- health and mental health records, including the names and addresses of youths’ doctors, as well as information regarding any special needs and appropriate treatment, including medication, as applicable.
FKC 15.06
FKC 15.07
- housing and transportation;
- education and academic support;
- employment and workforce support;
- finances/income, including public assistance when available;
- health insurance;
- physical and behavioral healthcare, including needed medical, dental, mental health, and substance use treatment;
- transitioning to adult systems of care for mental health or developmental disabilities, when applicable;
- services and supports available to youth who were in foster care for education and independent living activities;
- social, peer, cultural, and community supports, including support or mentoring available through community volunteers or individuals who have made a successful transition;
- legal rights and requirements regarding consent to remain in care beyond the age of 18, if applicable; and
- how to contact the organization and what supports the organization can offer after case closing, including information regarding voluntary return to care, as appropriate.
Interpretation: In regards to element (g), transition planning meetings should include representatives from the adult-serving systems that will be working with youth, and the organization should partner with the providers to facilitate access to services.
FKC 15.08
Family Foster Care and Kinship Care (FKC) 16: Family Reunification
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
FKC 16.01
- children and parents are involved in making decisions regarding reunification;
- children, parents, and resource families are provided with sufficient advance notice that children will return home;
- a graduated process for family time enables both children and parents to prepare for reunification; and
- collaborating service providers are involved in preparation for reunification and notified when reunification has occurred.
FKC 16.02
- understand expectations and responsibilities related to their children’s return;
- develop strategies for providing appropriate care, managing children’s behavior, meeting any special needs children may present, and preventing reoccurrence of the safety concerns that led to the separation of the children;
- consider how everyday living and family relationships will be impacted by their children’s return;
- understand how children may react and behave as they adjust to the return home; and
- explore any anxiety, uncertainty, or ambivalence they may feel about responsibilities related to their children’s return.
FKC 16.03
FKC 16.04
- explain their role in supporting and facilitating reunification;
- help them explore and cope with any anxiety, grief, or other emotions they may feel as a result of the decision to reunify the family; and
- clarify whether there will be opportunities for contact with children following reunification.
FKC 16.05
- legal documents;
- educational records, including copies of report cards and the most current Individualized Education Plan (IEP);
- health and mental health records, including the names and addresses of children’s doctors, as well as information regarding any special needs and appropriate treatment, including medications, as applicable; and
- a written summary of children’s placements, experiences, and growth while separated from their families.
FKC 16.06
- the issues, behaviors, and conditions that led to the involvement of the child welfare system;
- any issues stemming from children’s separation from their families, including any assistance needed to address separation and rebuild the parent-child relationship; and
- any additional formal and informal services and supports that the children and family may need.
FKC 16.07
Family Foster Care and Kinship Care (FKC) 17: Resource Family Recruitment
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
FKC 17.01
- is based on the collection and analysis of local data on the needs and characteristics of children in care, existing resources, and characteristics of successful resource families;
- identifies targeted recruitment strategies corresponding to greatest identified needs;
- establishes a framework for child-specific recruitment; and
- is evaluated annually.
Examples: Organizations can use data to inform recruitment plans by tracking, for example:
- activities with highest efficacy and associated outputs, such as completion of training, successful licensure, successful placement, and retention; and
- milestones in the recruitment or approval process that correlate with disengagement.
Examples: A recruitment plan may specify how carefully crafted language, images, and strategies, including partnerships with key stakeholders, can help the organization reach out and appeal to audiences who may be willing and able to foster or adopt children in need of homes, including children with special placement needs (e.g., sibling groups; older children; children with physical, emotional, behavioral, and developmental challenges; children of minority racial or ethnic groups; LGBTQ+ children; and youth who are pregnant or parenting.)
Targeted recruitment strategies can include:
- looking for prospective resource parents for youth among high school parents and coaches, and after-school programs for teens;
- engaging specific cultural organizations, churches, or minority-owned businesses to recruit resource families from particular ethnic or racial groups;
- engaging specific LGBTQ+ community groups, attending LGBTQ+ community events, or reaching out to inclusive faith-based communities to recruit LGBTQ+ resource families;
- partnering with tribes and Indian organizations and establishing joint recruitment efforts to identify families for American Indian and Alaska Native children; and/or
- outreach to healthcare professionals, individuals with experience working with people with disabilities, and accessible housing communities to recruit resource families for children with disabilities or acute medical conditions.
Other key stakeholders can include:
- family foster care alumni;
- current resource parents, especially for treatment foster care or LGBTQ+ recruitment;
- community leaders; and
- other organizations, agencies, institutions, and businesses in the community.
Intensive child-specific recruitment strategies include identifying all adults with a connection to the child to consider serving as resource parents or identify other potential resource parents, and involving the child to identify preferences and potential resource parents.
FKC 17.02
- eligibility requirements;
- the certification process, timeline, and requirements, including the resource family training and assessment experience;
- available supports and services;
- any applicable fees and reimbursements;
- the roles, responsibilities, and needed competencies of resource parents;
- what resource families should expect when they take in a child;
- common needs and characteristics of children in care in the local community;
- the organization's treatment and parenting philosophies; and
- next steps in the process.
FKC 17.03
- a welcoming and supportive approach;
- equitable, timely, sensitive, and culturally-responsive support and follow-up at each step of the process;
- personalized contact with existing resource families; and
- open houses, orientations, and training sessions that are accessible and inviting to all prospective resource families.
- better conceptualize the needs of children in care and the lived experience of caring for them;
- observe, practice, and be coached on parenting techniques and/or treatment interventions through role play or real-life scenarios;
- affirm their capacity to grow into the role and successfully develop new competencies;
- learn about available support networks and resources; and
- ask questions or voice concerns they are reluctant to share with workers.
FKC 17.04
Resource parent recruitment is ethical and equitable, and eligibility criteria:
- prioritizes the needs and varying characteristics of children in care;
- promotes inclusion of individuals and families with diverse backgrounds to ensure appropriate placement options are available for all children; and
- emphasizes the skills and capacities needed to provide a safe, supportive home environment.
Interpretation: If eligibility criteria is limited, the organization must have a policy for such selectivity and refer applicants who do not meet its criteria to another provider, unless it is evident the applicants do not meet legally required criteria.
Family Foster Care and Kinship Care (FKC) 18: Resource Family Assessment and Approval
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
FKC 18.01
FKC 18.02
- the receipt of self-reported information and documents from the prospective resource parents;
- at least one individual in-person consultation with each prospective resource parent and one joint consultation for joint applicants;
- age and developmentally appropriate consultation with each child or adult child of the prospective resource parents living outside the home;
- at least two visits to the prospective resource family’s home, and during one or more of those visits a safety assessment of the home and an observation of family members interacting together;
- criminal background, child abuse and neglect, and sex offender registry checks for all adults living in the home in accordance with applicable law and regulation;
- a review of the information and documents related to any previous unfavorable resource family assessments, disruptions, dissolutions, or placement of other children out of the home; and
- references and interviews with individuals providing references, including at least one from an individual with direct knowledge of the prospective resource parents' capacity to care for children.
- inadequate or unsafe heat, light, water, refrigeration, cooking, and toilet facilities;
- malfunctioning smoke detectors;
- unsanitary conditions;
- lack of phone service;
- unsafe doors, steps, and windows, or missing window guards where necessary;
- exposed wiring; access to hazardous substances, materials, or equipment;
- rodent or insect infestation;
- walls and ceilings with holes or lead; and
- insufficient space.
FKC 18.03
Workers collaborate with prospective resource families to explore factors that may impact their ability to provide effective care and offer experiences that enhance healthy development, including:
- motivation and expectations for providing resource family care and interest in adoption, if applicable;
- personal characteristics such as adaptability, reliability, and coping, communication, and problem solving skills;
- caregiving abilities and experiences, especially for children or adults with significant or complex needs;
- willingness and ability to provide safe, nondiscriminatory, and supportive care to specific populations such as LGBTQ+ youth, older youth, or youth with complex social, behavioral, emotional, or medical needs;
- willingness to provide trauma-informed care;
- willingness to collaborate with birth parents and support children's ties to culture, family, peers, and community;
- willingness and ability to work as a member of a team to support and facilitate permanency for children in care; and
- previous experiences with foster care, kinship care, or adoption.
FKC 18.04
- personal history of trauma, abuse, or neglect;
- current status and history of physical and mental health, including substance use;
- social support systems;
- education;
- functional literacy and language skills;
- employment history, and financial status; and
- community and social environment.
The organization should consult with the local public health authority to determine if a skin tuberculin test should be included in the assessment. Special circumstances, including the health needs of the resource parent, may indicate a need for re-assessment prior to the annual re-assessment.
Interpretation: When working with unlicensed kin, organizations in some states may have the discretion to waive the assessment of certain factors (e.g. the health assessment) in an effort to encourage placement with relatives.
FKC 18.05
- use age-appropriate passenger restraint systems;
- provide adequate passenger supervision, as required by statute or regulation;
- properly maintain vehicles and obtain required registration and inspection;
- provide the organization with annual validation of their driving records; and
- provide the organization with regular validation of their licenses and appropriate insurance coverage.
FKC 18.06
- discuss their families’ stories and the experiences that brought them to becoming or planning to become kinship caregivers;
- discuss their concerns with becoming licensed resource parents;
- discuss the impact of the kinship caregiver role on their relationship to the birth parents and the child; and
- learn how the program collaborates with kinship caregivers and supports relationships between kinship families, parents, and extended families.
FKC 18.07
- indicating whether the prospective resource family has the ability, willingness, and resources to meet the needs of children in care; and
- within timeframes established by the organization, and prior to a child joining the resource family.
FKC 18.08
FKC 18.09
- within two weeks of a reported change in the home composition; and
- at least once annually.
Family Foster Care and Kinship Care (FKC) 19: Resource Family Training and Preparation
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
FKC 19.01
- the organization’s mission, logic model or equivalent framework, and service array;
- the rights of children in care;
- what resource families should expect when they take in a child;
- the competencies needed for effective resource parenting, and how those competencies are integral to the organization’s logic model or equivalent framework;
- specific duties of resource parents, including administrative responsibilities;
- available supports and services;
- identification and reporting of abuse and neglect;
- any fees or reimbursement for services, including compensation for damages caused by children placed in the home, as applicable;
- notice of and participation in any review or hearing regarding the child;
- procedures when allegations are made, and ways to prevent false allegations;
- complaint procedures; and
- circumstances that will result in revoking a resource family license or certification.
FKC 19.02
- strategies for providing support appropriate to children’s ages and developmental levels;
- promoting positive behavior and healing through coaching, nurturing, and positive discipline techniques;
- recognizing and responding to behaviors that jeopardize health and well-being, including de-escalation techniques;
- signs and symptoms of trauma, including triggers/antecedents for challenging behaviors;
- providing protection and promoting psychological safety to mediate the effects of trauma, maltreatment, separation, loss, and exploitation; and
- preventing and responding to missing children, including understanding factors that may contribute to the decision to run away, reporting protocols, and how to support children upon their return.
FKC 19.03
Resource parents receive pre-service and ongoing training and support to demonstrate competency in:
- supporting and facilitating children’s emotional, physical, and legal permanency;
- meeting children’s developmental needs across life domains, including addressing any developmental delays;
- providing safe, non-discriminatory, and supportive care to a child of a different race, ethnicity, culture, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity;
- supporting children's social identity development;
- supporting and facilitating family relationships, friendships, cultural ties, and community connections;
- collaborating with family team members and service providers; and
- managing the caregiver role, stress and self-care, and the impact on the family.
Interpretation: Resource families caring for parenting youth placed together with the youths’ children should also receive training and support to demonstrate competency in modeling positive parenting practices, supporting youth parents to meet their children’s needs, and meeting the dual developmental needs of the parenting youth and their children.
Interpretation: Kinship Care Programs that are not required to provide a comprehensive competency-based training program may offer support groups or skill-building sessions that help kinship caregivers develop the competencies rather than offering a comprehensive training program.
Examples:To promote culturally competent care with regard to element (c), training may address:
- the organization's nondiscrimination policy;
- the history, traditions, values, and communication styles of populations served;
- systemic inequities and implicit bias;
- how culture influences trauma response;
- a review of vocabulary relevant to LGBTQ+ youth; and
- caregiver behaviors that promote the safety and well-being of LGBTQ+ youth.
Examples: Family Foster Care programs that work with kin and nonrelative resource parents may find it valuable to provide separate training for kinship caregivers in order to provide a space in which kinship caregivers can relate to each other and apply the training to their specific experiences of caring for their kin.
If resources do not allow for separate training the training facilitator can work to incorporate the experience of both groups into the training. Training facilitators can follow up with kinship caregivers about their concerns and the training experience, to ensure that their particular concerns can be addressed in the training or at another time by the staff working with their family. Some of the specific training and support needs of kin may relate to negotiating family dynamics, the experience of family trauma, managing boundaries, and discipline traditions.
FKC 19.04
- first aid and age-appropriate CPR at least every two years, including a hands-on, in-person CPR skills assessment conducted by a certified CPR instructor;
- medication administration, including retraining at least every two years;
- protocols for responding to emergencies including accidents, serious illnesses, fires, and natural and human-caused disasters; and
- medical or rehabilitation interventions and operation of medical equipment required for a child’s care, as needed.
FKC 19.05
- report suspected abuse and neglect;
- employ positive discipline techniques;
- refrain from using physical and degrading punishment; and
- ensure that others refrain from using physical and degrading punishment.
FKC 19.06
- the organization's annual mutual review with the resource family;
- satisfaction surveys;
- reviews of critical incidents; and
- analysis of the characteristics and diagnoses of children in care.
Family Foster Care and Kinship Care (FKC) 20: Resource Family Use of Physical Interventions
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
FKC 20.01
- prohibit the use of locked seclusion and mechanical restraints by resource families;
- define which physical interventions resource families are and are not allowed to use, and under what circumstances; and
- outline what to do following an incident.
FKC 20.02
- by anyone other than the resource parents or other adult caregivers who have been approved by the organization;
- as a form of punishment or discipline;
- for the convenience of resource parents;
- in response to property damage that does not involve imminent danger to self or others;
- when contraindicated in the child’s behavior plan;
- for longer than 15 minutes for children aged nine and younger; and
- for longer than 30 minutes for children aged 10 and older.
FKC 20.03
- how to notify the organization following each use of a physical intervention;
- documentation of the incident; and
- debriefing with the child and resource family members involved in or witness to the incident.
- the physical and emotional state of everyone involved;
- precipitating events; and
- how the incident was handled and any additional supports or resources needed in order to avoid future incidents.
FKC 20.04
- when it is appropriate to use a physical intervention;
- proper and safe use of interventions, including time limits for use;
- understanding the experience of being placed in manual restraints;
- assessing physical and mental status, including signs of physical distress;
- response techniques to prevent and reduce injury;
- assessing when to discontinue the physical intervention; and
- negative effects that can result from misuse of restrictive interventions.
Family Foster Care and Kinship Care (FKC) 21: Resource Family Development, Support, and Retention
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
FKC 21.01
- regular, inviting, and accessible opportunities for peer support; and
- recreational and social activities.
Organizations can also offer tailored networking and support opportunities to meet the unique needs and interests of different groups of resource parents, for example, kinship caregivers, treatment parents, resource families caring for children with shared characteristics, resource parents who are LGBTQ, and prospective resource parents awaiting their first placement.
FKC 21.02
- child care;
- counseling, including any services and supports needed to address family relationships;
- respite care;
- transportation;
- peer support opportunities outside of the organization;
- cultural, recreational, and social activities outside of the organization; and.
- informal resources that can offer support.
FKC 21.03
However, the mutual review should not be conducted by a licensing worker as an isolated occurrence - in contrast, it should ideally be conducted in collaboration with the child welfare caseworker, and include a review of information and issues that arose throughout the year.
FKC 21.04
- financial assistance, including any specialized financial supports available to kinship caregivers;
- legal services;
- housing assistance and resources needed to provide a safe home environment;
- food and clothing;
- physical and mental health care;
- training on child-specific needs; and
- supportive services, including in-home and peer supports.
Interpretation: When the organization is working with American Indian and Alaska Native children and families, tribal representatives should be used as resources to help locate the most appropriate services for kinship caregivers.
NA By virtue of contract, the organization does not work with kinship caregivers.
FKC 21.05
- providing resource families who have not yet been matched with a child ongoing information and support while they wait;
- conducting exit interviews with resource families who leave the organization to determine why they left; and
- annually evaluating retention data to determine what strategies/practices work well, and what strategies/practices may need to be modified or eliminated.
Family Foster Care and Kinship Care (FKC) 22: Respite Care
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
FKC 22.01
- available respite care resources;
- frequency and duration of respite care; and
- approved respite caregivers.
Respite care plans may also incorporate developmentally-appropriate normalcy activities, such as recreational activities or sleepovers.
FKC 22.02
- respite duration;
- the number and the needs of other children in the respite care home;
- ability to respect and support the child's culture, race, religion, gender identity, and sexual orientation;
- relationship to the child;
- appropriate skills or training to provide therapeutic or medical care, when necessary; and
- sleeping accommodations appropriate to the child's age, gender, and any special needs, when providing overnight respite.
- two children under age two;
- four children over age 13; and
- two children in treatment foster care.
FKC 22.03
- are familiarized with the child's daily routines, preferred foods and activities, safety plan, and needed therapeutic or medical care;
- provide enriching activities appropriate to the child's interests, age, development, physical abilities, interpersonal characteristics, culture, and special needs; and
- work with resource parents to plan for children’s continued participation in any therapeutic, educational, or employment activities, when applicable.
FKC 22.04
FKC 22.05
FKC 22.06
Family Foster Care and Kinship Care (FKC) 23: Case Closing and Aftercare
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- In a few instances, the organization terminated services inappropriately; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent; or
- A formal case closing evaluation is not consistently provided to the public authority per the requirements of the standard.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Services are frequently terminated inappropriately; or
- Aftercare planning is not initiated early enough to ensure orderly transitions; or
- A formal case closing summary and assessment is seldom provided to the public authority per the requirements of the standard; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
FKC 23.01
- is a clearly defined process that includes assignment of staff responsibility;
- begins at initial assessment; and
- involves the worker, children, families, resource families, and other supportive people chosen by children and families, as appropriate.
FKC 23.02
FKC 23.03
FKC 23.04
- develop an aftercare plan, sufficiently in advance of case closing, that identifies the family’s needs and goals and facilitates the initiation or continuation of needed supports and services, including crisis resources; or
- conduct a formal case closing evaluation, including an assessment of unmet need, when the organization has a contract with a public authority that does not include aftercare planning or follow-up,.