2024 Edition

Youth Psychosocial Services Definition


Youth participating in Psychosocial Services receive community based services that facilitate childhood development and resiliency using a holistic approach that improves family functioning and increases child well-being and safety.


Youth Psychosocial Services (PA-YPS) provide an interdisciplinary, psychoeducational, and therapeutic program to engage youth in a variety of cognitive, physical, and social activities appropriate to their needs, interests, and abilities in order to promote healthy development.  

Many youth who benefit from youth psychosocial services have complex needs, requiring service planning with multiple service sectors. In order to meet these needs many programs use the wraparound approach of service planning to provide intensive, individualized care with the goal of maintaining the youth in the home and the community, or the appropriate least restrictive setting. While it is not necessary to use Wraparound services when providing psychosocial rehabilitation to youth, the research supports that participation in Wraparound services sustains youths’ ongoing participation in services. An agency may engage in a wraparound approach without being a wraparound program. The aim of these programs is to engage the youth, family/primary caregiver, and all service providers to develop and implement a plan with shared goals and outcomes. The main effort of these programs may not be to provide direct service, but they still fall under the umbrella of youth psychosocial programs and benefit from these standards. For programs that offer solely wraparound services, documentation of the other services to which youth are connected will suffice.

Note: The term ‘youth’ refers to individuals between the ages of 3 and 21 whose developmental needs can be met through engagement in a psychosocial rehabilitation program and who have a primary caregiver.

Note: While addressing the needs of the youth is the primary goal of youth psychosocial rehabilitation programs, oftentimes it is essential to provide support for the family/primary caregiver and engage them in services as well. Agencies should work with the youth to understand their definition of “family” in order for youth to develop and sustain permanent, lifelong connections.

Note: Standards PA-YPS 3.03 and PA-YPS 3.04 are for Wraparound-specific programs only.

Note: Please see PA-YPS Reference List for the research that informed the development of these standards. 

Note:For information about changes made in the 2020 Edition, please see the YPS Crosswalk.

2024 Edition

Youth Psychosocial Services (PA-YPS) 1: Person-Centered Logic Model

The agency implements a program logic model that describes how resources and program activities will support the achievement of positive outcomes.


Viewing: PA-YPS 1 - Person-Centered Logic Model


NotePlease see the Logic Model Template for additional guidance on this standard.  
Full Implementation, Outstanding Performance
A rating of (1) indicates that the agency's practices fully meet the standard and reflect a high level of capacity.  
  • All elements or requirements outlined in the standard are evident in practice, with rare or no exceptions: exceptions do not impact service quality or agency performance. 
Substantial Implementation, Good Performance
A rating of (2) indicates that an agency's infrastructure and practices are basically sound but there is room for improvement.
  • The majority of the standards requirements have been met and the basic framework required by the standard has been implemented. 
  • Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality or agency performance.

Partial Implementation, Concerning Performance
A rating of (3) indicates that the agency's observed infrastructure and/or practices require significant improvement.  

  • The agency has not implemented the basic framework of the standard but instead has in place only part of this framework.  
  • Omissions or exceptions to the practices outlined in the standard occur regularly, or practices are implemented in a cursory or haphazard manner.  
  • Service quality or agency functioning may be compromised.  
  • Capacity is at a basic level.
Unsatisfactory Implementation or Performance
A rating of (4) indicates that implementation of the standard is minimal or there is no evidence of implementation at all.  
  • The agency’s observed service delivery infrastructure and practices are weak or non-existent; or show signs of neglect, stagnation, or deterioration.


PA-YPS 1.01

A program logic model, or equivalent framework, identifies:

  1. needs the program will address;
  2. available human, financial, agency, and community resources (i.e. inputs);
  3. program activities intended to bring about desired results;
  4. program outputs (i.e. the size and scope of services delivered); 
  5. desired outcomes (i.e. the changes you expect to see in persons served); and
  6. expected long-term impact on the agency, community, and/or system.

Examples: Please see the W.K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide and COA Accreditation's PQI Tool Kit for more information on developing and using program logic models.  

Examples: Information that may be used to inform the development of the program logic model includes, but is not limited to: 

  1. needs assessments and periodic reassessments; 
  2. risks assessments conducted for specific interventions; and
  3. the best available evidence of service effectiveness. 


PA-YPS 1.02

The logic model identifies desired outcomes in at least two of the following areas:

  1. change in clinical status;
  2. change in functional status;
  3. health, welfare, and safety;
  4. permanency of life situation; 
  5. quality of life; 
  6. achievement of individual service goals; and 
  7. other outcomes as appropriate to the program or service population.

Interpretation: Outcomes data should be disaggregated to identify patterns of disparity or inequity that can be masked by aggregate data reporting. See PA-PQI 5.02 for more information on disaggregating data to track and monitor identified outcomes. 

2024 Edition

Youth Psychosocial Services (PA-YPS) 2: Personnel

Personnel providing youth psychosocial or wraparound services have the competency and support needed to provide services and meet the needs of the youth served.
Interpretation: Competency can be demonstrated through education, training, or experience. Support can be provided through supervision or other learning activities to improve understanding or skill development in specific areas.
Full Implementation, Outstanding Performance
A rating of (1) indicates that the agency's practices fully meet the standard and reflect a high level of capacity.  
  • All elements or requirements outlined in the standard are evident in practice, with rare or no exceptions: exceptions do not impact service quality or agency performance. 
Substantial Implementation, Good Performance
A rating of (2) indicates that an agency's infrastructure and practices are basically sound but there is room for improvement.
  • The majority of the standards requirements have been met and the basic framework required by the standard has been implemented. 
  • Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality or agency performance.

Partial Implementation, Concerning Performance
A rating of (3) indicates that the agency's observed infrastructure and/or practices require significant improvement.  

  • The agency has not implemented the basic framework of the standard but instead has in place only part of this framework.  
  • Omissions or exceptions to the practices outlined in the standard occur regularly, or practices are implemented in a cursory or haphazard manner.  
  • Service quality or agency functioning may be compromised.  
  • Capacity is at a basic level.
Unsatisfactory Implementation or Performance
A rating of (4) indicates that implementation of the standard is minimal or there is no evidence of implementation at all.  
  • The agency’s observed service delivery infrastructure and practices are weak or non-existent; or show signs of neglect, stagnation, or deterioration.


PA-YPS 2.01

Personnel providing direct services are qualified by: 
  1. a bachelor’s degree in a health-related field;
  2. an associate’s degree in a health-related field and minimum of one year of experience;
  3. 30 hours, or their equivalent, of college credit toward a bachelor’s degree in a health-related field and 1 year of experience; or
  4. two years of work experience in a supervised mental health setting.


PA-YPS 2.02

Direct service supervisors are qualified according to services provided, program design, and regulations and by one or more of the following:
  1. an advanced degree in a human services field and a minimum of two years professional experience;
  2. substantial experience in the psychosocial rehabilitation field which, based on the organization’s decision, substitutes for specific educational requirements; and/or
  3. national or state certification, licensing, or registration in the psychosocial or psychiatric rehabilitation field.
 Example: Some states require those in a supervisory role have certification or licensure by the designated authority in their state, such as the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association Children's Psychiatric Rehabiliation Certificate.


PA-YPS 2.03

The program is under the direction of a rehabilitation specialist who has a minimum of two years direct care experience working with youth with a serious emotional disorder and who is:
  1. a licensed mental health professional; or
  2. a member of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Canada/Readaption Psychosociale Canada (PSR/RPS Canada) and has obtained the PSR/RPS Canada Psychosocial Rehabilitation Recovery Practitioner Certificate. 
Interpretation: Rehabilitation specialists may have a dual role of supervisor and program director, if their workload permits.


PA-YPS 2.04

A rehabilitation specialist is employed for:
  1. at least 20 hours per week when the program serves less than 30 youth; or
  2. at least 40 hours per week when the program serves 30 or more youth.


PA-YPS 2.05

Direct service personnel are trained on, or demonstrate competency in:
  1. partnering and engaging with families;
  2. the use, management, and side effects of psychotropic medications;
  3. youth psychiatric rehabilitation process and evidence based practices;
  4. the needs of youth who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or gender non-conforming;
  5. the characteristics and treatment of emotional or behavioral problems of youth; and
  6. recovery and recognizing the risk factors that increase vulnerability to relapse.


PA-YPS 2.06

The agency maintains service continuity for youth by:
  1. assigning a worker early in the contact, when appropriate; and
  2. minimizing the number of workers assigned to an individual over the course of their contact with the agency.


PA-YPS 2.07

Employee workloads support the achievement of youth outcomes and are regularly reviewed.
Examples: Factors that may be considered when determining employee workloads include, but are not limited to:
  1. the qualifications, competencies, and experience of the worker, including the level of supervision needed;
  2. the work and time required to accomplish assigned tasks and job responsibilities; and
  3. service volume, accounting for assessed level of needs of clients.
2024 Edition

Youth Psychosocial Services (PA-YPS) 3: Rehabilitation Team

The rehabilitation team consists of professionals that represent each sector providing services to the youth as well as the youth themselves, the primary caregiver, and any appropriate family members or natural supports.
Full Implementation, Outstanding Performance
A rating of (1) indicates that the agency's practices fully meet the standard and reflect a high level of capacity.  
  • All elements or requirements outlined in the standard are evident in practice, with rare or no exceptions: exceptions do not impact service quality or agency performance. 
Substantial Implementation, Good Performance
A rating of (2) indicates that an agency's infrastructure and practices are basically sound but there is room for improvement.
  • The majority of the standards requirements have been met and the basic framework required by the standard has been implemented. 
  • Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality or agency performance.

Partial Implementation, Concerning Performance
A rating of (3) indicates that the agency's observed infrastructure and/or practices require significant improvement.  

  • The agency has not implemented the basic framework of the standard but instead has in place only part of this framework.  
  • Omissions or exceptions to the practices outlined in the standard occur regularly, or practices are implemented in a cursory or haphazard manner.  
  • Service quality or agency functioning may be compromised.  
  • Capacity is at a basic level.
Unsatisfactory Implementation or Performance
A rating of (4) indicates that implementation of the standard is minimal or there is no evidence of implementation at all.  
  • The agency’s observed service delivery infrastructure and practices are weak or non-existent; or show signs of neglect, stagnation, or deterioration.


PA-YPS 3.01

The rehabilitation team, with input from the youth and primary caregiver, coordinates services with specialty mental health, substance use treatment, education, child welfare, primary health care, and juvenile justice, as appropriate.
Interpretation: If the agency does not provide any of the services listed above, such as may be the case for Wraparound programs, then it must formally document how those youth’s needs are being met. If the services are not necessary for the youth (e.g., they are not involved with juvenile justice at all), it should be documented that the youth was assessed for those needs and it was determined unnecessary.


PA-YPS 3.02

A lead worker serves as the primary point of contact for the youth and family/primary caregiver in the service planning process to:
  1. perform a strengths-based assessment;
  2. conduct plan-of-care meeting;
  3. help to determine needs and resources;
  4. arrange for provision of specific services; and
  5. monitor implementation of the service plan.
Examples: A point of contact may have a different title from agency to agency, for example wraparound programs would refer to this individual as the care coordinator.


PA-YPS 3.03

The wraparound care coordination team includes a care coordinator, personnel providing services from each sector, the child and family team, a mobile crisis team, and a provider network.
NA The agency does not provide wraparound services.
Examples: The child and family team may consist of the youth and, in addition to the primary caregiver, all adults and family members that play a positive role in the youth's life as well as provide natural community support. Child and family teams can also include a family support partner (also referred to as a family support specialist) who is a parent who has had similar experiences with their own family and as a result has an understanding of the various systems and is able to provide support to the other adults to help them find their voice.


PA-YPS 3.04

Prior to a crisis situation, youth and their primary caregivers are informed about how to access the mobile crisis team, which includes psychologists and social workers trained in crisis intervention, when the care coordinator is not available.
Interpretation: When permitted by state regulation, the organization may contract with a third party, such as a community crisis hotline, to provide crisis assistance.
NA The agency does not provide wraparound services.
Examples: A mobile crisis team may be of use when the care coordinator is not available to review a potential inpatient psychiatric hospitalization of a youth.


PA-YPS 3.05

The agency creates a provider network by cultivating a relationship with an array of service providers to help support the youth and family/primary caregiver’s needs.
2024 Edition

Youth Psychosocial Services (PA-YPS) 4: Intake and Assessment

The agency’s intake and assessment practices ensure that youth receive prompt and responsive access to appropriate services.
Full Implementation, Outstanding Performance
A rating of (1) indicates that the agency's practices fully meet the standard and reflect a high level of capacity.  
  • All elements or requirements outlined in the standard are evident in practice, with rare or no exceptions: exceptions do not impact service quality or agency performance. 
Substantial Implementation, Good Performance
A rating of (2) indicates that an agency's infrastructure and practices are basically sound but there is room for improvement.
  • The majority of the standards requirements have been met and the basic framework required by the standard has been implemented. 
  • Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality or agency performance.

Partial Implementation, Concerning Performance
A rating of (3) indicates that the agency's observed infrastructure and/or practices require significant improvement.  

  • The agency has not implemented the basic framework of the standard but instead has in place only part of this framework.  
  • Omissions or exceptions to the practices outlined in the standard occur regularly, or practices are implemented in a cursory or haphazard manner.  
  • Service quality or agency functioning may be compromised.  
  • Capacity is at a basic level.
Unsatisfactory Implementation or Performance
A rating of (4) indicates that implementation of the standard is minimal or there is no evidence of implementation at all.  
  • The agency’s observed service delivery infrastructure and practices are weak or non-existent; or show signs of neglect, stagnation, or deterioration.


PA-YPS 4.01

The agency defines in writing:
  1. eligibility criteria, including age, developmental stage, and custodial status;
  2. scope of services and supports, special areas of expertise, and range of behavioral/emotional concerns addressed;
  3. opportunities for active family participation and support; and
  4. opportunities for active participation in community activities.


PA-YPS 4.02

Youth and primary caregivers are screened and informed about:
  1. how well their request matches the agency's services; and
  2. what services will be available and when.
NA Another agency is responsible for screening, as defined in a contract. 

Fundamental Practice

PA-YPS 4.03

Prompt, responsive intake practices:
  1. gather information necessary to identify critical service needs and/or determine when a more intensive service is necessary;
  2. give priority to urgent needs and emergency situations;
  3. support timely initiation of services; and
  4. provide placement on a waiting list or referral to appropriate resources when youth cannot be served or cannot be served promptly.
Interpretation: When it is not possible to directly connect youth to services, documentation of the reason why should be provided in the case record, for example, when youth are moved by the state.
Interpretation: Vulnerable populations, such as youth that are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ), are at high risk of violence and harassment. The agency should ensure these youth are safe, welcomed by staff, and are treated with respect. For example, providing intake forms that allow youth to self-identify their gender as well as their first name and preferred pronouns can support that effort.
Examples: Agencies can respond to identified suicide risk by connecting youth to more intensive services; facilitating the development of a safety and/or crisis plan; or contacting emergency responders, 24-hour mobile crisis teams, emergency crisis intervention services, crisis stabilization, or 24-hour crisis hotlines, as appropriate.


PA-YPS 4.04

Youth participate in an individualized, culturally, and linguistically responsive assessment that is:
  1. completed within established timeframes;  
  2. updated as needed based on the needs of youth; and
  3. focused on information pertinent for meeting service requests and objectives. 
Interpretation: Youth who have been the victims of human-trafficking will oftentimes have severe deficiencies in their educational, emotional, and physical development in addition to any serious emotional disturbance or behavioral issues they may be struggling with. If at any time during the assessment it becomes apparent that the youth has been a victim of human trafficking, particular attention should be placed in those areas.


PA-YPS 4.05

Youth are assessed for:
  1. a history and presence of emotional and behavioral problems, substance use and other health conditions; 
  2. educational status, including enrollment in early childhood education or school; 
  3. developmental history;
  4. traumatic experiences and trauma-related symptomatology;
  5. past or present connection to the juvenile justice system;
  6. medical history, including past medication prescriptions and efficacy; 
  7. life skills and community support; and
  8. resource needs of the family/primary caregiver. 

Interpretation: The Assessment Matrix - Private, Public, Canadian, Network determines which level of assessment is required for COA’s Service Sections. The assessment elements of the Matrix can be tailored according to the needs of specific individuals or service design.

2024 Edition

Youth Psychosocial Services (PA-YPS) 5: Service Planning and Monitoring

Youth participate in the development and ongoing review of a service plan that is the basis for delivery of appropriate services and supports.
Examples: Service sectors frequently accessed by youth include: specialty mental health, substance use treatment, education, child welfare, general medicine, and juvenile justice.
Full Implementation, Outstanding Performance
A rating of (1) indicates that the agency's practices fully meet the standard and reflect a high level of capacity.  
  • All elements or requirements outlined in the standard are evident in practice, with rare or no exceptions: exceptions do not impact service quality or agency performance. 
Substantial Implementation, Good Performance
A rating of (2) indicates that an agency's infrastructure and practices are basically sound but there is room for improvement.
  • The majority of the standards requirements have been met and the basic framework required by the standard has been implemented. 
  • Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality or agency performance.

Partial Implementation, Concerning Performance
A rating of (3) indicates that the agency's observed infrastructure and/or practices require significant improvement.  

  • The agency has not implemented the basic framework of the standard but instead has in place only part of this framework.  
  • Omissions or exceptions to the practices outlined in the standard occur regularly, or practices are implemented in a cursory or haphazard manner.  
  • Service quality or agency functioning may be compromised.  
  • Capacity is at a basic level.
Unsatisfactory Implementation or Performance
A rating of (4) indicates that implementation of the standard is minimal or there is no evidence of implementation at all.  
  • The agency’s observed service delivery infrastructure and practices are weak or non-existent; or show signs of neglect, stagnation, or deterioration.


PA-YPS 5.01

An assessment-based service plan is developed in a timely manner with the full participation of the youth and their family/primary caregiver, and includes:
  1. agreed upon goals, desired outcomes, and timeframes for achieving them;
  2. services and supports to be provided, and by whom; 
  3. possibilities for maintaining and strengthening family relationships and other informal social networks; 
  4. procedures for expedited service planning when crisis or urgent need is identified; and
  5. the youth’s signature.
Interpretation: If the youth has been identified as a victim of human trafficking, the agency should work with the youth and their primary caregiver to develop a safety plan that focuses on increasing physical safety by securing needed documents, property, and services and linking efficiently to law enforcement, if needed.

Interpretation: Noting experiences with family rejection and opportunities for increasing family acceptance and support should be part of the assessment for family relationships and the service plan should include culturally appropriate education and guidance to help families with LGBTQ youth decrease family rejection and increase family support.


PA-YPS 5.02

The service plan addresses, as appropriate:
  1. unmet service and support needs;
  2. psychological and emotional needs;
  3. educational goals;
  4. cultural interests;
  5. development of life skills, including preparation to work or continuation of schooling; and
  6. improvement in the person’s quality of life and necessary skills to remain within the community.

Fundamental Practice

PA-YPS 5.03

Youth and their primary caregivers work with the service provider to create a crisis or safety management plan that addresses ways to prevent escalation of youth’s behavior and identify steps to take in the event of a crisis.


PA-YPS 5.04

The worker and a supervisor, or a clinical, service, or peer team, review the service plan quarterly, or more frequently depending on the needs of youth, to assess:

  1. service plan implementation;
  2. progress toward achieving service goals and desired outcomes; and
  3. the continuing appropriateness of service goals and chosen interventions.
Interpretation: When experienced workers are conducting reviews of their own cases, the worker’s supervisor must review a sample of the worker’s evaluations as per the requirements of the standard.


PA-YPS 5.05

The worker, youth, and his or her family/primary caregiver:
  1. review progress toward achievement of agreed upon service goals; and 
  2. sign revisions to service goals and plans.
2024 Edition

Youth Psychosocial Services (PA-YPS) 6: Psychosocial Interventions

The program encourages youth to achieve their highest level of functioning by addressing specific emotional or behavioral needs and helping them to enhance coping skills. 
Full Implementation, Outstanding Performance
A rating of (1) indicates that the agency's practices fully meet the standard and reflect a high level of capacity.  
  • All elements or requirements outlined in the standard are evident in practice, with rare or no exceptions: exceptions do not impact service quality or agency performance. 
Substantial Implementation, Good Performance
A rating of (2) indicates that an agency's infrastructure and practices are basically sound but there is room for improvement.
  • The majority of the standards requirements have been met and the basic framework required by the standard has been implemented. 
  • Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality or agency performance.

Partial Implementation, Concerning Performance
A rating of (3) indicates that the agency's observed infrastructure and/or practices require significant improvement.  

  • The agency has not implemented the basic framework of the standard but instead has in place only part of this framework.  
  • Omissions or exceptions to the practices outlined in the standard occur regularly, or practices are implemented in a cursory or haphazard manner.  
  • Service quality or agency functioning may be compromised.  
  • Capacity is at a basic level.
Unsatisfactory Implementation or Performance
A rating of (4) indicates that implementation of the standard is minimal or there is no evidence of implementation at all.  
  • The agency’s observed service delivery infrastructure and practices are weak or non-existent; or show signs of neglect, stagnation, or deterioration.


PA-YPS 6.01

The program offers at least two of the following services:
  1. counseling or supportive therapy, including individual therapy, group therapy, and family therapy;
  2. peer support;
  3. case management;
  4. community-based activities; and
  5. recreational activities.
Interpretation: If the agency primarily acts as a coordinator rather than as a provider, as might be the case for Wraparound services, then they should document which of the services are provided by the partnering agencies.


PA-YPS 6.02

Core service components focus on helping youth improve and manage the quality of their lives by supporting the following:
  1. development of self-care and activities of daily living skills, such as personal hygiene and nutrition;
  2. medication compliance and an understanding of how to manage their illness/condition;
  3. socialization and effective communication;
  4. recreational and leisure time activities;
  5. organizational skills management;
  6. anger management;
  7. coping skills;
  8. conflict skill training;
  9. management of finances, if age appropriate; and
  10. vocational and/or educational development, depending on the age of the youth.


PA-YPS 6.03

The program offers youth a variety of opportunities to achieve service goals through individual, group, and/or milieu activities focused on:
  1. learning how to relate positively to others;
  2. anticipating and controlling behaviors that interfere with inclusion in the community;
  3. experiencing peer support and feedback;
  4. developing personal awareness and boundaries;
  5. engaging in positive problem solving methods;
  6. building on strengths and enhancing self-reliance and productivity; and
  7. celebrating competence and success.


PA-YPS 6.04

The agency directly provides, coordinates, or formally arranges for:
  1. 24-hour crisis intervention;
  2. crisis residential and other emergency services;
  3. inpatient and outpatient psychiatric services;
  4. medical and dental services;
  5. medication management;
  6. integrated mental health and substance use education and services;
  7. education-related services and assistance; 
  8. employment and life skills training; and
  9. legal advocacy and representation.


PA-YPS 6.05

The families/primary caregivers of youth are offered or referred to community services, including:
  1. family psychoeducation;
  2. emotional support and therapy;
  3. self-help referrals; and
  4. care coordination, as needed.
2024 Edition

Youth Psychosocial Services (PA-YPS) 7: Social and Community Connections

Youth cultivate and sustain connections with their community and social support network to promote positive well-being.
Full Implementation, Outstanding Performance
A rating of (1) indicates that the agency's practices fully meet the standard and reflect a high level of capacity.  
  • All elements or requirements outlined in the standard are evident in practice, with rare or no exceptions: exceptions do not impact service quality or agency performance. 
Substantial Implementation, Good Performance
A rating of (2) indicates that an agency's infrastructure and practices are basically sound but there is room for improvement.
  • The majority of the standards requirements have been met and the basic framework required by the standard has been implemented. 
  • Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality or agency performance.

Partial Implementation, Concerning Performance
A rating of (3) indicates that the agency's observed infrastructure and/or practices require significant improvement.  

  • The agency has not implemented the basic framework of the standard but instead has in place only part of this framework.  
  • Omissions or exceptions to the practices outlined in the standard occur regularly, or practices are implemented in a cursory or haphazard manner.  
  • Service quality or agency functioning may be compromised.  
  • Capacity is at a basic level.
Unsatisfactory Implementation or Performance
A rating of (4) indicates that implementation of the standard is minimal or there is no evidence of implementation at all.  
  • The agency’s observed service delivery infrastructure and practices are weak or non-existent; or show signs of neglect, stagnation, or deterioration.


PA-YPS 7.01

The agency facilitates the youth’s ability to access all available services and successfully reintegrate into their community by: 
  1. remaining knowledgeable about local, regional, and state resources, including networking and leadership opportunities; and
  2. identifying and developing opportunities for youth to develop positive ties to the community based on mutual interests and abilities.


PA-YPS 7.02

Social and community connections are encouraged by providing or sharing information about opportunities for youth and their families/primary caregiver to participate in:
  1. social, recreational, educational, or vocational activities in their community;
  2. religious observances in the faith group or spirituality of choice; and
  3. family and neighborhood activities consistent with the youth’s ethnic and cultural heritage and tribal affiliation.


PA-YPS 7.03

The program provides most of its services in the community and works with youth to:
  1. effectively navigate the surrounding environment;
  2. identify and use natural resources and peer support to create a supportive community;
  3. develop social support networks and build healthy, meaningful relationships with caring individuals of their choosing; and
  4. participate in group activities where they can meet, support, and share experiences with peers.
Interpretation: Agencies should tailor life skills training to meet the age and developmental level of the youth being served.
Examples: "Caring individuals" may include mentors, community members, friends, classmates, peers, siblings, cousins, grandparents, former resource families, and extended family members.


PA-YPS 7.04

The agency:
  1. makes reasonable efforts to match training and employment opportunities to the goals and interests of youth; and
  2. prohibits exploitation of youth in employment-related training or gainful employment.
NA The agency does not provide employment-related training or jobs to youth.
2024 Edition

Youth Psychosocial Services (PA-YPS) 8: Case Closing and Aftercare

The agency works with youth and their family/primary caregiver to plan for case closing and, when possible, to develop aftercare plans.
Full Implementation, Outstanding Performance
A rating of (1) indicates that the agency's practices fully meet the standard and reflect a high level of capacity.  
  • All elements or requirements outlined in the standard are evident in practice, with rare or no exceptions: exceptions do not impact service quality or agency performance. 
Substantial Implementation, Good Performance
A rating of (2) indicates that an agency's infrastructure and practices are basically sound but there is room for improvement.
  • The majority of the standards requirements have been met and the basic framework required by the standard has been implemented. 
  • Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality or agency performance.

Partial Implementation, Concerning Performance
A rating of (3) indicates that the agency's observed infrastructure and/or practices require significant improvement.  

  • The agency has not implemented the basic framework of the standard but instead has in place only part of this framework.  
  • Omissions or exceptions to the practices outlined in the standard occur regularly, or practices are implemented in a cursory or haphazard manner.  
  • Service quality or agency functioning may be compromised.  
  • Capacity is at a basic level.
Unsatisfactory Implementation or Performance
A rating of (4) indicates that implementation of the standard is minimal or there is no evidence of implementation at all.  
  • The agency’s observed service delivery infrastructure and practices are weak or non-existent; or show signs of neglect, stagnation, or deterioration.


PA-YPS 8.01

Planning for case closing:
  1. is a clearly defined process that includes assignment of staff responsibility;
  2. begins at intake; and
  3. involves worker, youth, family members/primary caregiver, and others, as appropriate to the needs and wishes of the youth.


PA-YPS 8.02

Upon case closing, the agency notifies any collaborating service providers, as appropriate.


PA-YPS 8.03

If the youth has to leave the program unexpectedly, the agency makes every effort to identify other service options and link the person with appropriate services.
Interpretation: The agency must determine on a case-by-case basis its responsibility to continue providing services to persons whose third-party benefits are denied or have ended and who are in critical situations.


PA-YPS 8.04

When appropriate, the agency works with the youth and their family/primary caregiver to:
  1. develop an aftercare plan, sufficiently in advance of case closing, that identifies short- and long-term needs and goals and facilitates the initiation or continuation of needed supports and services; or
  2. conduct a formal case closing evaluation, including an assessment of unmet need, when the agency has an interagency agreement that does not include aftercare planning or follow-up.


PA-YPS 8.05

The agency follows up on the aftercare plan, as appropriate, when possible, and with the permission of youth and their families/primary caregivers.
NA The agency has an interagency agreement that does not include aftercare planning or follow-up.
Examples: Reasons why follow-up may not be appropriate, include, but are not limited to, cases where the person's participation is involuntary, or where there may be a risk to the individual such as in cases of domestic violence.
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