Youth Independent Living Services Definition
Young adults who receive Youth Independent Living Services obtain safe and stable housing, develop life skills and competencies including work readiness, achieve educational and financial growth goals, and establish healthy, supportive adult and peer relationships.Definition
Note:An organization that provides Counseling, Support and Education Services (CSE); Mental Health and/or Substance Use Services (MHSU); Case Management (CM); Workforce Development Services (WDS); Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VOC); Family Foster Care and Kinship Care (FKC); Refugee Resettlement Services (RRS); Pregnancy Support Services (PS); and/or Mentoring Services (MS), will complete additional, complementary service sections.
Note:Please see YIL Reference List for the research that informed the development of these standards.
Note:For information about changes made in the 2020 Edition, please see the YIL Crosswalk.
Youth Independent Living Services (YIL) 1: Person-Centered Logic Model
Logic models have been implemented for all programs and the organization has identified at least two outcomes for all its programs.
Practices are basically sound but there is room for improvement, as noted in the ratings for the Practice Standards; e.g.,
- Logic models need improvement or clarification; or
- Logic models are still under development for some of its programs, but are completed for all high-risk programs such as protective services, foster care, residential treatment, etc.; or
- At least one outcome has been identified for all of its programs.
Practice requires significant improvement, as noted in the ratings for the Practice Standards. Service quality or program functioning may be compromised; e.g.,
- Logic models need significant improvement; or
- Logic models are still under development for a majority of programs; or
- A logic model has not been developed for one or more high-risk programs; or
- Outcomes have not been identified for one or more programs.
Implementation of the standard is minimal or there is no evidence of implementation at all, as noted in the ratings for the Practice Standards; e.g.,
- Logic models have not been developed or implemented; or
- Outcomes have not been identified for any programs.
YIL 1.01
A program logic model, or equivalent framework, identifies:
- needs the program will address;
- available human, financial, organizational, and community resources (i.e. inputs);
- program activities intended to bring about desired results;
- program outputs (i.e. the size and scope of services delivered);
- desired outcomes (i.e. the changes you expect to see in persons served); and
- expected long-term impact on the organization, community, and/or system.
Examples: Please see the W.K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide and COA Accreditation's PQI Tool Kit for more information on developing and using program logic models.
Examples: Information that may be used to inform the development of the program logic model includes, but is not limited to:
- needs assessments and periodic reassessments;
- risks assessments conducted for specific interventions; and
- the best available evidence of service effectiveness.
Examples: YIL services can address the attainment of foundational, short-term, achievable outcomes that lay the groundwork for longer-term positive outcomes. Depending on age, time in the program, and other factors, outcomes such as school graduation or training completion can either be immediate or can begin with improving on test scores or reading at or above grade level. Steps toward achieving economic self-sufficiency can include achieving such financial growth goals as completing a financial education program, understanding and obtaining a good credit rating, or building a savings account.
YIL 1.02
The logic model identifies desired outcomes in at least two of the following areas:
- change in clinical status;
- change in functional status;
- health, welfare, and safety;
- permanency of life situation;
- quality of life;
- achievement of individual service goals; and
- other outcomes as appropriate to the program or service population.
Interpretation: Outcomes data should be disaggregated to identify patterns of disparity or inequity that can be masked by aggregate data reporting. See PQI 5.02 for more information on disaggregating data to track and monitor identified outcomes.
Youth Independent Living Services (YIL) 2: Personnel
- With some exceptions, staff (direct service providers, supervisors, and program managers) possess the required qualifications, including education, experience, training, skills, temperament, etc., but the integrity of the service is not compromised; or
- Supervisors provide additional support and oversight, as needed, to the few staff without the listed qualifications; or
- Most staff who do not meet educational requirements are seeking to obtain them; or
- With few exceptions, staff have received required training, including applicable specialized training; or
- Training curricula are not fully developed or lack depth; or
- Training documentation is consistently maintained and kept up-to-date with some exceptions; or
- A substantial number of supervisors meet the requirements of the standard, and the organization provides training and/or consultation to improve competencies when needed; or
- With few exceptions, caseload sizes are consistently maintained as required by the standards or as required by internal policy when caseload has not been set by a standard; or
- Workloads are such that staff can effectively accomplish their assigned tasks and provide quality services and are adjusted as necessary; or
- Specialized services are obtained as required by the standards.
- A significant number of staff (direct service providers, supervisors, and program managers) do not possess the required qualifications, including education, experience, training, skills, temperament, etc.; and as a result, the integrity of the service may be compromised; or
- Job descriptions typically do not reflect the requirements of the standards, and/or hiring practices do not document efforts to hire staff with required qualifications when vacancies occur; or
- Supervisors do not typically provide additional support and oversight to staff without the listed qualifications; or
- A significant number of staff have not received required training, including applicable specialized training; or
- Training documentation is poorly maintained; or
- A significant number of supervisors do not meet the requirements of the standard, and the organization makes little effort to provide training and/or consultation to improve competencies; or
- There are numerous instances where caseload sizes exceed the standards' requirements or the requirements of internal policy when a caseload size is not set by the standard; or
- Workloads are excessive, and the integrity of the service may be compromised; or
- Specialized staff are typically not retained as required and/or many do not possess the required qualifications; or
- Specialized services are infrequently obtained as required by the standards.
YIL 2.01
- a bachelor’s degree in social work or another human services field; and
- two years of relevant youth work experience, including experience in case work, group work, and case coordination.
YIL 2.02
- an advanced degree in social work or related field, experience delivering youth services, and supervisory experience; or
- a bachelor’s degree in social work or related field, two years of direct service experience with a comparable population, and three years of supervisory experience.
YIL 2.03
- positive youth development;
- normative youth development and the effects of early trauma, educational gaps and delays, and abuse and neglect on youth development;
- public assistance programs, eligibility requirements, and benefits;
- local housing resources; and
- the community service delivery system.
YIL 2.04
YIL 2.05
- assigning a worker at intake or early in the contact; and
- avoiding the arbitrary or indiscriminate reassignment of direct service personnel.
YIL 2.06
- case complexity, special needs, and circumstances;
- age and population characteristics, including ethnic and cultural factors;
- the qualifications, competencies, and experience of the worker, including the level of supervision needed;
- the work and time required to accomplish assigned tasks and job responsibilities;
- case status, and progress toward achievement of desired outcomes; and
- service volume.
Youth Independent Living Services (YIL) 3: Intake and Assessment
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- In a few rare instances, urgent needs were not prioritized; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Culturally responsive assessments are the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Urgent needs are often not prioritized; or
- Services are frequently not initiated in a timely manner; or
- Applicants are not receiving referrals, as appropriate; or
- Assessment and reassessment timeframes are often missed; or
- Assessments are sometimes not sufficiently individualized;
- Culturally responsive assessments are not the norm, and this is not being addressed in supervision or training; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent; or
- Intake or assessment is done by another organization or referral source and no documentation and/or summary of required information is present in case record.
- There are no written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
YIL 3.01
- identify youth with potential need; and
- increase youth interest and the likelihood that needed supports and services will be used.
YIL 3.02
- how well their request matches the organization’s services; and
- what services will be available and when.
YIL 3.03
The youth and worker meet within 7-14 days, or within a time period consistent with established program timeframes and state guidelines.
YIL 3.04
- address applicable legal protections for youth;
- clarify what youth need and want;
- gather information necessary to identify critical service needs and/or to determine if a more intensive service is necessary;
- provide the basis for further assessment;
- give priority to urgent needs and emergency situations, including health and safety concerns;
- support timely initiation of services;
- determine if youth are eligible to receive services and funding; and
- provide placement on a waiting list or referral to appropriate resources when individuals cannot be served or cannot be served promptly.
YIL 3.05
- confirm the youth’s age and legal status and, as appropriate, obtain necessary, authorized, written approvals for service from a legal guardian;
- contact prior placements for confirmation about services the youth may have received, as appropriate; and
- arrange to meet where the youth lives so the worker can observe and document if the arrangement is safe, healthy, and provides suitable social, emotional, and physical care and support.
YIL 3.06
YIL 3.07
- completed within established timeframes;
- updated as needed based on the needs of the youth; and
- focused on information pertinent for meeting service requests and objectives.
YIL 3.08
- strengths, needs, challenges, and protective factors;
- emotional and social competence and current level of peer group and community involvement;
- involvement in challenging, interesting activities;
- family connections, and relationships with other responsible adults;
- availability and use of informal supports;
- life skills;
- educational status and progress toward achieving an age-appropriate educational level or school completion;
- housing; and
- physical and mental health care needs.
Interpretation: The Assessment Matrix - Private, Public, Canadian, Network determines which level of assessment is required for COA’s Service Sections. The assessment elements of the Matrix can be tailored according to the needs of specific individuals or service design.
Youth Independent Living Services (YIL) 4: Service Planning and Monitoring
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- In a few instances, client or staff signatures are missing and/or not dated; or
- With few exceptions, staff work with persons served, when appropriate, to help them receive needed support, access services, mediate barriers, etc.; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- In several instances, client or staff signatures are missing and/or not dated; or
- Quarterly reviews are not being done consistently; or
- Level of care for some clients is clearly inappropriate; or
- Service planning is often done without full client participation; or
- Appropriate family involvement is not documented; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing; or
- Individual staff members work with persons served, when appropriate, to help them receive needed support, access services, mediate barriers, etc., but this is the exception.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
YIL 4.01
- agreed upon goals, desired outcomes, and timeframes for achieving them;
- services and supports to be provided, and by whom;
- possibilities for maintaining and strengthening family relationships and other informal social networks;
- procedures for expedited service planning when crisis or urgent need is identified; and
- the youth’s signature.
YIL 4.02
- service plan implementation;
- progress toward achieving service goals and desired outcomes; and
- the continuing appropriateness of the agreed upon service goals.
YIL 4.03
- review progress toward achievement of agreed upon service goals; and
- sign revisions to service goals and plans.
Youth Independent Living Services (YIL) 5: Service Coordination for Youth with Special Needs
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
YIL 5.01
YIL 5.02
YIL 5.03
Youth Independent Living Services (YIL) 6: Supportive Housing for Youth in Transition
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
YIL 6.01
- fair and objective selection criteria;
- written notification regarding reasons for non-acceptance; and
- connecting youth deemed ineligible to alternative housing options.
YIL 6.02
YIL 6.03
YIL 6.04
YIL 6.05
YIL 6.06
YIL 6.07
- are provided and explained to youth at intake;
- are clear and simple, avoiding overly rigid and bureaucratic language and rules;
- define specific behaviors, conditions, or circumstances that may result in eviction and discharge;
- include timely due process provisions; and
- describe the conditions or process for re-admittance.
Youth Independent Living Services (YIL) 7: Family, Community, and Workplace Connections
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
YIL 7.01
- remains knowledgeable about local, regional, and state resources, including networking and leadership opportunities; and
- finds and creates opportunities for individuals to develop positive ties to the community based on mutual interests and abilities.
YIL 7.02
YIL 7.03
- youth-family connections;
- development of social support networks and healthy, meaningful relationships with caring individuals;
- participation in peer group activities where they can meet, lend support, and share positive experiences; and
- a coordinated response to youth interests and needs.
YIL 7.04
- money management, including budgeting, saving, investing, and building credit;
- use of community resources;
- accessing public assistance;
- nutrition and food preparation;
- stress management and coping;
- time management;
- relationship building, effective communication, and conflict resolution;
- problem solving and decision making;
- hygiene, self-care, and personal safety; and
- exercising legal rights and responsibilities, such as voting.
YIL 7.05
- information on obtaining housing and household management;
- education regarding available community housing options;
- education on tenant rights and responsibilities;
- assistance obtaining a safe, growth-enhancing living environment; and
- advocacy for safe, affordable, appropriate housing for youth with a goal of independent living.
YIL 7.06
- high school or GED programs;
- colleges or universities;
- vocational training programs; and
- special education services.
YIL 7.07
- development of good work habits, skills, and self-awareness essential to sustained employment;
- development of self-confidence and presentation skills;
- resume writing, completion of job applications, and preparation for interviews;
- access to and use of employment information and data to understand job options, and clarify current and future work aspirations; and
- use of local employment resources, job finding, and placement options, including on-the-job training.
YIL 7.08
- medical services, such as routine care and medication management or monitoring;
- dental services;
- counseling, mental health services, and chemical dependency services;
- age-appropriate education regarding family planning, HIV/AIDS, and STD prevention, and general information about the prevention and treatment of disease; and
- insurance coverage, when available.
YIL 7.09
- crisis intervention;
- transportation;
- legal assistance, including assistance with citizenship and naturalization;
- parent education and family support;
- child care and development; and
- activities that support social, cultural, and recreational interests, and religious observance.
Youth Independent Living Services (YIL) 8: Transition from the Service System
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
YIL 8.01
- transfer or termination of custody information, as applicable;
- information about rights and services to which the person may have access as a result of a disability;
- information needed to access specialized services and navigate adult-serving systems;
- information on availability of affordable community-based healthcare and counseling;
- court and public assistance systems information;
- child care services information; and
- support through community volunteers or individuals who have made a successful transition, as appropriate.
YIL 8.02
YIL 8.03
- supervised household management practice, when possible;
- tenancy and landlord supports, as appropriate; and
- support when needed to address potential landlord-tenant issues impacting youth residents.
YIL 8.04
- a source of income;
- affordable health care;
- access to at least one committed, caring adult; and
- access to positive peer support.
YIL 8.05
YIL 8.06
- an identification card;
- a social security or social insurance number;
- a resume, when work experience can be described;
- a driver’s license, when the ability to drive is a goal;
- medical records and documentation, including a Medicaid card or other health eligibility documentation;
- an original copy of the youth’s birth certificate;
- religious documents and information, when appropriate;
- documentation of immigration, citizenship, or naturalization, when applicable;
- death certificates when parents are deceased;
- a life book or a compilation of personal history and photographs, as appropriate;
- a list of known relatives, with relationships, addresses, telephone numbers, and permissions for contacting involved parties;
- previous placement information; and
- educational records, such as high school diploma or general equivalency diploma, and a list of schools attended, when age-appropriate.
Youth Independent Living Services (YIL) 9: Case Closing and Aftercare
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- In a few instances, the organization terminated services inappropriately; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent; or
- A formal case closing evaluation is not consistently provided to the public authority per the requirements of the standard.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Services are frequently terminated inappropriately; or
- Aftercare planning is not initiated early enough to ensure orderly transitions; or
- A formal case closing summary and assessment is seldom provided to the public authority per the requirements of the standard; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
YIL 9.01
- is a clearly defined process that includes assignment of staff responsibility;
- begins at intake; and
- involves the worker, the youth, and others, as appropriate to the needs and wishes of the youth.
YIL 9.02
YIL 9.03
YIL 9.04
- a transition plan summary, including the individual’s options;
- a list of emergency contacts, and
- the organization’s contact information.